Very simple and straightforwad question

Kineticist Class

Liberty's Edge

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Will this Class be seeing revisions in order to push the tweaks out for further playtesting like some of the earlier playtests?

I tried searching to find out if this is the case and coudln't find a solid answer, perhaps I missed it?

Anyhow, at this point, the class is already on extremely rocky footing and extremely underwhelming in pretty much every way except for just pure narrative flavor so I worry that if the playtest doesn't see a round 2 version we can play around with that the changes that absolutely do need to be made are not going to get the kind of community crowdsourced vetting that this initial version so desperately needed. I know time and staffing are always tight but since this is just one class I implore the team to STRONGLY consider pushing back the release date if need be in order to add a second round of testing and feedback should that not already be the plan.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"Will this Class be seeing revisions in order to push the tweaks out for further playtesting like some of the earlier playtests?"

I would 100% support this. I hope Logan does do this.


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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"Anyhow, at this point, the class is already on extremely rocky footing"

I see what you did there.

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I recommend reading the first page of the playtest.

Verdant Wheel

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the first page of the playtest, bold mine wrote:
Anything can change based on the results of the playtest! These are early iterations of the new class; some abilities might be a bit extreme or stretch some assumptions of the game, and the best way to find out if we’ve gone too far (or in the wrong direction) is for us to deliver a class into your hands. We don’t expect to release any changes to these classes during the playtest itself, only in the final version of the book.

Liberty's Edge

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Perpdepog wrote:
I recommend reading the first page of the playtest.

This is boilerplate playtest language and is very clearly not something that was specifically written for this single class playtest though... but I will say that it is dire sign that their philosophy is generally that they do not like doing multi-release platyests :(

Kinetecist Playtest pg. 1 wrote:

The playtest will run until September 5th, 2022. We’re looking for your feedback, comments, and criticisms regarding this class, but we’re focusing our attention on feedback from play, both online through play-by-post campaigns and VTTs and at home tables for those of you who can play such games safely. Make new characters, use them as PCs or adversaries, and run a few game sessions or encounters using them!

Anything can change based on the results of the playtest! These are early iterations of the new class; some abilities might be a bit extreme or stretch some assumptions of the game, and the best way to find out if we’ve gone too far (or in the wrong direction) is for us to deliver a class into your hands. We don’t expect to release any changes to these classes during the playtest itself, only in the final version of the book.

"these classes" heavily implies that either they had planned to playtest two or more classes when this was written or they just lifted that text from a former playtest document and tweaked the date at the top of the paragraph.

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Also wish they were more open and explicit about their design goals. I get why they aren't, but being cagey just causes other flavors of friction. Ah well.

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