Casting level Specialist's Ring?

Rules Discussion

If a 12th level character had the level 10 Specialist Ring, would the spell that it's cast using this ring be:

1. Level of the character

2. Level 10, as the Ring

3. Level of the character if they were a level 10 caster...using wizard, could cast up to level 5

Focus spells are always the level of the char.

Also the item don't give a focus spell it only give you a focus point that's allowed only to be used for your school focus spell. For all the effects this focus spell works as normal.

Yeah, that is how I am reading it too.

It is much like the Familiar ability Familiar's Focus. Once per day it can give you a focus point.

The ring doesn't give you a focus spell to cast. You have to already have that.

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There are also druid's vestments and Cassock of devotion which works the same way ( giving you just a focus point which has to be used in a specific way) respectively for druid's and clerics ( unless the "cleric domains spell" Also work for champions and oraclea).

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