Metal Kineticist Using Elemental Weapon (Humor)

Kineticist Class

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Kineticist: "Now watch as I form this elemental energy into a blade of pure metal!"

Fighter: "Um... yeah... my sword is made of metal too?"

Just had that mental image come up and had to share. :)


More on topic, Elemental Weapon is amazing and definitely one of my favorite things about the class. Although by my read - do you need Martial proficiency if you shape your blast into a martial weapon? Or does it still count as an unarmed strike?

EDIT: Missed the line that says that strikes use your proficiency with blasts. That's pretty cool.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Also worth noting that the current phrasing of the ability and the kit allows you to pick a one handed weapon with the two hand trait and 2 hand it after summoning it.

Also Flexible Blast might combo with it since you can use the weapon for Blasts. If this means you do the the weapon damage with the blast action (which I think you do?) it would mean you can finesse those things. Or use STR with guns. As long as you are using the Blast action with them.

The way the ability is worded seems to imply you can use the Elemental Blast actions with the weapon (as long as it's the same type, melee or ranged) or make strikes on its own, but it doesn't seem to give any support for advancing the weapon's own strike damage (it doesn't say anything about sharing runes, nor does it say that the weapon's damage changes in any way except for its type changing to whatever your blast does). I think that's more an oversight than anything since as it's currently written it's mostly just a debuff.

Verdant Wheel

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cheezeofjustice wrote:

Also worth noting that the current phrasing of the ability and the kit allows you to pick a one handed weapon with the two hand trait and 2 hand it after summoning it.

Also Flexible Blast might combo with it since you can use the weapon for Blasts. If this means you do the the weapon damage with the blast action (which I think you do?) it would mean you can finesse those things. Or use STR with guns. As long as you are using the Blast action with them.

Nice catch with the two-hand trait!

Hm, I had read it as you having the option to either Blast (using Blast rules) or Strike (using Strike rules but presumably still your Handwraps so it isn't Too-Bad-To-Be-True). So the Blast would have its usual damage dice and add-on abilities, while the Strike would be using weapon dice and traits.

MaxAstro wrote:

Kineticist: "Now watch as I form this elemental energy into a blade of pure metal!"

Fighter: "Um... yeah... my sword is made of metal too?"

Just had that mental image come up and had to share. :)


More on topic, Elemental Weapon is amazing and definitely one of my favorite things about the class. Although by my read - do you need Martial proficiency if you shape your blast into a martial weapon? Or does it still count as an unarmed strike?

EDIT: Missed the line that says that strikes use your proficiency with blasts. That's pretty cool.

Man, at least it's not a Wood kineticist!

Ediwir wrote:
MaxAstro wrote:

Kineticist: "Now watch as I form this elemental energy into a blade of pure metal!"

Fighter: "Um... yeah... my sword is made of metal too?"

Just had that mental image come up and had to share. :)


More on topic, Elemental Weapon is amazing and definitely one of my favorite things about the class. Although by my read - do you need Martial proficiency if you shape your blast into a martial weapon? Or does it still count as an unarmed strike?

EDIT: Missed the line that says that strikes use your proficiency with blasts. That's pretty cool.

Man, at least it's not a Wood kineticist!

Wood is probably the best at dealing with unexpected vampires though.

Nitro~Nina wrote:
cheezeofjustice wrote:

Also worth noting that the current phrasing of the ability and the kit allows you to pick a one handed weapon with the two hand trait and 2 hand it after summoning it.

Also Flexible Blast might combo with it since you can use the weapon for Blasts. If this means you do the the weapon damage with the blast action (which I think you do?) it would mean you can finesse those things. Or use STR with guns. As long as you are using the Blast action with them.

Nice catch with the two-hand trait!

Hm, I had read it as you having the option to either Blast (using Blast rules) or Strike (using Strike rules but presumably still your Handwraps so it isn't Too-Bad-To-Be-True). So the Blast would have its usual damage dice and add-on abilities, while the Strike would be using weapon dice and traits.

As I read it, the weapon counts as a weapon of its type (so a longsword is a longsword) but uses your unarmed proficiency. But since it's still a longsword, your handwraps don't do anything to improve it. I do think it's an oversight and it's intended for the damage to scale somehow (either through your handwraps or with some other formula) but I obviously can't be sure of the exact intent.

If you treat summoning a metal weapon out of your gate like how Edward does it in FMA with alchemy, it's significantly cooler.

aobst128 wrote:
If you treat summoning a metal weapon out of your gate like how Edward does it in FMA with alchemy, it's significantly cooler.

That is a good way of imagining the joke because it always bothered me in FMA. Edward can create pillars or giant attacks with alchemy but mostly uses it to alchemically create a weapon with gives him the equivalent strenght of a guy that just happened to have a weapon in the first place.

Imagine if his arm just had a blade to begin with. He wouldn't even need alchemy.

I'm thinking metal is definitely gonna have some precious material options and possibly all the star metal options for the damage you do. Imagine hurling blades of pure adamantine with more weight than a prospector could ever dream of seeing in his lifetime.

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