Build challenge: One turn a Balor as a full BAB class

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hi there,

I would like to pose the following build challenge:

Assuming you begin the day with full resources, and can prebuff at will, what is the minimum level and wealth needed to one turn a standard Balor with >50% odds.

No 3rd party, 25 point buy, all Paizo material allowed, only full BAB classes.

For plot purposes, the Balor grins as you 5 foot step up to him preparing to full attack him.

So this assumes you’re starting five feet from the Balor? Meaning, no missile combatants or Paladins with the Mounted Skirmisher feat?

Phoebus Alexandros wrote:
So this assumes you’re starting five feet from the Balor? Meaning, no missile combatants or Paladins with the Mounted Skirmisher feat?

Yeah, that messed with me a little bit, too... like, what if I don't want to start there? What if I want to sneak up from a distance, or just shoot the Balor full of holes (again, from a distance)? What if I want to use a reach weapon?

Regardless, killing a Balor in one turn, presumably in one-on-one combat should make for an interesting challenge, indeed.

DR 15/cold iron and good
AC 36

I was looking for ways around having to actually deal with hit point damage... being stuck with full BAB classes, though, makes things difficult.

I doubt a Slayer will have a high enough Intelligence modifier to Assassinate a Balor... looking at that +29 Fort save of the Balor, you'd need a DC of 40+ to have a chance... even a level 20 Slayer would need a +20 Intelligence modifier to make that happen.

Thought about trying to beat its 54 CMD, but you take 6D6 fire damage every round you grapple a Balor. That's "only" 21 damage/round, but it's not something exactly easy to avoid with most full BAB classes. Bloodrager might be able to pick up some resistances along the way, but probably won't have immunity.

Is the purpose of this challenge to beat it single-handedly in one round? Like it has to explode/die?

Dark Archive

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vital strike with a+5 oversized, impact, furious, butchers axe, while enlarged. use 2 hand fighter and titan mauler barbarian.

3d6 base becomes 8d6 enlarged

greater vital strike. 32d6.

2 hand fighter adds 2x str mod to damage 40str for easy math (+30).

power attack+ furious focus + vital strike for 32d6+45.

use cyclops helm for nat 20. can only fail confirm on nat 1.

use furious finish for max damage guaranteed

deal 423 damage from a +7 weapon (screw their DR)

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Not finished, but: Level 16 paladin (no archetype)

Starting stats: 18 STR, 16 CHA.

Level 16 stats: 22 STR, 16 CHA - +6 headband makes it 22 CHA.

FEATS: Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Improved Critical: Falchion.

Items: Boots of Haste, +3 Evil-Outsider-Bane Falchion, Potion of Heroism, +6 Headband of CHA.

Spells: Bless Weapon, Divine Favor, Mighty Strength.

Prebuff with Heroism, Mighty Strength, Bless Weapon and Divine Favor.

Round-1 buff with Smite Evil (swift) and Boots of Haste (free)

Attack bonus = +16 BAB, +10 STR, +1 Weapon Focus, +6 CHA, +5 weapon, +2 Heroism, +1 Haste, +3 Divine Favor, -5 Power Attack (no Power Attack penalty on the first attack).

Damage = 2d4 Falchion, +15 STR, +15 Power Attack, +5 Weapon, +16 Smite Evil (double Smite damage on the first successful attack), +3 Divine Favor, +2d6 Bane.

Attack routine: +44/+39/+34/+29/+24, 2d4+54+2d6 (+70 on the first successful attack), 15-20/×2.

Average DPR: ~372.5/370

Important Notes: Smite Evil means that all attacks ignore damage reduction. Bless Weapon means that all critical threats automatically confirm.

Used 20 points on a 25 point buy. Used 4 feats of 8 (4 of 9 if Human). Used 80,400gp of ~315,000gp.

There is plenty of room for improvement here, but also please double-check my maths, this was done while sitting in a waiting room.

Name Violation wrote:
use cyclops helm for nat 20. can only fail confirm on nat 1.

Get yourself a fortune effect to roll twice and take the higher, reduces the chance of that Nat-1 from 5% to 0.25%

a non-lethal, eternal imprisonment option.

- any race \class with size medium or larger (as Balor is large).
get greater eldritch heritage (Harrow), you will of course need the requirements for it. - pick the harrow home ability.
- Get a cyclopic helm.
- at the pre-buff period open your Harrowed Home portal right behind the Balor.
- on your turn bull-rush him in (or any other kind of forced movement maneuver that works. ki throw etc). with helm, the nat 20 is auto-success for combat maneuvers.

welcome to the phantom zone.

(depend on how timeless area interact with movement from an area effected by the flow of time the maneuver might need to be dragging and the portal opening placed at your space, and then use a move action to move out. so that the home has time flowing while you are in it until you exit )

If you want to start further away you can.
The 5 feet start is to mean that you dont need pounce if melee.

It should be dead, and the full BAB thing is to reduce "this combination can make him fail a save or suck, after piercing his SR, with more then 50% odds".

MrCharisma wrote:

Not finished, but: Level 16 paladin (no archetype)


Average DPR: ~372.5/370

So I might be able to do this at a significantly earlier level with the IOMEDAEN ENFORCER archetype, depending on a reading of the rules ...


This ability functions as the paladin’s smite evil ability, but against chaotic-aligned creatures. Smite chaos is twice as effective against chaotic-aligned aberrations, outsiders with the chaotic subtype, and fey.

This ability replaces smite evil.

This kinda looks like it's just a poorly written version of the double-smite-damage on the first strike against evil undead/dragons/outsiders, but techincally it just says it's "Twice as effective".

If it's "twice as effective" that's double the attack bonus, damage bonus and the AC bonus (and maybe even the duration if that ever matters).

If that wording works then I could probably get it all going by level 12 using the same build ...

Starting stats: 18 STR, 16 CHA.

Level 12 stats: 21 STR, 16 CHA - buffed that's 27 STR, 20 CHA.

FEATS: Weapon Focus, Power Attack, Furious Focus, Improved Critical: Falchion.

Items: Boots of Haste, +3 Evil-Outsider-Bane Falchion, Potion of Heroism.

Spells: Bless Weapon, Divine Favor, Bull's Strength, Eagle's Splendor, Enlarge Person.

Prebuff with Heroism, Bull's Strength, Enlarge Person, Eagle's Splendor, Bless Weapon and Divine Favor.

Round-1 buff with Smite Evil (swift) and Boots of Haste (free)

Attack bonus = +12 BAB, +8 STR, +1 Weapon Focus, +10 CHA, +5 weapon, +2 Heroism, +1 Haste, +3 Divine Favor, -1 Size, -4 Power Attack (no Power Attack penalty on the first attack).

Damage = 2d6 Large Falchion, +12 STR, +12 Power Attack, +5 Weapon, +24 Smite Evil (double Smite damage on the first successful attack), +3 Divine Favor, +2d6 Bane.

Attack routine: +41/+37/+32/+27/+22, 2d6+56+2d6 (+80 on the first successful attack), 15-20/×2.

Average DPR: ~383.5/370

Important Notes: Smite Chaos means that all attacks ignore damage reduction. Bless Weapon means that all critical threats automatically confirm. This depends on the reading that Smite Chaos gives 2 X CHA to hit and 2 X level on damage rolls (double that on the first hit), which I'm 99% certain is against RAI, so if you don't allow that (which is reasonable) then it doesn't work.

Used 20 points on a 25 point buy (could be done with 17 points). Used 4 feats of 6 (4 of 7 if Human). Used ~44,000gp of ~108,000gp.

Once again check my maths, this time I'm doing it while watching Adventure Time =P

Never heard of that enforce archetype, interesting

Olde dirty Pistolero/Paladin:

Here we go:

Pistolero 5, Paladin 7

Feats: two weapon fighting, impr. two weapon fighting, greater two weapon fighting, rapid reload, point blank shot, deadly aim, improved Critical Revolver, rapid shot. (8 feats at 12 levels, and pistoleros get a bonus feat at 4, so e can just do this as a human)

Dex 18, CHA 17 Wis 14 starting stats
Dex 24 after stat increases and a +4 belt, CHA 22 after stat increases and a +4 headband.

== Dex 24, CHA 22 BAB 12

2 +1 Holy evil outsider Bane Revolvers

Smiting with deadly aim:

3 shots base, 4 shots rapid shot, 5 shots haste from main hand, 3 shots from off hand = 8 shots, vs AC 20

Each hit (lets ignore the first for a bit) does
D8+7(dex)+7(Smite)+10 (deadly aim) +3(enchantment)=31 damage *8=248 (potentially crit multiplied)
+8*4d6 (holy + outsider bane)= 112
+8*2d6 (precision damage from close range)=56

The AB would be 12(base)+3(ench)+7(dex)+7(Cha) +1 (point blank shot)+1(haste)+4(divine favor with magical knack and fates favored) -4 (deadly aim)- 2 (rapid shot) - 4(two weapon fighting)=34-10=
Main hand= +24, +24, +24 +19 +15
Off hand = +24,+19,+15
We have a total of 8 (1s) + 8(1-4 on the last iterative)=16 out of 160 that will not hit, and also have a crit range of 19 so 2*8=16 out of 160 that will crit, and since revolvers are X4 each crit will more then cancel each miss.

Issues: Haste is not on the Paladin spell list. And I dont think I have a feat slot for sanctioned knowledge to get around this. On the other hand, divine weapon bond can add axiomatic to one revolver. It may be more cunning to add one level of Urban Bloodrager for 1 Paladin level, granting access to haste (I think) and increasing Dex by 4.

Dark Archive

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Mightypion wrote:

Never heard of that enforce archetype, interesting

** spoiler omitted **

Boots of speed would get you haste as a free action

Mightypion wrote:
Never heard of that enforce archetype, interesting

Just to be clear, that's relying on a pretty sketchy reading of how Smite Chaos works. I wouldn't expect a GM to allow it (I had a memory of an archetype that gave double-damage on all attacks with Smite Evil, turns out I was thinking of the Undead Scourge, which doesn't really help against a Balor).

Mightypion wrote:
Olde dirty Pistolero/Paladin

The only thing with that build is it's Very expensive for a level 12 character.

You've got two +4 Pistols, and the Revolver itself costs 4,000gp. That's 72,000gp right there. You've got a +4 Headband and a +4 Belt, that's another 32,000gp. That's 104,000gp, and as a level 12 character you should only have ~108,000gp total.

You can save some of that money: Skip the Headband of CHA and just cast Eagle's Splendor before the fight and it saves you 16,000gp. Honestly you could do the same with the DEX-belt, but you'd have to buy a potion or something. With 1 more level of Paladin you can add Holy to one of your guns using your Divine Bond, so if you grab 1 more level there you can save another 24,000gp.

You don't need all of that, but what it means is that it's doable with significantly less money. Also regarding the Holy Pistols you don't need Holy weapons to bypass DR because Smite Evil does that for you - of course if you need them for the damage-output then yeah, it's a good investment.

All true.
Holy is for the damage, the DR is indeed not very relevant.

Urban Bloodrager kind of can skip the dex belt.

Now that you mention it though, Abyssal Bloorager 12 Paladin 1 probably does it as well (Abyssal has +8 morale, and self access to a lot of buffs).
Monstrous Physique 2 into a Death Snatcher, Smite (to make sure all the secondaries have reasonable odds of hitting), have a holy evil outsider bane amulet of might fists, and something like a vicious evil outsider bane falchion.

Unfortunately, one cant really raging brutality and smite in one turn, as both compete for swift actions.

Would also depend on how the GM rules the Abyssal Bloodragers claw increases when he is already in a form that has claws. Can you boost 2 of your secondary claw attacks with it if you assume a 4 clawed form?

Mightypion wrote:
Unfortunately, one cant really raging brutality and smite in one turn, as both compete for swift actions.

Well since you have time to pre-buff you could Smite while pre-buffing. That should solve that one.

Mightypion wrote:
Abyssal Bloorager 12 Paladin 1 ... Monstrous Physique 2 into a Death Snatcher...

Just a note that Bloodragers don't get 4th level spells till level 13. Again you can overcome this with a scroll or wand (no UMD check needed for the wand), but you'd have to include it in your money.

Also worth noting that if you're just taking the paladin level for Smite you might be able to ignore it. A +3 weapon overcomes DR/Cold-Iron, and a Holy weapon overcomes DR/Good, so a +1 Holy Evil-Outsider-Bane weapon will overcome a Balor's DR for only 32,000gp, and gives +3 to hit and +3+4d6 damage, which is pretty good. It's a bit more expensive on an Amulet of Mighty Fists - 64,000gp - but if you can find another way to overcome DR/Cold-Iron then you can drop that to 36,000gp.

Lv 9 Natural Attack Blender:
Bloodrager 1 / Weretouched Shifter 4 / Snakebite Striker 1 / Fighter 2 / Reliquarian Occultist 1

Str 18, Dex 14

Adopted->Elven Reflexes
+1 Trait

Feats and levels
1 Extra Rage, Improved Initiative

2 Deinonychus Aspect
3 Power Attack
5 Planar Wild Shape, Lycanthropic Wild Shape

6 +1d6 SA

7 Weapon Shift, Imp Weapon Shift (B)
8 Greater Weapon Shift (B)

9 Accomplished Sneak Attacker, Law Domain

Magic Items
+1 Furious Bardiche (8313)
Rhino Hide (5165)
3x Scabbard of Vigor (5600)
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism (500)
Cloak of Resistance +2 (4000)
Boots of Speed (12000)
Helm of the Mammoth Lord (8500)

~44000 / 46000 gp

Bite (1d8), Bite (1d8), Claw (1d4), Claw (1d4), Talon (1d8), Talon (1d8), Gore (1d6)

9 (BAB) +9(Str) +8 (Enhancement) +2 (Charge) +1 (Haste) -3 (PA)
= +26/+26/+26/+26/+26/+26/+26

9 (Smite) +9 (Str) +8 (Enhancement) +6 (Power Attack) +2d6 (Bane) +2d6 (Rhino Hide) +2d6 (SA)
= 32 +6d6

2 (Dex) +4 (Familiar) +4 (Imp Initiative) +2 (Aspect) +2 (Trait) +1 (Ioun stone)
= +15

This build only has +8 BAB, but I think it fits within the spirit of the challenge which is to deal a lot of martial damage.

We'll be abusing the Greater Weapon Shift feat to apply a +4, Bane, Furious effect to all 7 natural attacks while we're pouncing the Balor. They also get the Reach property so that the Balor won't get an AoO when we engage.

The buffing phase is to spend a point of Mental Focus to make the +1 Furious weapon into a +1 Furious Bane weapon, then draw it out of a Scabbard of Vigor. This temporarily makes it a +4 Furious Bane weapon, and we transform with Wild Shape before the 1 round duration is over. This makes all of our natural attacks (and even unarmed strikes as we have a level of Brawler) into +4 Furious Bane weapons until the Wild Shape duration is over*. Which lasts for hours.

Then before meeting our foe, we cast the Touch of Law domain power and hold the charge. We discharge it on ourselves (a free/nonaction) the same round we're pouncing to treat all attack rolls as being 11, for a total of 37 vs its flat-footed AC.

About 395 dmg.

*According to my interpretation at least. I believe its the original state of the weapon at the time of transforming that counts. It should however be possible to both draw the weapon and transform-pounce in the same round if not.

I don't like to make complicated calculations. i'll just drop a few pointers to getting a ton of damage done.

Paladin's smite, as mentioned get pass the dr and deal +1 damage\level (2 at 1st attack if not exchanged by archtype).

the spell saddle surge can get a paladin who increased his caster level to his character level +1 damage per level (paladin get -3 to caster level, but a trait and an item can offset that). so at level 20 a paladin with a horse can have it double move (50x2 =100) to gain + 20 moral bonus to weapon damage.

a mind sword paladin get Telekinesis as a 4th level spell. that allow him to throw up to 15 weapons (anything from daggers at 1d4 to greatswords at 2d6 etc) all at once. each gain the smite bonus damage and the saddle surge.

that there at level 20 is 620 added damage before weapon and other stuff like point blank shot etc. (60 for 1st hit at 20x2 smite. rest of 14 at 40)

now you can probably start calcuating how much lower you can go and still one round kill the balor.

i'll only add that since the Balor can't see into fog etc getting a goz mask and a saltspray ring would net a +2 to attack and remove it's dex bonus for ac. (so the ac drops to 29)

with telekinesis using bab and smite adding cha to hit. it's miss only on a nat 1 at level 20 and probably a lot lower. depend on the rest of the build.

i call this the "Brave Sir Robin" build.
as he can stay far from the enemy, or at 30 ft but out of reach for point blank (all this time hidden by fog cloud). then move around him for 100 ft on horse (named "totally not a servant with 2 half coconut shells") and then drops the weapons he had set before (maybe quick draw them?) to shoot them all from floor level inside his fog cloud at the enemy (probably aiming for the groin).

I can hear the bards singing:

"... So bravely out of reach he stayed.
He gallantly hid in the fog he made.
Brave-brave-brave brave Sir Robin..

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