Crating math

Rules Questions

hey all! ok so i have a stupid question... when crafting and adding bonuses to reduce costs or time whats the order in which i add them. I know i dont add them all at once because then it would be super OP. So what is the order in which i add these bonuses?

traits+feats+class features or any other order?

Dark Archive

depends on the bonus.

generally they apply in the order most beneficial to the crafter

list the actual bonuses/sources

you can get crafting down to ridiculously fast things with the a valet familiar (Cooperative Crafting feat) and a wizard discovery (Arcane Builder) then add the +5 to the dc to craft faster (crafting rules)

you need the Magic Item Crafting feat as in this FAQ
a couple of the CRB Magic Item Crafting FAQs start here.

Name Violation wrote:

depends on the bonus.

generally they apply in the order most beneficial to the crafter

list the actual bonuses/sources

you can get crafting down to ridiculously fast things with the a valet familiar (Cooperative Crafting feat) and a wizard discovery (Arcane Builder) then add the +5 to the dc to craft faster (crafting rules)

ok i will edit post with all bonuses :)

first off i am not using any official classes. i am using the artisan from
drop dead studios (new fav crafting class), next i am a secondary gm and this "character" is meant to have the PCs gain equipment they dont have and has not shown up yet. (we roll random loot to make it seem more interesting). now here is the build

currently the class offers:
1) 5% reduction in all crafting costs
2) 25% reduction of crafting cost as a Craftsman Technique
3) 25% reduction of crafting time also as a Technique

Character currently has Brew potion, Wonderous, Arms and Armor

and for a trait he has spark of creation. 5% reduction in cost

As this character increases in level then his bonuses increase. We intend to use him when the PCs are in downtime and for the PCs not have to worry about crafting anything as we discovered early in game that it is a pain and we are dealing with ppl not willing to learn the math.

I like doing things by the book and this NPC will help the PC's alot but I have something planned with him so i want to properly track the wealth he gains from the PCs

So he currently has a 35% reduction in crafting cost from 2x 5% and 1x 25%?

As for 25% reduction in time to craft, what I do is multiply the base price by .75 in order to determine the target amount of crafting progress in gp they need in order to complete it.

I don't recall the specific way you should determine it being specified in the rules, though it works out to be the same mathematically if you keep the target the same and multiply the progress made per day by 1.25x, IIRC.

*or other character with the Cooperative Crafting feat.

Liberty's Edge

I think the reductions aren't additive but instead, they are multiplicative.
That means the production cost goes: 100 (base)x0.95 (5% discount)x0.75 (25% discount)=71.25% of the original production cost.
The same thing for the production time.

Note that the costly material components used for some magic items (like the diamond dust for Stineskin) aren't part of the crafting cost and aren't affected by the reductions. They don't add to the construction time, too.

An example:
Aura strong evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th
Slot none; Price 27,500 gp (+1), 55,000 gp (+2), 82,500 gp (+3),
110,000 gp (+4), 137,500 gp (+5); Weight 5 lbs.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, miracle or wish; Cost 26,250
gp (+1), 52,500 gp (+2), 78,750 gp (+3), 105,000 gp (+4), 131,250
gp (+5)

The selling price of the +1 tome is 27,500, the crafting price is 26,250.
The breakdown is: crating cost of the tome: 1,250 + 25,000 in material components for the Wish, selling price 2,500 + 25,000 for the material components, crafting time 2.5 days.

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