Build challenge: a PC with the most feats possible?


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A human fighter gets 21 feats by level 20. Taking that as the minimum standard, who can build a PC with the most feats? This should ideally also be a viable build that requires a lot of feats to work well!


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Ironbound Samurai and Fighter gets to stack so that is even more feats

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Inquisitors can swap out their feat's multiple times per day. By 20th level an inquisitor could have the ability to change his latest teamwork feat 12 times. A human can take focused Study to trade out their bonus feat to gain skill focus 3 times. That puts gives the human inquisitor 13 normal feats and 6 teamwork feats. Taking the Sedition Inquisition gives them persuasive and leadership as bonus feats. That brings them up to 21. Taking the Sanctified Slayer archetype will give you 4 Slayer talent which will allow you to have 4 more feats, Take Ranger Combat Style for one free bonus feat, Combat Trick gives you a bonus combat feat, Weapon Training gives you weapon focus, and Finesse rouge will get you Weapon Finesse. That brings the total amount of feats up to 25 without factoring in the ability to swap out your latest teamwork feat.

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Taking a Dip in spiritualist and keeping the dedication/duty phantom inside at all times gives 2 Skill focus and Iron will, although there are conditions when you dont have them.

Another thing to consider is do you count the classes initial weapon and armor proficiencies? If so the Human fighter actually has 28 feats not 21. That narrows down the inquisitors lead to 2 feats, if you factor in the inquisitor gets proficiency in their deities favored weapon.

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A Vigilante can get (specific) bonus feats with every social talent, and through Racial Heritage (Halfling) you can get three additional such talents. Draconscale Loyalist nets you two bonus feats in return for the 1st level social talent. So two bonus feats + 12 talents.

Taking Shield of Fury, Strike the Unseen, Whip of Vengeance, Sweeping Strike, and lastly Signature Weapon grants you 11 feats over 5 talents, ending at 16 bonus feats.

Last addition, replace the human bonus feat with the Focused Study ART for skill focus x3.

43 feats in total, but realistically you'll want to take at least one or two non-feat options. So let's say 41.


Now to make something actually viable:

Whip-n-bash lv 16:
Aldori Caution

Archetype feats
1 EWP (Dueling Sword)
4 Persuasive

Social Talents
3 Social Grace
5 Intrigue Feats: Nerve-Racking Negotiator
7 Intrigue Feats: Street Smarts
8 Intrigue Feats: Sense Relationship
9 Intrigue Feats: Confubalist
11 Intrigue Feats: Sense Assumptions
13 Intrigue Feats: Rhetorical Flourish
14 Always Prepared: Brilliant Planner
15 Intrigue Feats: Persuasive Bribery

Vigilante Talents
2 Shield of Fury: Imp Shield Bash, TWF (6)
4 Lethal Grace: Weapon Finesse -> Power Attack
6 Whip of Vengance: Whip Mastery, Imp Whip Mastery (6)
8 Take 'Em Alive
10 Signature Weapon: Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization (8)
12 Animal Patron (Mantis): Lunge
14 Sweeping Strike: Cleave, Great Cleave (6)
16 Strike the Unseen: Blind-fight, Imp Blind-Fight (10), Greater Blind-Fight (16)

Character feats
1 Weapon Finesse
3 Racial Heritage: Halfling
5 Cautious Fighter
7 Shield Slam
9 Imp TWF
11 Shield Master
13 Eldritch Heritage (Orc)
15 Cleaving Finish

Focused Study
1 Diplomacy
8 Survival
16 Perception

Important Gear:
cracked Opalescent White Pyramid ioun stone x2 for proficiency with the Whip and the Madu.

Fighting style:
Aldori Dueling Sword + Shield until the cracked Ioun Stone can be afforded (and implanted). Then Whip-n-Shield.


Stopped at lv 16 because all of the bases are covered by then. Having acquired 34 feats, what's left is spending the 7 feats from 3 social talents, two Vig talents, and two progression feats.

The Exchange

I came up with almost the same idea as Wonderstell, but didn’t have a chance to post until now. Two points:

1. Shield of Fury actually only grants you Improved Shield Bash. You are “treated as” having TWF for most purposes, including prerequisites, but you don’t actually have it as a feat.

2. You can take the Past Your Limits alternate capstone to get an extra social talent and vigilante talent (and therefore two more feats).

New total is 44 feats.

The Exchange

I think the real max number is going to be taking a whole bunch of one-level dips in archetypes that get more than one bonus feat at first class level. Fill out with vigilante if we can’t find a good archetype for every class.

For example:

Cleric (crusader) with the black powder inquisition gets three bonus feats at first level.

Part of the challenge was it should be a viable build. I don’t think that taking 20 different classes is going to be a viable build. Anything with less than full BAB is not going to contribute to BAB which is going to render it useless. Have 20 classes with a caster level of 1 is also equally useless.

I'd say go fighter 5, medium 1, ironbound X so that you get all of the figher bonus feats, you can take legendary influence to get 6 feats from the medium (one for each spirit) and the samurai bonus feats. Also can being human obviously nets you another one so ya know, thats a good number. Like 30 feats or something?

The unbreakable archetype of fighter replaces the first bonus by Endurance and Diehard.

Grand Lodge

Id (anger) Blood conduit bloodrager for a nice 1 level dip: Bloodrage, Power attack and improved Bull rush (or another combat manuever feat)

Good old monk is actually hard to beat as a dip: Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist and finally a bonus feat from a list.

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