Flinging updraft an attack of opportunity

Kineticist Class

I was wondering does the target of flinging updraft provoke attacks of opportunity ?

Not it doesn't provoke an AoO. If don't have moviment trait and haven't a subordinate movement action like Stride it's doesn't provoke AoO. This usually prevent that forced movement could trigger AoO too easy.
But the caster still itself provoke due Impulse trait.

It will if you target an ally since they make a jump action. For enemies, it's forced movement so it wouldn't.

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aobst128 wrote:
It will if you target an ally since they make a jump action. For enemies, it's forced movement so it wouldn't.

They either both do or both don't. There's no 3rd option.

And I think 'jump' there is not an action at all. So both don't.

Errenor wrote:
aobst128 wrote:
It will if you target an ally since they make a jump action. For enemies, it's forced movement so it wouldn't.

They either both do or both don't. There's no 3rd option.

And I think 'jump' there is not an action at all. So both don't.

I was thinking of "leap". It is a very similar effect to the "jump" spell however, which does have the move trait. I imagine that might be the intent. It's a willing target but they're not actually making the decision on where to move but it's not exactly forced. Could use some clarification.

Notice that jump and leap in description aren't capitalized. So they aren't the actions. I dind't find any movent trait in this Impulse Spell that's why that I don't think that it causes an AoO.

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aobst128 wrote:
I was thinking of "leap". It is a very similar effect to the "jump" spell however, which does have the move trait. I imagine that might be the intent. It's a willing target but they're not actually making the decision on where to move but it's not exactly forced. Could use some clarification.

Why were you thinking of 'leap'? There's no such word in the description at all, there's no 'move' trait, there's no wording like 'the target gets an action to leap immediately' and only you decide the destination. There're 'wind heeds your call' and 'target avoids being flung' though.

I do admit 'jump' confused me too. But not that much.

Errenor wrote:
aobst128 wrote:
I was thinking of "leap". It is a very similar effect to the "jump" spell however, which does have the move trait. I imagine that might be the intent. It's a willing target but they're not actually making the decision on where to move but it's not exactly forced. Could use some clarification.

Why were you thinking of 'leap'? There's no such word in the description at all, there's no 'move' trait, there's no wording like 'the target gets an action to leap immediately' and only you decide the destination. There're 'wind heeds your call' and 'target avoids being flung' though.

I do admit 'jump' confused me too. But not that much.

I was just mistaking jump for leap. Currently, the movement is uncategorized and thus lacks a move trait to point to. Since the effects are so similar to the jump spell and other jump like abilities such as inventors explosive leap, I'm guessing the intent is to have it provoke. The wording could be changed to "target receives the effects of the Jump spell" or something like that. Or change it to a fly action.

aobst128 wrote:
I was just mistaking jump for leap. Currently, the movement is uncategorized and thus lacks a move trait to point to. Since the effects are so similar to the jump spell and other jump like abilities such as inventors explosive leap, I'm guessing the intent is to have it provoke. The wording could be changed to "target receives the effects of the Jump spell" or something like that. Or change it to a fly action.

Why are you so bent on making this bad ability?

Also, no, RAI is definitely forced movement, 'You choose the distance and direction of the jump' is very clear.

Errenor wrote:
aobst128 wrote:
I was just mistaking jump for leap. Currently, the movement is uncategorized and thus lacks a move trait to point to. Since the effects are so similar to the jump spell and other jump like abilities such as inventors explosive leap, I'm guessing the intent is to have it provoke. The wording could be changed to "target receives the effects of the Jump spell" or something like that. Or change it to a fly action.

Why are you so bent on making this bad ability?

Also, no, RAI is definitely forced movement, 'You choose the distance and direction of the jump' is very clear.

It wouldn't make it bad, it would be in line with similar effects. It being forced movement is definitely for enemies. For allies, I would hesitate to call it forced since they're willing. I'd concede if it remains this way but I suspect it will be clarified to provoke.

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I would say this is forced movement for everyone. Willing allies are not at any point satisfying the printed requirements of AoO effects anyways, because importantly - they aren't using actions of any sort, not even free actions. Hard to take a movement action when you aren't doing an action.

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