VoodistMonk |
If there was a family of Vampires that only fed on certain types of blood, what would they choose? I'm thinking like how the Inheritors only eat Spiders in the Marvel Universe.
Would it be a specific race? Like Changelings because they have the blood of Hags in them?
Would it anyone with a Bloodline class feature? Like Bloodragers and Sorcerers?
VoodistMonk |
Thank you, all of you... the wind up... our lady Liliyashanina, everything about you is most delicious, indeed... the pitch... zza ni, that is a very good point about the Ghoran racial feature... and Davor Firetusk knocks it out of the park... extra vulnerable to steak... I'm dying, that $#!+ is too funny.
Mark Hoover 330 |
Non-funny angles (cuz honestly, who can beat the vulnerable to steak line?), might be:
- only drinking the blood of martial type PC classes: blood taken in battle, steeped in adrenaline
- only after a victim has been driven mad by terror and fear
- shark-like vampires that prey only on marine life
- elite undead that either ONLY consume the blood of other elites, so that their lesser do not contaminate them, or conversely only consume those of the lowest rungs of society so that only the elite survive
- playing off the bloodline motif, vampires that only consume the blood of particularly charismatic individuals (Cha 13 or better). If Cha is a "force of personality" then these effete undead are literally drinking of the finest egos, the finest personality that can be passed on generation to generation
- a cabal of vampires allowed to persist in a particular realm because they only drink the blood of hags. These preternatural humanoid crones are possessed of great power and many have an innate ability to change their shape in some way which adds subtle variety even within individual hags of the same species; 2 different Green Hags can taste very different to these epicurean vampires. Unfortunately, this has spawned a shadow war over the centuries and mortals have become their unwitting pawns...
- for that matter, vampires who crave the blood of shapeshifters, changelings, skinwalkers and such for the same reasons
- vampires who prey on the old, leading a region to a diabolical rite where any adult is slain on their 30th birthday
- Y'know, the blood of a Good Outsider is the material component for Celestial Healing. This means that Good Outsiders can shed real blood that remains in the Prime. What if a sect of Vampires acquired a taste for such Divine sustenance? Holy war anyone?