Avatar Picture Changing to a SMU-F. Is this a Malicious Script or an Easter Egg?

Website Feedback

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I have noticed that since I responded to a discussion thread in one of my PbP games that my avatar picture will turn into a blue lovable character whenever I type this word in the body of the message(SMU-F). I am wondering if this was done intentionally by Paizo or if it could be a malicious script?

R is the fourth letter of the word that I left out in the word above.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It's intentional and very smurfy.

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And it's Murphy, too

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It is the remnant of an April Fool's joke from the early days of the forums.

Its smurftastic is what it is.

Smurfs don't exist.

No smurfs here

Smurfin smurf.

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