Rfkannen |
Someone I play with is talking about relaunching one of her old 5e campaigns using pf2e. However I am curious, how well do you think this party would convert to pf2e?
We only had like 4 sessions, so I don't know all the other characters deal SUPER well but this is what I figured out:
* A little orphan annie style human wild magic sorcerer, really played into the wild uncontrollable nature of her magic. Magic was flavored as literally weaving together the web. Was focused on blasting magic, which is harder in pf2e.
* A firbolg barbarian. A tarzan type raised by giant apes, mechanically a bear totem barbarian who did a ton of damage.
* A halfling pact of the chain fey patron warlock. Was only in one session so I don't really know this characters deal.
My character was a member of a homebrew race; which were an empire of lawful evil half ice giant half elves. He was mechanically my best attempt to make a warlord in 5th edition, a valor bard. He was the party leader and did a lot of control and support magic.
Other facts about him that could possibly (but not necessarily) be represented mechanically: He was inspired to pick up music after his human bard husband died of old age (not sure what muse that is). He was devout to the god of pure law. His motivation was to fix the mortal races and make them live as long as his people did. His culture had a major necromancy thing going on, and he has some mild experiences with it but wasn't able to bring back his husband for unknown reasons. I was picturing him started to do mounted combat at higher levels (riding a Pegasus) but we never got to the levels where he could do that so it isn't nececary to carry over.
Would this party convert over well? How would you build it? (I am up for changing parts of my character to make the party work better)

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Offhand, I don't think any of these characters will translate well:
Someone I play with is talking about relaunching one of her old 5e campaigns using pf2e. However I am curious, how well do you think this party would convert to pf2e?
We only had like 4 sessions, so I don't know all the other characters deal SUPER well but this is what I figured out:
* A little orphan annie style human wild magic sorcerer, really played into the wild uncontrollable nature of her magic. Magic was flavored as literally weaving together the web.
Human Sorcerer is easy enough, but I don't think chaos magic is a thing in PF2.
* A firbolg barbarian. A tarzan type raised by giant apes, mechanically a bear totem barbarian who did a ton of damage.
No firbolg rules, but a Animal Instinct or Giant Instinct Barbarian sounds like it fits the general concept (you will have to choose between 'giant' and 'tarzan' concepts).
* A halfling pact of the chain fey patron warlock. Was only in one session so I don't really know this characters deal.
No real Warlock equivilent in PF2: Maybe a Witch if you want to play up the 'patron' aspect...
My character was a member of a homebrew race; which were an empire of lawful evil half ice giant half elves. He was mechanically my best attempt to make a warlord in 5th edition, a valor bard. He was the party leader and did a lot of control and support magic.
Plenty of strong Bard options, but I don't know what to say about your ancestry.
One melee, two casters, and a bard is probably not anyone's first choice for a group makeup: The casters will probably end up in melee more often than they'd like, and they are much less powerful than in other editions (Casters max out at 3 spells per spell level, and all the 'save or be removed from play' powers are very weak against serious foes due to the Incapacitation trait).

Rfkannen |
Offhand, I don't think any of these characters will translate well:Rfkannen wrote:Someone I play with is talking about relaunching one of her old 5e campaigns using pf2e. However I am curious, how well do you think this party would convert to pf2e?
We only had like 4 sessions, so I don't know all the other characters deal SUPER well but this is what I figured out:
* A little orphan annie style human wild magic sorcerer, really played into the wild uncontrollable nature of her magic. Magic was flavored as literally weaving together the web.Human Sorcerer is easy enough, but I don't think chaos magic is a thing in PF2.
Rfkannen wrote:* A firbolg barbarian. A tarzan type raised by giant apes, mechanically a bear totem barbarian who did a ton of damage.No firbolg rules, but a Animal Instinct or Giant Instinct Barbarian sounds like it fits the general concept (you will have to choose between 'giant' and 'tarzan' concepts).
Rfkannen wrote:* A halfling pact of the chain fey patron warlock. Was only in one session so I don't really know this characters deal.No real Warlock equivilent in PF2: Maybe a Witch if you want to play up the 'patron' aspect...
Rfkannen wrote:My character was a member of a homebrew race; which were an empire of lawful evil half ice giant half elves. He was mechanically my best attempt to make a warlord in 5th edition, a valor bard. He was the party leader and did a lot of control and support magic.Plenty of strong Bard options, but I don't know what to say about your ancestry.
One melee, two casters, and a bard is probably not anyone's first choice for a group makeup: The casters will probably end up in melee more often than...
Yeah thats fair and what I was expecting.
pf2e does have wild magic! Its a class archetype called the wellspring mage, it seems pretty fun!
My character is definitely the hardest part, he needs to be a melee character for the party to really work. Are there any non-bard options that would fit the basic idea but make the party balance better?

breithauptclan |

You will probably want to play with the Free Archetype rules in order to get more flavor as you level up.
* A little orphan annie style human wild magic sorcerer, really played into the wild uncontrollable nature of her magic. Magic was flavored as literally weaving together the web. Was focused on blasting magic, which is harder in pf2e.
Human Sorcerer with Wellspring Mage archetype. For backgrounds you have Scavenger, Servant, Street Urchin, or Ward.
* A firbolg barbarian. A tarzan type raised by giant apes, mechanically a bear totem barbarian who did a ton of damage.
Not entirely sure what a Firbolg is (no 5e experience). Animal Instinct Barbarian would probably work. And there is the Feral Child background.
* A halfling pact of the chain fey patron warlock. Was only in one session so I don't really know this characters deal.
Witch is the closes parallel of Warlock, but I don't recommend Witch as a first character for PF2. Perhaps Druid with Feybound background.
My character was a member of a homebrew race; which were an empire of lawful evil half ice giant half elves. He was mechanically my best attempt to make a warlord in 5th edition, a valor bard. He was the party leader and did a lot of control and support magic.
Other facts about him that could possibly (but not necessarily) be represented mechanically: He was inspired to pick up music after his human bard husband died of old age (not sure what muse that is). He was devout to the god of pure law. His motivation was to fix the mortal races and make them live as long as his people did. His culture had a major necromancy thing going on, and he has some mild experiences with it but wasn't able to bring back his husband for unknown reasons. I was picturing him started to do mounted combat at higher levels (riding a Pegasus) but we never got to the levels where he could do that so it isn't nececary to carry over.
I don't think there is anything for a half-giant ancestry. Half elf / half human is easy enough though. As long as the large size doesn't need to have any mechanical effect, that would work.
You might try the feel of a swashbuckler or maybe fighter with high enough Charisma for Marshal archetype. It won't have any actual magic unless you add another archetype though (Bard archetype?).
If the magic is more important, then maybe start with Bard, but it won't have the front line martial combat abilities that I would expect from a Warlord type character.

Captain Morgan |

The human sorcerer should take a look at anandi if they want to have secretly been a spider all along. Go elemental bloodline and you'll be damn good at blasting.
The Tarzan character can go full ape with animal instinct, or if they want to stick with weapons literally any other instinct.
If they are ok with switching from charisma to intelligence, I'd recommend an occult witch. Gets the shadowy patron, a hex, the enchanted familiar, and tricksy spells. (Familiar rules in PF2 are a little controversial but if your DM doesn't get bogged down in them Pact of the Chain will work fine.)
And your character sounds like a valor bard with the artic elf heritage. Because I assume your half giant would be heartier than the average elf, you may want to go half elf with the Elf Atavism feat. To go War Lord, I highly recommend checking out the Martial archetype. You could use that instead or in addition to bard. If you want less casting and more durability, champion with the martial archetype might suffice.

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What breithauptclan said, accept for the last bit about Rfkannen PC.
The party leader with support and control magic sounds like a bard, especially with the music interest. Either a Performance Muse bard + Sentinel archetype or Warrior Muse bard + marshal archetype.
The background sounds like Necromancer's Apprentice. The homebrew race doesn't have a counterpart to giant-kin the Lost Omens setting doesn't have a counterpart to giant-kin . The god of pure law sounds like an inevitable demigod or something. His background sounds like Necromancer's Apprentice.

Captain Morgan |

What breithauptclan said, accept for the last bit about Rfkannen PC.
The party leader with support and control magic sounds like a bard, especially with the music interest. Either a Performance Muse bard + Sentinel archetype or Warrior Muse bard + marshal archetype.
The background sounds like Necromancer's Apprentice. The homebrew race doesn't have a counterpart to giant-kin the Lost Omens setting doesn't have a counterpart to giant-kin . The god of pure law sounds like an inevitable demigod or something. His background sounds like Necromancer's Apprentice.
If you focus on Litanies and Lay on Hands enhancements the Champion actually does a bit control and support ok. It helps that their reaction is one of the strongest strategy distorting effects in the game.

Darksyde |

It may be a bit much for your first outing in PF2E but some of things described seem very 'cross class' when ported over. Perhaps you and your GM could look at the Dual Class optional rule from the GM Guide. It is a fair step up from the Free Archetype options that others have suggested but I get the feeling from your character descriptions it would get you all a lot closer to what you had and also beef up your stats a tad. This will come at the cost of more work in keeping track of all the things on your end and the gm a bit more aware of all the extra options you each have access too. I still think Free Archetype is worth while but if you doubled up with Dual Class I would remove the option of taking class based Archetypes.