Dual wielding wands?


Basically what the subject line says. I am aware of Dual Wand Wielder from Complete Arcane and Cannith Wand Adept from Sharn City of Towers (both 3.5), but is there a PF1 native method?


not to my knowledge. Without quickened spell, it's not easy to cast more than 1 spell per round

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3rd party there is at least one feat (two wand technique, Kobold Press).

1st party, you can have as many wand wielding familiars as you want firing off each turn…

Casting multiple spells per round outside of quicken spell is almost entirely the niche that the Mystic Theurge owns, with the use of Spell Synthesis (class ability) and Lesser Spell Synthesis (feats).

Just get a familiar, animal companion, eidolon, phantom, etc, etc that can wield and activate a wand and you get more spells per round but rarely are they effective in combat outside of buffing spells.

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There's a Rogue archetype or Rogue Talent that allows you to activate two magic items as a full-round action...

Thanks everyone. It was more or less as I thought, but I wanted make sure. The Kobold Press feat is new to me, though. I will try to check it out. EDIT: Didn't see VoodooistMonks post before I posted - I will try to track that one down too.


VoodistMonk wrote:
There's a Rogue archetype or Rogue Talent that allows you to activate two magic items as a full-round action...

I think you mean Eldritch Conduit, but while that lets you activate two wands, you only cast the spell of one of them.

Derklord wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:
There's a Rogue archetype or Rogue Talent that allows you to activate two magic items as a full-round action...
I think you mean Eldritch Conduit, but while that lets you activate two wands, you only cast the spell of one of them.

I must have misremembered the effects of that Rogue Talent... I probably should have checked before posting. Lol.

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