New were-creatures

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Do you think we will see new were-creatures in the future in other regions? Or there are enough of those?
I will like to see were-elephants in Vudra for example.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

It is possible, it will be interesting to see what direction is taken with were-creatures in the Remaster.

I would love to a similar idea of were-creatures but for aberrations similar to Marvel Comics symbiotes.

Liberty's Edge

The new book about the wild might give us something.

Radiant Oath

Brinebeast wrote:

It is possible, it will be interesting to see what direction is taken with were-creatures in the Remaster.

I would love to a similar idea of were-creatures but for aberrations similar to Marvel Comics symbiotes.

were creatures are for land mammals. Sea mammals that transform into humans are selkies. Reptiles and birds that transform into humans should be their own thing, too. I want to keep were-creatures in their ecological niche.

The Raven Black wrote:
The new book about the wild might give us something.

I hope so. I'm also hoping for more Animal Form-style spells, with a corresponding increase in the number of options for Animal Instinct barbarian.

Silver Crusade

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AceofMoxen wrote:
Brinebeast wrote:

It is possible, it will be interesting to see what direction is taken with were-creatures in the Remaster.

I would love to a similar idea of were-creatures but for aberrations similar to Marvel Comics symbiotes.

were creatures are for land mammals. Sea mammals that transform into humans are selkies. Reptiles and birds that transform into humans should be their own thing, too. I want to keep were-creatures in their ecological niche.

Selkies are their own specific thing, not werecreatures.

And we have Weresharks already.

Radiant Oath

I'm aware of weresharks and werecrocodiles, and they are both abominations.

Silver Crusade

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Sad wereshark noises :(

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


There creatures.

There castle.

Personally I'd like to see were-creatures keep a focus on their curse. Not necessarily making them irredeemable, but there should be a difference between "someone who turns into an animal" and "someone who is forced to by moon madness"

That said- I'm all here for unexpectedly dangerous were creatures. Yes, I'm talking about werehippos and weredragonflies.

I'm reminded of the story of Leto, having just birthed Apollo and Artemis, wandering the countryside and trying to drink from a pool. The owners of the pool refused to let her drink, and stirred up the water to befoul it. Furious, she turned the pair of them into frogs.

Imagine it. Were-frogs. Were-toads. Nevermind wolves, lets get some REALLY cursed therianthropes.

I liked the concept behind the entothrope from 1E, verminous were-creatures who became various kinds of, well vermin, and would change during the new moon. Mostly it was the new moon aspect I thought was fun.
I think all 'thropes are tied to the full moon now, though.

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I'll say that I am also a fan of your Swan Madiens, although I wouldn't want them classified as Lycanthropes. They're their own thing, and are more special and mysterious for it. That's why, though I like the idea of aquatic lycanthropes, I'd push back on calling them Selkies. Let those beautiful maidens shed their own skin!

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