DeathlessOne |

Casting multiple spells per round outside of quicken spell is almost entirely the niche that the Mystic Theurge owns, with the use of Spell Synthesis (class ability) and Lesser Spell Synthesis (feats).
Just get a familiar, animal companion, eidolon, phantom, etc, etc that can wield and activate a wand and you get more spells per round but rarely are they effective in combat outside of buffing spells.

Derklord |

VoodistMonk wrote:
There's a Rogue archetype or Rogue Talent that allows you to activate two magic items as a full-round action...
I think you mean Eldritch Conduit, but while that lets you activate two wands, you only cast the spell of one of them.

VoodistMonk |

Derklord wrote:
VoodistMonk wrote:There's a Rogue archetype or Rogue Talent that allows you to activate two magic items as a full-round action...I think you mean Eldritch Conduit, but while that lets you activate two wands, you only cast the spell of one of them.
I must have misremembered the effects of that Rogue Talent... I probably should have checked before posting. Lol.