Kasatha with Prosthetics.


So in my epic level advice thread, I have something going on for a Kasatha with 6 arms (two of which are Vestigial Arms), but he keeps replacing limbs with prosthetics.

I want to streamline this for a PC, so I am requesting help on that.

Here are all the options so far:

Magus (Jistkan Artificer). They get a Golem Arm to replace an arm.

Brawler (Constructed Pugilist). They get a Constructed Limb to fit over their arm, with the fluff saying the preexisting arm is deformed from being a mutant of some sort. Could just refluff this as being a whole replacement arm.

Clockwork Prothesis. For replacing the remaining arms and for the legs.

Clockwork Arm. A different option for replacing an arm.

Vestigial Arm Alchemist Discovery. Gives extra arms to mess with.

Wizard Hook. Is a magical version of a Hook Hand. Can replace a lost hand with it.

Hand's Detachment. Allows a hand to be removed while still benefiting from it. Could keep it always detached and put something on the arm in its place.

Maniac Hand. Replacement hand. Probably don't want this unless it is an evil campaign, but it is an option.

Nargrym's Steel Hand. Replacement hand. Probably won't get access to it though, since it is an artifact.

Cybertech. Has many replacement options, like arms and legs, as well as other things that can be added to the body, but most likely won't get access to any of it, due to being technology, but is an option.

Arms of the Iron God. Replacement for arms, shoulders, and much of the spine. Most likely won't get it as they are a technology artifact.

Okay, I think that is all my options. There are also mundane Prosthetics, False Teeth, and Peg Legs, but I don't think there would be any reason to get them when I have magical (and maybe technological) options.

Since you are going to be taking levels in Alchemist to get the vestigial arms you may want to look at the Tinkerer archetype. When you take hands detachment your hand should gain the clockwork construct type/subtype. Alternatively you could dip a level into Clocksmith Wizard to get a similar ability to gain the clockwork construct type/subtype for your familiar hand.

Trokarr wrote:
Since you are going to be taking levels in Alchemist to get the vestigial arms you may want to look at the Tinkerer archetype. When you take hands detachment your hand should gain the clockwork construct type/subtype. Alternatively you could dip a level into Clocksmith Wizard to get a similar ability to gain the clockwork construct type/subtype for your familiar hand.

I love the Clocksmith Wizard idea, and that one has no ambiguity, unlike the Tinkerer Alchemist idea.

Thank you for this.

I think Clocksmith wizard is a better option myself. I’m not too keen on having the hands normal stats overwritten with the Clockwork Spy’s stats but I figured I’d include it anyway. With the Wizard option familiar archetypes are more viable as you won’t lose them because of becoming an improved familiar like you would with Tinkerer. I think it would be funny but not practical to take Mauler for the hand and make it grow to medium size :)

One item I can think of to suggest is the magic item Arms of the Marilith. This would grant you an additional 4 clockwork arms that you can strap on. A generous GM might let you implant the arms rather than wear them. I guess you could get them made as a magic item tattoo and then the arms would be attached to you but that would add cost to an already pricey item. Also Clockwork Armor might be a cool addition but again a fairly pricey item.

Alternative to a clockwork hand you could get a removable clockwork eye by combining Eyebiter Mesmerist and Clocksmith Wizard. A cool addition to this would be to give it the Elemental Familiar archetype and choosing fire as the element. Then you could have your eye shoot fire at enemies (note that this should work even while attached as it functions as a tumor familiar and nothing in the text of tumor familiar prevents the tumor from taking actions while attached). It would also gain the ability to speak its elemental language.

Trokarr wrote:
I think Clocksmith wizard is a better option myself. I’m not too keen on having the hands normal stats overwritten with the Clockwork Spy’s stats but I figured I’d include it anyway. With the Wizard option familiar archetypes are more viable as you won’t lose them because of becoming an improved familiar like you would with Tinkerer. I think it would be funny but not practical to take Mauler for the hand and make it grow to medium size :)

Oh I'm aware of the awesomeness of a Mauler Hand Familiar. If you play as a Small race, you can ride your own hand using that combo.

Trokarr wrote:
One item I can think of to suggest is the magic item Arms of the Marilith. This would grant you an additional 4 clockwork arms that you can strap on. A generous GM might let you implant the arms rather than wear them. I guess you could get them made as a magic item tattoo and then the arms would be attached to you but that would add cost to an already pricey item. Also Clockwork Armor might be a cool addition but again a fairly pricey item.

I like both of these suggestions.

Trokarr wrote:
Alternative to a clockwork hand you could get a removable clockwork eye by combining Eyebiter Mesmerist and Clocksmith Wizard. A cool addition to this would be to give it the Elemental Familiar archetype and choosing fire as the element. Then you could have your eye shoot fire at enemies (note that this should work even while attached as it functions as a tumor familiar and nothing in the text of tumor familiar prevents the tumor from taking actions while attached). It would also gain the ability to speak its elemental language.

This is interesting, but I think I like the Clockwork Hand Familiar better.

Anyways, thank you for all the help.

No problem at all. I really like the idea of clockwork cyborgs in a fantasy setting. I wish Paizo had made a class that was based on that kind of thing.

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