Any traits like Wicked Leader for nonevil?

Rules Questions


Found this fun trait in Champions of Corruption:

"Wicked Leader
Benefit(s): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Charisma checks against evil creatures.

If you select the Leadership feat or the Vile Leadership feat at any point when you meet the prerequisites for that feat, you can recruit a cohort who is up to 1 level lower than you (instead of the normal requirement that your cohort must be 2 or more levels lower than you are) as long as your cohort is evil."

Is there a good or Neutral alignment equivalent?

If not I am also looking for ways to improve the Leadership Feat that are not related to Race/Class. (I must be a cleric/evangelist for character I'm planning.)


Natural-Born Leader gives all your followers, cohorts, and summoned creatures a +1 moral bonus on will saves to avoid mind-affecting effects, and a +1 to your leadership score. There are no alignment restrictions on it but it is a social trait so you cannot have both it and wicked leader. Most evil characters taking leadership will probably opt for wicked leader instead.

The Exchange

There are four traits that give a +1 bonus to Leadership score. Might be handy if you have a low Charisma or some of the criteria that give a negative to your Leadership score. They are all Trait bonuses, though, so they would not stack with each other.

Rebel Leader
Natural Born Leader
Natural-Born Leader
Ethical Leader

The beauty of Wicked Leader is it breaks the rules... it's just a trait and it's doing things prestige classes do. Being Evil is hardly a limitation or drawback if you're already playing that character... it's like getting something for nothing.

Well, not "nothing", as there are other good traits. But the "something" you get is equal to the SECOND level of the Noble Scion prestige class! Something guarded away from just a one-level dip into the prestige class. Something that is "worthy" of standing alone that level as all you get from the prestige class. And it's just a trait...

Anything adding to your Leadership score without breaking that rule is never going to equate... because no matter how high of Leadership score one may have, their Cohort must be [at least] two levels below their own. The trait could give you a Leadership score of 1 million, and your Cohort would still have to be two levels lower than your own.

To answer your question, no. I do not know of any other traits that raise your Cohort's maximum level like Wicked Leader... embrace the evil. There is the Ring of the Ecclesiarch, which will double your followers. The Suzerain Scepter does the same. If you have both, you get triple the followers because doubling a double in PF1 equals three.

do notice that you can take the trait even if you are Neutral as long as you don't mind having an evil cohort, which in turn beside the obvious problems will reduce your leadership score by one. (well you CAN also take it if you are good, but you won't be able to use it as you can't have an evil cohort if you are good)

(you can even take the vile leadership feat if you are Neutral as long as you are not good)

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Yeah I do not care about the +1 to your leadership score part.

The big money maker of this trait is absolutely:

"If you select the Leadership feat or the Vile Leadership feat at any point when you meet the prerequisites for that feat, you can recruit a cohort who is up to 1 level lower than you (instead of the normal requirement that your cohort must be 2 or more levels lower than you are) as long as your cohort is evil."

I'm looking for anything that can give you something like this but not have to be an evil character as that is not allowed by my DM.

Elias Darrowphayne wrote:

Yeah I do not care about the +1 to your leadership score part.

The big money maker of this trait is absolutely:

"If you select the Leadership feat or the Vile Leadership feat at any point when you meet the prerequisites for that feat, you can recruit a cohort who is up to 1 level lower than you (instead of the normal requirement that your cohort must be 2 or more levels lower than you are) as long as your cohort is evil."

I'm looking for anything that can give you something like this but not have to be an evil character as that is not allowed by my DM.


Does your DM allow you to build/control your own Cohort? The Cohort from Leadership is normally an NPC... built and controlled by the DM, not the player taking the feat. And if you can't build/control your own Cohort, who cares what level they are?

I just think it is funny if they allow you to build and control your own Cohort, but do not allow Evil characters... like they believe in unlimited Leadership, but limited alignments... it's just interesting seeing where different people draw the line.

Banning evil characters is not that uncommon. Many people simply do not enjoy games with evil characters. Games with evil characters also see more player vs player conflict and the severity of the conflict is often greater. While the GM can ban player vs player conflict how is that any different than banning evil characters.

Personally I have no interest in playing or running a game with evil characters.

For the trait in question, only the Cohort has to be Evil. Lol.

If I may ask.. why does it matter so much that the Cohort gain this extra level?

I think many people assume that this limit on the cap to your level changing means it might also change the hard cap of level 17 cohorts; but maybe also many people aren't expecting to get to level 18+ in a campaign...

I will note to the OP that there is the noble scion prestige class if he really want's the cohort levels so bad that he is willing to give up most of his main class progression.

But even then for a matter of specific>general, if the specific is overruling a limitation on "regardless of leadership score, your cohort is capped to your level-2", does that "regardless of leadership score" also get ignored, and thus you can have cohorts higher than 17th level?

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