Wood Golem

Erik "The Mountain" Ironfist's page

24 posts. Alias of Seranov.


Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

"Lovely," Erik replies. "So that's it? Find him, stop his evil plot, that whole shtick?"

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Rest up, dude. We'll be here when you feel better.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Erik continues through the passageway, an uncomfortable look on his face as he cautiously makes his way forward.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Erik checks the tunnel before cautiously entering, his eyes darting to and fro as he tries to make sure that the passway is safe. "Thanks," he says to whoever is waiting at the other end, but some nervousness manages to sneak into his voice.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

Erik sighs, not particularly interested in literally busting down the fellow's door to meet him. Beyond being rude, it's generally a good way to get people very, very displeased with you, something the half-giant had learned the hard way when he first began integrating into the societies outside of his tribe. "Would much rather be welcomed in than the alternative," he says, hoping that the people inside can hear through the door.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Erik makes a displeased face, but sticks to the script. He moves to look inside, eyes peeled for anything of note. "Usually people don't trap their homes," the half-giant grumbles under his breath.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Erik nods, clomping along as his strange armor makes surprisingly little noise for its bulk. "Let's hope he's more welcoming than your average necromancer."

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Erik concurs with the others. "Can't say I approve of that kind of dabbling," the half-giant says in a displeased tone, "but if it's our only lead, then it's all we got right now."

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

The crease in Erik's brow relaxes, and he seems to shrink a little as the tension leaves him. ::"That's just fine then,":: he replies to the pseudodragon. ::"Glad to have the two of you."::

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]
Cornelius_Zenareen wrote:
"Wow, just got there in the end then, thought just landed 'let's get him, lets team up' why what A great idea. Just like the one I had when we came in the door and I ask every one there name and if they would like to team up and find who did this. But my all means take the long way there big man."

Erik turns a unimpressed look on the tiny creature. "You're not a people person, huh?" he states, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Like my father used to say," he begins, distaste clear in the half-giant's voice at the memory, "if ya ain't got nothin' nice t' say, shut yer hole."

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Erik rubs at his beard some more. "I don't know about all that. But if he's one of my kind, then it's my duty to make sure this is the last time he does anything like this," he declares, standing tall and planting his feet. "You folk seem like a decent lot. Will you help?" The half-giant turns to each of the gathered heroes in turn, determination in his green eyes.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

's'alright, man. We all make mistakes.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Alright, you need to calm down, Cornelius. It's Thanksgiving Week, and that means travel, being with family, shopping, schoolwork, lots of things that are very important in meatspace.

It is intensely annoying that all you have done is complain, while Cricket has clearly been working on stuff that is important in regards to his own life. The posting rate will pick up once the holiday and school are finished, but if you can't be patient, then I don't know what to tell you.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Erik nods. "I've heard my fair share of screams, too, and if it doesn't sound like her attempts, then I don't know what to tell you," he says, running his fingers through his beard.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

If it weren't the week of Thanksgiving, I'd agree with you. But this time of year is super crazy for most people, so I'm willing to cut everybody some slack.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

::"...They call me "the Mountain," but Ironfist's fine,":: the half-giant replies, blinking at the voice being projected into his head.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Erik nods, seconding Galatea's request. "We'd be glad to help out in any way that we can."

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

I don't particularly mind - Erik's going to wear his emotions on his sleeve, for the most part.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Sitting at a bar, a huge man in expensive-looking clothing is chatting with some locals, a calm smile on his face. Coaxing a glass of alcohol that looks far too small for the man, he engages in small talk with the men and women around him.

"An' did ya hear about th' Gilded Crossroads?" one of the locals asks, slurring slightly. "Heard they found a bunch'a people killed an' nobody knows what hap-" he continues, but is interrupted by the sound of the large man's glass clinking hard against the bar counter. His smile is a lot more forced as he eyes the drunken man.

"Which way?" he asks, his voice booming slightly, even though he was talking in a normal tone. The drunken man stutters to reply, giving him simple directions. "Good. Enjoy your drinks, folks," the giant says, setting a few coins on the bar, before standing to his impressive full height and striding out of the bar. "All play and no work makes Erik a dull man," he mumbles to himself as he walks out the door.

The huge man is obviously a half-giant, walking with a long gait, but his well-kept short black hair and beard, along with his shining emerald eyes make him much nicer to look at than most of his kind. Stepping into an alley, the man rests a hand on his chest, a soft red light seeming to illuminate the garment from the inside. Suddenly, his fancy-looking clothing begins to morph and shift, turning from cloth into a kind of metal skeleton. It bulges and contracts, before clanking shut around the half-giant, looking like some kind of steel armor. "Time for the Mountain to get to work, then," Erik Ironfist says, before he jumps up and flies off, leaving the alley empty, once again.


Minutes later, he arrives in front of the inn, landing heavily on the street outside. The armor around his face and head retracts into the rest of the armor, melding seamlessly without a sound. "What happened here?" he asks the guards posted outside.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

I have literally no idea why my character would be anywhere near this inn. I'd gladly make a first post if I had some more detail.

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]

Were we summoned? By whom? How much do we know about the situation?

Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]


Male Half-Giant Skald (Fated Champion) / Aegis 7 / Champion 3 / Guardian 3 [ HP: 106/106 | AC: 19 T: 12 FF: 18 | DR 3/- | F: +10 R: +5 W: +8 | Init: +8 Perc: +11 | 1st: 5/5, 2nd 4/4, 3rd 2/2 | RS 19/19, FS 1/1, R 3/3 | PP 20/20, MP 9/9 ]


Neat. Glad to be on board. :)

Current Campaigns

Lunar Sloth's Second Darkness

But down in the underground
You'll find someone true
Down in the underground
A land serene
A crystal moon
(David Bowie, Underground)

Map of current encounter Here.

Map of the Gold Goblin - All 3 Floors

Map Locations:

1. Grand Entrance
2. Casino Floor
3. Cashier
4. Cashier's Cage
5. Guardroom
6. Cash Storage
7. Counting Room
8. Night Vault
9. Floor Manager's Office
10. Private Dining Rooms
11. Cellar Entrance
12. Kitchen
13. Scullery
14. Staff Lounge
15. The Goblin's Tankard
16. Privies - These are private bathrooms marked with a sword and a cup, but no other indication of what gender each bathroom is meant for.
17. Atrium
18. Master Suite
19. Guest Rooms
20. Guest Suite - A nicer version of the guest suite that includes lodgings for servants.
21. Linen Storage
22. Staff Quarters - These are for common staff, or temporary hired guards.
23. Dressing Room - Includes costumes for theme events, or for performances.
24. Waiting Area (Where you met with Saul)
25. Owner's Office - Saul's personal office.
26. Record Room
27. Dining Room
28. Saul's Personal Bedroom
29. Your Quarters. Three bunk beds are shoved against the walls next to a pair of wide wardrobes. A small table with three chairs is pushed into one corner, and two overstuffed chairs sit on a wolfskin rug before the hearth. The entrance to a small privy is covered by a thin curtain.
30. Security Catwalks
31. Wine Cellar
32. Wrangler's Chamber
33. The Red Room (underground bar)
34. Guard Alcove (secret entrance to the fighting pit)
35. Armory
36. Infirmary (For Injured Animals)
37. Kennel (currently has a fat boar [Pigsaw], 5 dogs, 2 monkeys)
38. Arena (holds 30 spectators, 1 sp cover charge)
39. The Octahedron (main fighting pit)

Map of Riddleport

ADQ table 1 (inactive)

Sterich and Keoland
Raiding and destruction in Sterich. Heros are needed.
greyhawk gods

DM Papa.DRB - Darklands (inactive)

DM Red Dawg's Giantslayer Campaign (inactive)

Recruitment Complete:

Mazra’s Giantslayer Campaign (inactive)

Trunau is truly a town on the frontier. The frontier between the world of Humans, Elves, Dwarfs and the like and the world of Orcs and Giants. It will take a brave and hardy group of adventurers to defend Trunau and the region from what is about to come.

Cathedral of Minderhal
Minderhal's Valley
XPs and Treasure Giantslayer Campaign

Mazra’s Rise of the Runelords Campaign (inactive)

[AP] Giantslayer Campaign by GM Mazra - Gameplay side action (inactive)