Upcoming Changes to FoundryVTT Adventure Path Module Pricing


Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

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First of all, we’d like to thank everyone for all of the feedback you’ve provided on the Adventure Path modules for Foundry VTT that we’ve released so far. This is fairly new territory for Paizo, so we really appreciate your assistance in figuring out what works and what doesn’t as we move forward.

In retrospect, our recent round of price changes for our AP modules is one for the “doesn’t work” column. While an increase to the base price of the modules was necessary in order to maintain the level of quality that has been so well received with our first few releases, our attempt to simplify the pricing model has had some unforeseen side effects; namely, the fact that purchasing the PDF before the module would result in a higher total cost than buying the module and receiving the PDF as a bonus. We’ve also heard some concerns about the unintended effects for subscribers of reducing the discount for PDF ownership to a flat $10 instead of basing it on the price of the PDF. As a result, we’ve decided to make the following changes, coinciding with the upcoming 8/31/2022 release of Blood Lords Volume 2: Graveclaw.

  • If you purchased the PDF of Blood Lords Volume 1: Zombie Feast before the Foundry VTT module became available … that is, between 7/27 and 8/04 … and then purchased the Foundry VTT module when it became available at its discounted price for PDF owners, you paid a total of $8.99 more than you would have if you had purchased the Foundry VTT module and received the PDF automatically. We intend to address this issue by offering $8.99 in store credit to anyone who both purchased the Zombie Feast PDF for $18.99 before 8/04/22 and purchased the Zombie Feast FoundryVTT module for $19.99 before 8/31/22. Please be aware that our CS department is currently dealing with a large backlog of support tickets and may not be able to apply this credit right away, but we will do what we can to ensure that it is applied as soon as possible.

  • Beginning with Blood Lords Volume 2: Graveclaw, releasing on 8/31/2022, we will be re-adjusting our price points in order to base the discount for PDF owners on the price of the PDF itself. The base price of the Foundry VTT module, which will continue to include the PDF of the same content, will change to $34.99. Users who already own the PDF will be able to purchase the Foundry VTT module by itself at a discount equal to the price of the PDF, which for Blood Lords Volume 2: Graveclaw will bring it to a total of $16.00.

  • We will also be retroactively adjusting the prices of Blood Lords Volume 1: Zombie Feast to match this model on 8/31/2022. Until then, both the Foundry VTT module + PDF bundle and the Foundry VTT code will continue to be offered at their current price points.

    Thanks again for your patience and assistance as we work out these details, and we look forward to continuing to work with Foundry, Sigil, and the community to make these modules as awesome as they possibly can be for what will hopefully be many Adventure Paths to come.

  • Grand Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


    Liberty's Edge

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Are there plans to go back and do the previous APs? I'd love this for Fists of the Ruby Phoenix!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Thank you for reconsidering this. I've gone ahead and purchased the foundry version.

    Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Coridan wrote:
    Are there plans to go back and do the previous APs? I'd love this for Fists of the Ruby Phoenix!

    I can't make any promises, but as a general rule, the more of these we manage to sell, the more of them we can justify making. If and when we do go back and revisit past Adventure Paths, though, we'll probably be going roughly in order of popularity.

    Scarab Sages

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm curious as to what the order of popularity is.

    Marketing & Media Manager

    6 people marked this as a favorite.
    Coridan wrote:
    Are there plans to go back and do the previous APs? I'd love this for Fists of the Ruby Phoenix!

    FofRP is getting a hardcover compilation so it is a future product. Foundry VTT will have the opportunity next year.

    Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Just to be clear: While there is definitely a hardcover compilation of FotRP coming next year, and it's absolutely possible that there will be a Foundry version coinciding with that release as there was with Abomination Vaults, we're not promising anything that hasn't been officially announced. The current list of announced Foundry projects includes Kingmaker, the 5E version of Abomination Vaults, and future Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes as they're released ... but if you have a favorite past AP that you'd like to see in the running someday, absolutely don't hesitate to let us know!

    Is there any idea on the pricing model for Kingmaker? Similar approach when you have the PDF?

    Also I can imagine it won’t be cheap (as it is so large) but will it be around 6 times more expensive?

    But more importantly: will it properly support hexploration? Because that would be awesome.

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    I'd speculate that Kingmaker will probably be about 2x what Abomination Vaults was. But speculation is all that that is.

    Thanks. If it is, that would be more than reasonable given the amount of material covered…..

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Jesus Christ, 35$!!? Is there a way to de-bundle the module from the PDF to bring it down to something reasonable like 15-20$? I mean I don't need the PDF nor journals with a physical copy? Otherwise we're in painful 5e territory: buy physical copy, buy on DnDBeyond, buy on Roll20.

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    If you're planning to buy the print versions and the foundry modules, your best bet would be to subscribe to the AP line. Then you get the PDF for free and can buy the module at the discounted "already have the PDF" rate.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Right, that only applies to the US though since shipping is more expensive than the PDF usually.

    Or is it Paizo's goal to nudge people to stop buying physical product and instead go for digital only?

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    I'm sure that's not their intent, but this is primarily a digital product.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Which is understood - but I do understand the frustrations on paizo’s model for non-US sales - indeed makes subscriptions. Would be awesome if they could do some EU distribution via a local company. (Which is what they did for Kingmaker - so there it isn’t an issue to me).

    Marketing & Media Manager

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Berhagen wrote:

    Is there any idea on the pricing model for Kingmaker? Similar approach when you have the PDF?

    Also I can imagine it won’t be cheap (as it is so large) but will it be around 6 times more expensive?

    But more importantly: will it properly support hexploration? Because that would be awesome.

    We have no Kingmaker details, pricing or otherwise, at this time.

    Aaron Shanks wrote:
    Berhagen wrote:

    Is there any idea on the pricing model for Kingmaker? Similar approach when you have the PDF?

    Also I can imagine it won’t be cheap (as it is so large) but will it be around 6 times more expensive?

    But more importantly: will it properly support hexploration? Because that would be awesome.

    We have no Kingmaker details, pricing or otherwise, at this time.

    Thanks- we’ll wait Theo.

    Shadow Lodge

    Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

    More importantly ... How soon will Blood Lords be V10 compliant? (and Outlaws ...)

    Shea Hoarfoot wrote:
    More importantly ... How soon will Blood Lords be V10 compliant? (and Outlaws ...)

    I know the Foundry volunteer folks who did the stuff like the Beginner Box and the AV compilation Foundry modules announced it'd take around 7 days after V10 stable comes out. And they hope that Sigil, the folks who are doing the AP parts for OoA and BL, will try to get the modules compatible around the same time. No promises, of course.

    As to when the modules will be updated to take advantage of Journals V2, that's slated towards the end of September, I believe (all according to the announcements they posted today on their Discord server).

    Paizo Employee Front-End Engineering Lead

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Shea Hoarfoot wrote:
    More importantly ... How soon will Blood Lords be V10 compliant? (and Outlaws ...)

    As soon as possible, although it may take a week or two.

    In the meantime, please wait to upgrade if you're currently using our premium adventure modules! https://paizo.com/threads/rzs43ocm?Paizo-Foundry-VTT-modules-and-Foundry-v1 0


    Ezekieru wrote:
    As to when the modules will be updated to take advantage of Journals V2, that's slated towards the end of September, I believe (all according to the announcements they posted today on their Discord server).

    Correct. The Pathfinder 2e FoundryVTT Community Server is one of, if not the best way to recieve information as to the progress in which is being done in regards to Pathfinder 2e FoundryVTT content in all regards that do not concern pricing models.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Is there any way to get the modules without the PDF? 35$US is getting expensive for us Canadians for each part of an AP. All six parts comes close to 300$CDN!

    Silver Crusade

    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    No, the module is either something you can buy if you have the PDF or you need to buy the PDF bundle. Not sure where shipping comes in, though?

    Cori Marie wrote:
    No, the module is either something you can buy if you have the PDF or you need to buy the PDF bundle. Not sure where shipping comes in, though?

    Not about shipping, but about everything being mondo expensive in CAD.

    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Did anyone ever get the credit?

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