Preferences on finess exotic weapons

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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So the Aldori Dueling Sword and the Elven Thornblade. Two of my favorite finesse weapon with art that looks so much alike. So which of the two do people prefer?

The Aldori sword comes with a feat tree to make it more flexible, at the feat cost. It also gets an archetype and a prestige class if you want to go the full Aldori.

The thornblade is a late arrival to the game, like a rapier and scimitar loved each other very much. No feats or archetypes, but it is more versatile out of the box (P/S damage, +2 to confirm crits)

I also wonder which looks more like the Honshu Katana from United Cutlery?

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Have you considered the wakizashi?

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Melkiador wrote:
Have you considered the wakizashi?

Stats are similar to the thornblade, just +4 for coup de grace instead of +2 for crits. Cheaper too.

(aside, in my world, elves wear the thornblade/leafblade combo like Samurai.)

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Sounds like you’ve decided on thorn blade then.

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If you are playing an elf with martial proficiencies the elven thrornblade is the better choice because you don’t need to spend a feat to wield it.

The higher crit range is better than the larger damage die. Both of them qualify for slashing grace so they are even in that respect. Being both a slashing and piercing weapon makes the elven thornblade better for a swashbuckler or other class that has similar restricted class features.

Overall, I have to with elven thornblade.

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I really like the Estoc. It's just a Rapier that does 2D4 damages, with the same 18-20/×2 crit range... but I really like 2D4 as a base damage, for whatever stupid reason.

I also like the Bladed Scarf... for obviously reasons. No, not really... but it can be fun as an Elf Magus stacking the Bladebound, Bladed Scarf Dancer, and Spell Dancer archetypes... now, those three archetypes technically do not stack, but there is nothing broken by allowing them to for this particular combination. Plus, it's a freaking Bladed Scarf, man, let it slide. Great flavor, though. Lots of fun.

Special mention goes to the Spiked Chain, because it's neat.

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I wanna nominate the Elven Branch Spear. Out of the box its a martial weapon for Elves and Half Elves, it is a finessable reach weapon that requires zero feat investment [Unlike Whip or Spiked Chain], and has a +2 to AoOs based on movement (you know, the whole reason you use a reach weapon?). Sure its only got a 3x crit mod and only does 1d8 which is sub-par for most Martial Weapons (basically a Lance without the mounted bonus) but like; its a finesseable reach weapon with zero feat investment for elves. Thats literally unique in Pathfinder.

Love it on Unchained Rogues, Dex to damage on a reach weapon by level three. Beautiful.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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ShroudedInLight wrote:

I wanna nominate the Elven Branch Spear. Out of the box its a martial weapon for Elves and Half Elves, it is a finessable reach weapon that requires zero feat investment [Unlike Whip or Spiked Chain], and has a +2 to AoOs based on movement (you know, the whole reason you use a reach weapon?). Sure its only got a 3x crit mod and only does 1d8 which is sub-par for most Martial Weapons (basically a Lance without the mounted bonus) but like; its a finesseable reach weapon with zero feat investment for elves. Thats literally unique in Pathfinder.

Love it on Unchained Rogues, Dex to damage on a reach weapon by level three. Beautiful.

Funny about that. After Sunday's game my Warlock is looking at that (Half elf with weapon familiarity) We've a barbarian and cat up front, and having just hit second level, I'm taking the lethal grace vigilante talent and that might help me in melee.

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