Interest check for a 1 shot SCP themed homebrew campaign


This would be to shake my GMing rust off my bones.

Effectively think something crossed between men in black and x files in a fantasy setting.

The breakdown;

Secure, Contain, Protect.
That is our goal here at the foundation, we deal with anonymous, strange and unexplainable things mostly with the rare few we can explain and it's any thing but mundane.

No, before you ask we can't go destroy everything that falls to us, as usually we only see the other side threw a keyhole, and have no idea how rooted in our plain these things are. Imagine the universe is a rug and the object we contained is a thread, that we just yanked on by eliminating the object, Now the physics of our local reality goes south and now a gate to the upper plains, the devin realms shows up along with it's guard. A 20 story tall angel with a flaming sword half that size that issues telepathic commands and most are forced to obey them.

That is an example, in our story you would be D class, effectively death row inmates, or similar given to the foundation to explore a hazardous area, and gather info. It sounds much simpler then it usually is.

D class introduction:video(NSFW)

But this is an interest check as.i don't know what I want explored as of yet. Thank you for your time .

Sounds like this could be done Paranoia style! Every one gets 6 D-Class.

Phillip Gastone wrote:
Sounds like this could be done Paranoia style! Every one gets 6 D-Class.


I don't know that game , google says a drinking game but that drinking games makes me think of memetics and I love hostile info. Currently I'm leaning towards a lot of maiming and who knows could be a spring board 8nto something using this frist run to give a bunch of flaws and traits, dark and darker style.
Did I find the wrong paranoia?

Google Paranoia,The Computer is Your Friend, Commie Mutant Traitors..

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