HammerJack |
Overriding all Rarity and Access (instead of granting Access to specific things) is not something any mechanical character option ever does, let alone by the use of a single word without being very explicit.
Thomas Keller |
The adopted ancestry feat specifies common ancestries. But you're playing a rare ancestry so you're already in "ask the GM" territory so I suppose you should just ask them one more thing.
This would be for a Pathfinder Society character.
HammerJack |
PFS allows for a few exceptions to Adopted Ancestry's normal limitation to Common Ancestries, via purchasable boons. Those Uncommon Ancestries should be usable, with the appropriate boon purchased for your skeleton character. Others would not.
HammerJack |
If this is asking about PFS rules, it might be better served to ask over on the PFS board.
I think the fundamental question here is "does using the word 'any' mean that Rarity and Access, and the limitations written in Adopted Ancestry don't apply?" That's not a PFS specific question, even when being asked by someone who wants to know while making a PFS character. This forum is entirely appropriate.
PossibleCabbage |
Like it seems reasonable that if you choose the Sturdy Skeleton heritage which says "a necromancer might choose to reanimate the bones of a dwarf, orc, or other creature with a reputation for sturdiness" and you decided your character was 6'6" because they were made from an Orc skeleton, that you would be allowed to pick "Orc" for As In Life because you probably could not pass yourself off as a Dwarf.
But I wouldn't pretend to know what the rules for PFS are.
graystone |
Sanityfaerie wrote:If this is asking about PFS rules, it might be better served to ask over on the PFS board.I think the fundamental question here is "does using the word 'any' mean that Rarity and Access, and the limitations written in Adopted Ancestry don't apply?" That's not a PFS specific question, even when being asked by someone who wants to know while making a PFS character. This forum is entirely appropriate.
And sometimes when asking a question, the answer is different depending on PFS or not: For instance, PFS might have answered this while the 'normal' game rules are silent on it. IMO, a question asked about PFS is always best asked in that part of the forum. Worst case there isn't anything there for them ad they send you here. Worst case here is they get the wrong answer because the people that answered don't know the PFS houserules.
In this specific situation I know I have no idea what's PFS legal.
HammerJack |
HammerJack wrote:Sanityfaerie wrote:If this is asking about PFS rules, it might be better served to ask over on the PFS board.I think the fundamental question here is "does using the word 'any' mean that Rarity and Access, and the limitations written in Adopted Ancestry don't apply?" That's not a PFS specific question, even when being asked by someone who wants to know while making a PFS character. This forum is entirely appropriate.And sometimes when asking a question, the answer is different depending on PFS or not: For instance, PFS might have answered this while the 'normal' game rules are silent on it. IMO, a question asked about PFS is always best asked in that part of the forum. Worst case there isn't anything there for them ad they send you here. Worst case here is they get the wrong answer because the people that answered don't know the PFS houserules.
In this specific situation I know I have no idea what's PFS legal.
Generally a question that is about general rules, like this one, will be moved out of the PFS forum because it is not a question about the specific rules of that campaign. And no, there is not a special PFS ruling on this. The relevance of this being for a PFS character is basically just that "ask for GM about making special allowances" isn't really an answer, since the structure of that campaign, where you may have a different GM every time, does not allow for the GM if a particular session you play to make a lasting decision about permanent character options.