
Blackstorm's page

Organized Play Member. 856 posts. No reviews. 8 lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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I is what I ask...

I don't I download, but I would need pdf from beginning to end, in my account.... how do I do that? (I ask because I download it by hand, it's impossible or almost impossible...)... do you have any suggestions to make it faster is with zero or almost no errors?

I can't find Pathfinder First Edition when it goes from 11 a to 12... I with 1e, I play ... so how do you do it? Do you delete Foudry 11 and then reinstall Foundry 12, or if not--how do I act?

Where is Bestariy Remastared 1, I am having a hard time finding it, because Bestariy Remastared 1 turns out to be already released, however finding the manual (paizo site), I can't... could someone help me.

On a book, spell, and riual, how much is cost a book? Why i'm have player copy spell, and resell book? How much they sell?

Anathema, I can propose for cleric who as background Tax Collector? Which anathema is suitable?

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Suggest a method to transport Agents of Edgewacth from pathfinder 2ed -> pathfinder 2ed remaster?

PF2: Question, I did the search, but can't find it: bunyip teeth, 50 (more or less) the creature, how much are they worth? 1 mo per tooth? Or less or more?

Agents of Edgewatch: Sixty Feet Under, ch 1. Smugglers' den, at level 4 or 5? Because "the agents should reach in level 5 in the course of their investigation of the upcoming bank robbery," Smugglers' Lair, at what level at 4 or 5? I am undecided...

Captain Morgan wrote:
To my knowledge there's no plan to discount the Remastered books, partially because they aren't actually necessary to keep playing the game and relevant rules content is available for free online anyway. Could be wrong. Not sure what you mean by wait for plan.

I nethys leave it among my favorites, however, I feel like spending money along paizo, all there.

I own pdf Pathfider 2ed. How do I get discounts (on Monster Handbook, on GM Guide, it is yes Player 1 and 2)? Excluding, because there I did not purchase I purchased directly from Paizo (before How do I do that? The problem is that I am in Italy, so I only go ahead with pdf (from USA to Italy that too shipping)... How do I do that? Or if I don't get a chance to discount, I wait for plan, plan, manual of Players Core 1&2, GM, Monsters.

Hmmm. Is difficult for me Str is not "useful" is Dex is useful ... sigh.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Phantom is hit or not hit by the weapon that hits at Dexterity instead of Strength? Rules say Strength doesn't hit, but Dexterity hits - what am I missing?

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QuidEst wrote:
Blackstorm wrote:
Polymath, and fest Multifrious Muse (maestro): "By adding a flourish, you make your compositions last longer. You learn the lingering composition focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.". I'm in doubt: Inspire Courage, if it uses the Lingering Composition, has it CD X to be surpassed, or he does't roll, to be Inspire Courage, or similar go on the allies?
Did I answer your question, Blackstorm? I had a little trouble understanding the question, so I wanted to check.

I ask you forgiveness.. You have, with other, respond my answer... I thank you, for the patience :)

Polymath, and fest Multifrious Muse (maestro): "By adding a flourish, you make your compositions last longer. You learn the lingering composition focus spell. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1.". I'm in doubt: Inspire Courage, if it uses the Lingering Composition, has it CD X to be surpassed, or he does't roll, to be Inspire Courage, or similar go on the allies?

Scroll of illusory disguise, it 3 GP. And the same page, it's level 1st, 4gp. I don't 3 GP have a sense...

Eh... The barbarian...
"Titan Mauler (Instinct Ability)
[...] but you have the clumsy 1 condition because of the weapon's unwieldy size. You can't remove this clumsy condition or ignore its penalties by any means while wielding the weapon"
clumsy 1 inscitint
But talent:

"Giant's Stature

You grow to incredible size. You become Large, increasing your reach by 5 feet and gaining the clumsy 1 condition until you stop raging. Your equipment grows with you."
clumsy 1...

Are differe a duration? Yes is may be clumsy 2... no?

Familiar pathbuilder2ed, is Str +0, Dex +0, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0, is correct? I'm a level 1... Correct?

Clumsy 1 + clumsy 1= clusy 2 or clumsy 1?

General feats level: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19. General, can do you select il skill, example:
"Acrobatic Performer Feat 1
General Skill
Prerequisites trained in Acrobatics
You're an incredible acrobat, evoking wonder and enrapturing audiences with your prowess. It's almost a performance! You can roll an Acrobatics check instead of a Performance check when using the Perform action."

Gemneral and [skill]... Do you can select this in General feats?

How the group rest? Dreaming Palace is 2 or 3 rest. Do have you any suggestion, for maintaining the group in the vicinity of Palace, they rest?

The magic how must uncommon and rare spell, at what cost you must paid
- city
- Wildlands

Two facts, that I have forgotten,
1 - 3 player, but I "created" an Investigartor, "pg" like the 3 players + Investigator.
2 - 4-5 session, he make at leval 2.

I make tentative. I'm not attack 3 times a round, enemey what he another action 3 attacks, they don't serve (3° -10, he does't funcion).
They are, pf1: attack, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and player that have pf1 can get in "modality" pf1, like pf2 is different.

@Darksol the Painbringer: they are at 2nd level...

I GM. And the 3 player, at the 2nd level, agent of Edegewatch... are deluse with pathfider 2e.
1 - woman, bard, the 1st and successive game, "disappointed" from the confront with pathfinder 1... (spells that in 2nd, are more weak the 1st).
2- The second... I've today heard... but player, barbarian, confess to me that you are not satisfied in the game.
3 - Cleric... disappointment in the game pf 2ed, just a cause that a cleric spell are weak...

Suggestion from resolve this problem, gamers are at their first pathfider 2ed... Eh they are pathfinder 1st gamers... How do I convince them that pathfinder 2ed is worth playing?
One player, don't have in my group, question: repair it's money you must not spend... For me yes, player no, you're as not invest money?

I have a players Barbarian. The instct giant. AC: -1 in Rage (untyped) & -1 Giant (clumsy 1) (status)? Total was -2? Are you confirm?

Sigh. I'll initiaton... Days it takes me...

Dancing Wind wrote:

I'm a little unsure of what your question is, but here are the answers I think you are looking for

Not, I expressed myself wrongly. Excuse me. I downloadfile1, downloadfile2, downloadfile3, ecc... How I dowloading all file without I dowload every file at time (downloadfile1 -> 1.pdf, downloadfile2 -> 2.pdf, downloadfile3 -> 3.pdf, but downland [downloadfile1, downloadfile2, downloadfile3] -> [1.pdf, 2.pdf 3.pdf] as sigle comand)?

I have the problem: how to copy download page in hard disk, I don't want dowload sigle voice, but I have to dowload mass... How I work?

Doubt AoO doesn't are feat for the major part of classes... I question about everything alternative... (Grapple I see, but there was anything method?)

Question is here, how I make the movement impossible o risk to move?


Spell Darkness is 20 ft Darkness. The player don't have the darkvision. I master roll 2d20, 1d20+TxC,1d20 11+ "see" the adversary, 10- doesn't see.
1) Is correct?
2) Player must seek the advesary... But 1d20 other... There are 3d20, TxC, 1d20, e 1d20+perception...a what serve the seek?

What serve? I dont't find as what aie usabale...

Thank you :)

I have a pathbuilder2ed... 5 level 0 in can prepare, but I can't prepare evil eye 5 spell I cast...

Hex, 1 per round. Evil Eye I has casting the thing, over the 5 spell 0 I have?

But...Recall Knowledge what is needed? I don't know...

graystone wrote:
Blackstorm wrote:

Unspecific lore?
Specific [vampire lore] vs non-specific [undead lore] for a vampire for example.

Ah :S CD I use x-(2, 5)....

YuriP wrote:

AoN and Foundry modules have the RK DCs already calculated.

But as Sibelius Eos Owm said it's basically monster level DC -2 for Unspecific Lore and monster level DC -5 for Specific Lore.

Unspecific lore?

Recall knowledge (lore), use how much a the DC?

I questioned: but manual 3rd, I pay in case I can to sell?

Temperans wrote:

My personal rule for such things is "always assume the worst case and ask the GM". If the GM agrees with the worst interpretation then no loss. If they however side with the okay or good interpretation then you get to use that stuff.

In this case the familiar abilities would shut off.

I ask the GM. Rules are silecious...

I have 4 formulas, how can I do more formulas? Feats or other?

Does the tatued
"Familiar Tattoo
Item 3
Invested Magical Tattoo Transmutation
Source Secrets of Magic pg. 164 1.1
Price 60 gp
Usage tattooed on the body
This tattoo typically consists of an image of a small animal or of a familiar's name written in runes. Your familiar can meld into your familiar tattoo to be carried in your skin. The familiar must spend a single action, which has the magical, move, and transmutation traits, to meld into or exit your tattoo. It must be adjacent to you to meld into your tattoo, and it exits your tattoo in an open space adjacent to you. Any of the familiar's companion items remain on it, but it can't carry any other items with it. This tattoo is non-magical if you don't have a familiar or if your familiar doesn't remain present for the entire tattooing process. If your familiar dies, this tattoo loses its magic and becomes a mundane tattoo."

Familiar where tattoo, Cantrip connectintion, Familiar Focus, et similar, where tattoo they work, or not?

Eoran wrote:
QuidEst wrote:

Ignore this example. It's using a level 20 feat.

Yes. For a level 20 Witch only. That is also an absurd example that would be completely useless in an actual combat.

The only Hex that you could use with it would be the Hex Cantrip. All of the others would also cost focus points to cast the Hex and so you would run out of focus points sooner.

And yes, after round 5 when you run out of focus points you can no longer cast Cackle and sustain all of them.

A level 10, o 5, o 12... I cackle one round, focus... 1 round cackle, use 1 focus, 2 round use 1 focus to cackle... I use 1 focus at every round, maintain cackle? I use focus ha hex, not a cackle...

Ah, yes. I cofused... thank... is empty e no full... Error my :)

A have a doubt:


"1st round: Hex, Hex, Hex
2nd round: Cackle to sustain all three Hexes, Command Farien to recharge the point from casting Cackle, Hex, Hex.
3rd round: Cackle, Hex, Hex, Hex.
4th round: Cackle, Hex, Hex, Hex.
5th round: Cackle, Hex, Hex, Hex.
And now I am out of focus points to cast Cackle with."
Cackle I have to cackle 1 point goes on infinite, oh I must spend a point 1 focus the round successive?

Ferious Thune wrote:

Cackle is a Free action, not 1 action.

"PFS StandardCackle
Focus 1
Uncommon Enchantment Hex Witch
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 237 2.0
Cast verbal
With a quick burst of laughter, you prolong a magical effect you created. You Sustain a Spell."

Cast: > verbal
1 action

"PFS Standard
Feat 1
Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. 100 2.0
You can extend one of your spells with a quick burst of laughter. You learn the cackle hex. Increase the number of Focus Points in your focus pool by 1."

No action...

I have problem...

I ask, before I cosider the cackle at down.
"You can extend one of your spells with a quick burst of laughter. You learn the cackle hex."
1 action. Extension, like Evil Eye: "Duration sustained up to 1 minute"... I cackle extendo my spell, and don't he have "You have at least one spell active with a sustained duration, and you are not fatigued.", me support the spell I'm fatigued or not?
Second quenstion: I'll Evil Eye, and Nudge Fate (or other focus spell witch), I can (1 focus + 1 focus), have two Cackle, 1 action a cackle, o 2 action, 1 Evil eye, and 1 Nudge fate?

Oh. Thanks you :)

Red Metal wrote:

Here's the full Stealth line from the hazard

Stealth +11 (trained) or DC 23 (trained) to notice scratches around the musical pipes and a slight give to the seal

No, I've writing bad. DC 11 (trained) or DC 23 (trained)... DC 11 what's knowledge is in memory?

(I ask forgive, I don't write question, instead, I writing... I totally delected, I excuse me)

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