FFD20: Brave Journey [Recruitment Open]


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Oh right, for some reason I imagined the necromancer flanking along it's bone commander xD

@Chyrone, I'm not quite sure how far this will go at the moment but let's say 10 at the very least and any trait works as long as they make sense.

I added a quick couple paragraphs of backstory alongside the 10 Minute Background.

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GM Molly wrote:
@Brett Chenault, Thurg while a gambler, is pretty serious about this mission but just laid back enough to invite someone trusty, black markets and smugglers do certainly have an interest in the riches that awaits in Surface so... It's possible but keep in mind that the captain is a man of honor... But as every gambler there are bad days, losing a beat to Darven and then bringing him in as payment is completely possible.

Darven definitely has practiced his trustworthiness in front of a mirror. Multiple times! Almost to the point he almost believes it.

Thurg would rather have Darven as a placeholder in the shadier aspects of the ship than have some who maybe an actual threat.

The Celeste pays in wages and honor. Darven spends honor as a banker spends a gil. Very carefully, and as an investment.

Thurg seems like a dwarf who pays a bet. Darven is a Man who will allow interest to form before collecting. However, due to some things that happened at the Rainbow Casino and Grill, Thurg knows that Darven has his back - a time where threat of violence happened.

Afterall, a dead man, er Dwarf, can't pay a debt.

Dark Archive

I went back and forth for a while but I've decided on Moogle.

So, ya know what BASE class has NO racial archetypes? You guessed it, Necromancer. Ya can't say that it's because it's so very very t3h EVULZ because Dark Knight gets tons of love.

So finding a race that works well is, well, hard. But it seems like Moogles are just custom made for Necros.


OK, this is Jon's Dancer, Hirari. I've set her up to do some light healing, some buffing with her dancing, and then scimitaring the hell out of anything in the way. Delicately.

The cliff notes of her backstory is that she and her lover found a long abandoned facility and during the attempted search her partner became her arm (the Possessed Hand feats are really fun!) and having exhausted how to bring her back by more traditional magic mean Hirari hopes the surface might offer some answers. She joined as part of the galley crew, but may have broken a handsy provost and come to the captain's attention that way.


Au Ra Raen Whirling Dervish Dancer 3
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid (Au-Ra)
Initiative; +4 Perception +7


AC 19, touch 18 flat-footed 11
(Base +10, Dex +4, Charisma +3, Natural Armour +1, Dodge +1)
Hit Points 30
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +2
(Base Fort +3 | Ref +3 | Will +1 | Con+2 | Dex +4 | Wis +0 | Cloak of Resistance +1)
Resistances: +5 Fire Resistance, +5 Lightning Resistance , +5 Cold Resistance, +2 vs Fear


Speed 40 ft
Melee Masterwork Scimitar - +9 To Hit - 1d6+6 Damage - 18-20 x2 Crit.
(+4 Dex - +2 BAB - +1 Masterwork - +1 Trait - +1 Class | +4 Dex - +1 Trait - +1 Class)
Two Weapon Fighting
Main-Hand Scimitar - +8 To Hit - 1d6+6 Damage - 18-20 x2 Crit.
(+4 Dex - +2 BAB - +1 Masterwork - +1 Trait - +1 Class - -Two Two Weapon Fighting +1 Feat | +4 Dex - +1 Trait - +1 Class)
Off-Hand Scimitar - +8 To Hit - 1d6+6 Damage - 18-20 x2 Crit.
(+4 Dex - +2 BAB - +1 Masterwork - +1 Feat - +1 Class - -Two Two Weapon Fighting +1 Feat | +4 Dex - +1 Trait - +1 Class)


Str 7
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 16
Base Atk +2; CMB 0 ; CMD 12

Bonus Feats
Dodge - Add +1 to AC. Race ability.
1st - Possessed Hand - Gain a possessed hand, which inflicts a -2 concentration bonus, but a +1 to Hit, Damage, Disable Device, Slight of Hands and as a swift action, once a day, retrieve a stashed item.
3rd - Hand’s Autonomy - Reduce the penalty for two-weapon fighting by 1, to a minimum of -1, and when unconscious, paralysed asleep or stunned the hand can take some independent actions.

Heirloom Weapon (Equipment) - +1 Trait Bonus to hit with specific weapon (main hand scimitar).
Monk Weapon Skill (Combat) - Add +1 damage with specific monk weapon (Scimitars)
Impatient - Cannot hold action, being last in combat order inflicts a -1 to hit, saving rolls and skill checks.

Racial Traits - Au-Ra
Darkvision - See perfectly in darkness up to 60ft.
Scales - Add +1 to Natural Armour.
Resistance - Add +5 to Fire, Ice and Lightning Resistance
Friendly Attitude - Add +2 to Diplomacy.
Pacification and Avoidance - Gain Dodge as a bonus feat.
Keen Senses - Add +2 to Perception.

Acrobatics - +8 (+4 Dex - 1 Ranks - Class Skill)
Appraise - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Bluff - +9 (+3 Cha - 3 Ranks - Class Skill)
Climb - +2 (-2 Str - 1 Ranks - Class Skill)
Craft (Food) - +7 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill - 3 Background Skill Points)
Diplomacy - +11 (+3 Cha - 3 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Race)
Disable Device - +4 (+4 Dex - 0 Ranks)
Disguise - +3 (+3 Cha - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Escape Artist - +4 (+4 Dex - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Fly - +0 (+4 Dex - 0 Ranks)
Handle Animal - +3 (+3 Cha - 0 Ranks)
Heal - +0 (+0 Wis - 0 Ranks)
Intimidate - +9 (+3 Cha - 3 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Arcana) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Engineering) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Geography) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (History) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Local) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Nature) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Nobility) - +1 (+1 Int -0- Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Planes) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Technology) - -1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Knowledge (Religion) - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Linguistics - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - 4 Background Skill Points)
Perception - +8 (+0 Wis - 3 Ranks - Class Skill - +2 Racial Bonus)
Perform (Dance) - +11 (+3 Cha - 0 Ranks - Class Skill - Background Skill +3 - +2 Item)
Ride - +4 (+4 Dex - 0 Rank)
Sense Motive - +6 (+0 Wis - 3 Ranks - Class Skill)
Sleight of Hand - +4 (+4 Dex - 0 Rank - Class Skill)
Spellcraft - +1 (+1 Int - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Stealth - +12 (+4 Dex - 3 Rank - Class Skill - +2 Class)
Survival - +0 (+0 Wis - 0 Ranks)
Swim - +2 (-2 Str - 1 Ranks - Class Skill)
Use Magic Device +3 (+3 Cha - 0 Ranks - Class Skill)
Languages: Common, Draconic

Combat Gear Masterwork Scimitars x 2
Minor Bag of Holding, Cloak of Resistance (shoulders), Sleeves of Many Garments (arms)
Courtsan’s Outfit, Dancer’s Garb,
Money 0pp - 100gp - 0sp - 0cp

Special Abilities

AC Bonus - Gain Charisma to AC, plus an increase at later levels. Anything that denies a dexterity bonus to AC also ignores this.
Battle Dance - As a move action perform a dance that can function as Inspire Courage. Can be maintained as a free action.
Whirling Dervish - Use Weapon Finesse with Scimitars, treating them as light monk weapons for all puposes, and use Charisma to qualify for feats rather than Intelligence. They also get a +1 to hit and damage with scimitars, increasing by +1 every 4 levels beyond 1st.
Dervish Flurry - Gain the effects of Two-Weapon Fighting with two scimitars. At 8th this adds Improved Two Weapon Fighting and at 15th Greater Two-Weapon Fighting.
Dervish Dance - Add Dexterity to damage with scimitars. Counts as the Dervish Dance feat.
Evasion[/i] - On a successful Reflex save that would do half damage no damage is taken instead.
Fleet - Move +10ft a turn, increasing by 5ft per four Dancer levels.
Ki Pool - A pool of mystical energy, if at least 1 point remains in the pool the Dancer counts as having a running start for jumps. Spend 1 point to add 20ft to movement, or add +4 to Perform (Dance).
Ki Powers - Additional ways to use Ki.
- Ki Metabolism - As long as the character has at least 1 Ki point they only sleep 2 hours, only need ¼ of the food and water of a normal creature their size, and can hold their breath for 1 hour per point of con. As a move action they can enter a suspended animation.
Mystic Dance - Perform a Mystical Dance as an action that uses Ki.
- Curing Waltz - As a standard action Cure an ally within 30ft as though using the Cure spell. Costs 1 Ki Point.
Limit Breaks - Usable once per day, and one more time ever 4 levels. Only usable when health is below 50%.
- Second Wind - Regain ¼ of your health as a swift action.
- Perfect Dance - As a swift action, for 1 round, plus 1 every 4 dancer levels, add +2 to AC, +1 to hit, damage and skill checks, which increases by +2 every four dancer levels.
- Trance - Do not pay the usual cost for any class abilities.
Uncanny Dodge - Can never be caught flatfooted.

Favoured Class Bonus - +3 skill points.

The first thing most people notice about Hirari is the sensation of motion. If it is possible to be moving then she will be in motion, tapping a foot, waving a hand, nodding her head or doing something, flicking her tail or doing something. Staying still seems to be against something in her fundamental nature, and the more the better - she won’t walk if she can dance.

Short, even by Au-Ra standards, Hirari is slight and thin, but most people don’t overlook her. Part of that is the aura of vitality, life and motion around her. Part of it is the pair of three foot long scimitars that are almost always on her person, even if they can’t always be seen. Part of it is simply force of personality.

Hirari is dark skinned with patterns of shining white scales across her right arm, legs, shoulders, back and stomach, her almost knee length hair just about contained in a braid down her back most of the time. Her hair is dark red, approaching burgundy without direct light on it, and is usually woven with ribbons, charms and other items. Her eyes are a deep navy blue with a shocking electric liminal ring around them. Two long horns curve from the side of her head, around her head and almost touching being it.

One odd feature is that Hirari’s left arm is a shade paler than the rest of her, covered in flickering fire ink tattoos up to just below the shoulder, where scar tissue suggests the entire arm was gone and reattached at some point. The tattoos also just stop at the shoulder. The left arm doesn’t have the pure white scales that cover much of the rest oh her body

It shoulder be noted that Hirari is almost always dressed in her dancer’s clothing - a long, split skirt or silk and velvet in red and black that reaches to her ankles and a silk choli top without sleeves. Bracelets and armlets decorate her left arm to balance out the glowing tattoos and she wears a number of rings on her fingers and toes. A silken waist scarf decorated in red-bronze plates hangs from her hips.

Hirari rarely wears shoes, and in formal settings prefers to cover her garb with her Sleeves of Many Garments rather than actually wearing something more restricting. She also uses the magic item as she dances, using it to change outfit in the middle of other movements. She typically speaks in a mezzo-soprano voice and smells of soap if she has the time to use it.

Hirari is a happy, bubbly person. A bundle of boundless positive energy who simply doesn’t stop. That determination is part of what makes her a dangerous fighter, as she withdraws only begrudgingly.

Calm and rational, for the most part, Hirari is more of a follower than a leader most of the time. While she’s happy to throw in her own ideas experience has taught her that, sometimes, her ideas are not the best and listening to other people can save everyone heartache. She knows she isn’t as smart or as wise as most others, but that’s fine - most people can’t balance on their toes and spin while cutting someone in half. Everyone has their own gifts, and thinking isn’t Hirari’s strong point.

The exception to both these things involves Hirari’s left arm, which belonged to and contains the spirit of her lover. Hirari is adamant there is a way to restore her to full form, and will push towards any suitable solution that she can see. Suggesting Adara is dead is also one of the few ways to quickly make Hirari angry. She does not care what you think, what you know or what you’ve seen - so long as Adara’s spirit is bound to her, she will find a way to revive her.

Other than that, she typically gets on well with most people, and is usually charming and convincing in conversation. She is dedicated and able to manifest a surprising level of discipline in some facets, taking her training extremely seriously and having learned to subsist on a truly ascetic diet when needed - although she’d much rather eat and sleep as much as she wants. While perfectly able to wait for things to happen, once they do Hirari is very eager to get into the frey, and grows frustrated if forced to hold back.

Adventure isn’t typically the calling of the Raen Au-Ra, but Hirari is rarely typical in what she does. The wild child of Uodansa family, she was raised to fight with skill, precision and elegance. Hirari turned this into a dance. This was not entirely expected, but also not exactly unexpected - even as a child Hirari had a gift for finding a way to turn things on there head, and dancers are not exactly unknown. Of course, something things should be as tradition demands, and Hirari was happy to take up the scimitar that her family traditionally used to fight. Of course, she decided she needed to use two, and so on her 18th birthday the scimitar forged when she was born, in the tradition of her house, was joined by a nearly identical copy.

As she grew up she fell in with, and fell in love with, a bard called Adara. It wouldn’t exactly be right to say the two women eloped, as they never got married, but Hirari certainly went along with the bard’s journey her lover was one, dancing to her singing and exploring the world. Her family was most supportive, because frankly, they didn’t really expect her to do anything more traditional.

Time went, and lovers came and went - Hirari’s concept of ‘love’ being as non-traditional as everything else about her - and the pair ended up in a barren, arid chunk of Borealis, well away from either of the lakes and sparsely populated. They were hunting fr ruins supposedly from the time of the Sky Continents creation, and perhaps they found them. They certainly found something. The strange compound was hidden beneath the surface, and full of ancient traps and strange machines.

The pair never really found out what the place was for, as they didn’t manage to get very deep before one of the guardians of the place attacked with a ferocity they hadn’t seen before. Hirari rammed her sword into the things chest, penetrating its power source. After that she doesn’t really recall what happened. There was an explosion. Her arm was…missing. There was a warm feeling, and a lot of blood. Adara was screaming something, but it was very far away.

When Hirari came to, she was alone, and in the entrance to the strange place. The door was firmly shut. And her arm was…well, her arm was still gone, but Adara’s was in its place. In shock, Hirari wandered away from the place. She almost starved, but a strange sensation gave her strength. She knew she wasn’t alone, somehow. She could feel Adara just a step behind, just out of sight, but always there. Her new arm - Adara’s arm - sometimes acted on it’s own, too. She became convinced the other woman was still there, more than just an arm but also in spirit, in soul.

Journeying the continent, Hirari found…nothing. No answers. It wasn’t unheard of for a person to haunt their body, or an item important to them, but most of them were spirits turned hostile and angry, and nothing but the odd rude gesture seemed to come from Adara’s presence. Many didn’t believe her, and those that did had no idea what to do with the information. Hirari wasn’t able to try searching the facility for answers, either, but the tech there had been old.

Maybe the surface had the answers, with the ancient ruins left down there?

Of course, getting to the surface was nigh on impossible. Nothing could survive. Well…except that new airship they were building in Tesla. Or Skyship. The Celene? Hirari decided that the Celene held her best chance of finding something on the surface. She was only mildly disappointed to find out that the ship was actually called the Celeste, and a lot more upset t find out that getting passage was not simple. They did not, she was informed, need entertainers. Space was too precious to waste on that.

What they did need was cooks. No matter how good a crew you have crappy meals will erode moral like nothing else, so the galley crew needed to be above serving slop 3 meals a day. While not the best cook ever Hirari was above average, and she could fight - and advantage when the ship might face borders.

Once onboard, of course, she didn’t stop dancing - it was who she was - or explaining to some of the more grabby crew members that pretty people wearing eye-catching clothing did not count as consent. When her explanation to one of the ship’s provosts landed the man in sickbay, even after she healed the worst of his wounds, Hirari - and her abilities - came more directly to the captain’s attention…

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Quick Note

I don't like the 10 minutes background, it's hard to read as it mixed both personality traits with backstory details and chop it into pieces that aren't necessarily linear so I might be reading about your character's infancy then jump to his adulthood and suddenly I'm back to something that happened when he was a teen... I don't like that.

It also feels like some sort of quick generation table which isn't the case, I'm giving you plenty of time to write your character and build, there's no need to rush it.

Sure it's handy for some GMs but it just isn't my style.

So... If you use it, write down the answer to all those questions and then write your backstory and personality in a comprehensible way.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I didn't considered it and honesty was a little confused when I saw it.

Also... Hell yeah Necromancer Moogle for the greater good! :D

@Hat-Trick, thanks it really prefer it that way n.n

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I'll keep the 10 Minute Background there, since I didn't touch on everything with the backstory. More for myself than anything, since I find the questions involved and the answers I give help flesh out the character more than if I were to just knock out a couple paragraphs from nothing.

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Can you REALLY have a Final Fantasy game without at least one moogle?

"We're iconic, kupo."

That's okay, you can use the questions to generate your backstory and then put it together n.n

@JonGarret, Hirari looks great, love her :D

But I got a question... More out of curiosity than anything else but still... When you say

JonGarret said wrote:
Time went, and lovers came and went - Hirari’s concept of ‘love’ being as non-traditional as everything else about her

Do you mean that hirari is polyromantic? Or something else?

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Poly, yeah. Partially because 1) I am, so I default to it, and 2) I don't want to close off any potential romance plots with NPC's and players due to her backstory being trying to bring her lover back from...well, not quite the dead. The arm? Restore her physical form? Either way, those plots have been some of my favorites in other campaigns I've been in, so I wanted to keep the door open.

...of course, sharing your partner with her own left hand might put people off...

Good I like that! Always aim for some romance :)

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JonGarrett wrote:
...of course, sharing your partner with her own left hand might put people off...

...or it could set up a joke or two. :)

Is there anything else about Therric's sheet that needs to be addressed, GM?

Atlas2112 wrote:

I went back and forth for a while but I've decided on Moogle.

So, ya know what BASE class has NO racial archetypes? You guessed it, Necromancer. Ya can't say that it's because it's so very very t3h EVULZ because Dark Knight gets tons of love.
So finding a race that works well is, well, hard. But it seems like Moogles are just custom made for Necros.


Now I'm just reminded of the Organization XIII moogle from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

I'm not sure two archetypes is "tons of love," but I take your point. :P

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Therric looks good, his build is legit and his backstory solid, it even adds some lore about the Order of the Hourglass which is awesome.

GM, i was wondering.

The Rancher deific order, what happens when a cleric with this order chooses the animal domains as 1 of his 2 choices?

Do they have the chocobo from the order, plus an animal companion at lvl 4 from the domain, or would you houserule something on this?

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FFD20 wrote:
At 1st level, a rancher may begin play with an Adolescent Yellow Chocobo animal companion.

Emphasis on May, as I understand it opens the option of having a chocobo rather than another animal companion if you take the animal domain.

So... No, you get a single animal companion which may be a chocobo if you take the animal domain.

Damn, this looks way too cool not to try and build something for. And to finally stop lurking the forums as well!

Is there space in the party for a Black Mage? Reading the lore gave me the idea for a scholarly kind of character interested in the expedition both to solve the Crystal crisis and to study it closely.

I think at the moment we have one certain submission of a full caster, and a couple maybe/probablies.

Well, that's two certain submissions then. Going for either a Scholar or a Black Mage, not sure just yet.

The recruitment will be open until February 20 so there is plenty of time guys, submit as many characters as you like, I like to have options n.n

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Hmm, so you are saying multiple submission per player are acceptable? Intriguing....

Sure, I often find myself having more than one idea but limited to submit a single one.

I also said it to new interest so they don't feel like there's no space for them.

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I might take you up on that offer later, the options presented by FFD20 look way too interesting not to brainstorm around a bit.

I mean, look at this thing I found. I like crunching numbers, but this seems a little excessive xD

Aside from that though, I have a question: is it fair to say that Tesla would have arcane academies or something of that sort to train new bright young minds?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Yeah, there are several good ideas I've had, some more or less suited to this campaign, so I may well do a second one.

I think I'm happy with Therric.

I get too attached to character concepts, and I'd be sad for whichever one didn't get picked, so I'll stick with Hirari.

That's okay, it's only an option n.n

And Therric and Hirari are already awesome x3

@the Vagrant, yep that's a hell of an archetype too complex for me too x.x it's also pretty broken we you use it as job in FF Tactics... Scholar has some powerful stuffs In Ffd20, like the archmage archetype...

Regarding Tesla... It certainly has some, but the very best (and the ones specialized in magic) are in Dyson, that being said there's a little rivalry and competence between the two cities, sure Dyson has the upper hand in most areas but that just spurs Tesla to keep improving and trying to outperform the former, arcane academies in Tesla usually deal with the creation of magic items or practical uses of spells.

I'm leaning towards a Varg cleric of Fenrir, or a Medic archetype of druid.

That makes sense, time to switch from Tesla to Dyson then.

GM Dolly wrote:
Scholar has some powerful stuffs In Ffd20, like the archmage archetype...

I wasn't aware of this, and was about to switch from Black Mage to a Scholar Archmage xD. Are they too broken to use? I can switch back if necessary.

Dark Archive


Hello hello! Character avatar for character from Atlas2112!

(It's really hard to find a Moogle pic, and I wanted to go for both "Charismatic Necro with a heart of gold" and "Moogle" but I can only get more the former than the latter and we're just gonna go with it.)

Still have much numbers to crunch, but I've got a question that keeps flying around in my head and won't let go.

DM, if I want to shoot one of my skellies with a Dark spell to heal them (Shadow damage, we've gone over this) do I need to a roll a really-for-real to-hit on it? It seems that, 1) since it's a friendly casting a spell on a friendly, that's one of the things that we could just let slide, and, 2) since I've got a mental link with them, I know where they're gonna be before they do, so I could know where and how to target the spell on a truly intimate level anyway. ^_^

I think I've seen other GM's that just allow it, but I wanted to run it past you to make sure we were on the same page. =)

Are you planning to use Fractional base bonuses for those who are multiclassing?

I did some reading and I got an idea for a Varg Ninja (Unseen Hand) coming to mind.

The idea I'm imagining is involving the Oneiroi. You can't mention secret police and not want to do something with it. I know my character is only 3rd level, which doesn't fit the idea of them being some of the most dangerous people on the floating continent.

I was thinking him being a junior agent that has been planted among the crew or, the idea I rather prefer, is that he was given an assignment that he couldn't complete. I imagine that there may be an elder councilmember who wants more than what they have and may use the Oneiroi as personal weapons, all while hiding the trail of doing so. Tasked with a job that conflicted his morality too much but knowing the price for insubordination, he snuck aboard the Celeste to escape for now. He was discovered, certainly, but when given a trial by fisticuff, put down a much larger opponent than expected. He has since been learning how to be a sailor upon the ship, taking the real shit jobs to earn his keep.

What do you think GM Dolly? I don't want to step on any setting toes without talking to you first. :)

@the Vagrant, Archmage is fine, it's a little op at high levels but whatever, it also is my personal choice for caster if I were playing xD

@Thomas, yes and yes, you auto hit and they auto fail their saves to your shadow spells.

@smooshiebanana, nope, I'm not familiar with fractional base bonus and rather stick to the standard stuffs.

@Kinghottrash, that sounds awesome, remember that most people is level 1 or is of a npc class so... Level 3 are something.
Also, you get the drift pretty well... yes, Oneiroi has many Ninjas!

Not expecting to change your mind, but I like sharing knowledge:

Fractional Base Bonus basically means any time a Base Attack or Save bonus doesn't go up on the class chart, they're considered to get a fraction of a full bonus that will eventually add up to a full bonus upon reaching a point when the bonus DOES increase.

Example: Archers have a 3/4 BAB, meaning at first level they have 3/4 of a bonus. Taking another level of archer brings them up to 6/4 or +1 1/2. If they were to multiclass into Black Mage, a class that gets 1/2 BAB, they would have a total of 8/4 or a full +2.

It gets a bit math intensive, but it helps out when taking multiple classes that have the same Bad Saves or letting BAB progress a bit if you swap classes at weird levels.

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Negative guys, sorry but I won't be adding unnecessary maths just to make multi class less painful.

Doesn't matter to me, I don't plan on deviating from Engineer. Bjorn must grow big and strong.

Hat-Trick wrote:
Doesn't matter to me, I don't plan on deviating from Engineer. Bjorn must grow big and strong.

Yeah, I’m not concerned either. I was more inquiring for others who may want a multiclass with low BAB/saves.

Small question! I know you were allowing the house rules that Power Attack & Weapon Finesse were going to be combat options, rather than actual feats. Have you considered allowing any other adjustments from the adorably named Moogle In The Room rules? Deft Manuevers would be super awesome to get since I may go into tripping and dirty trick as my combat maneuvers. Same thing with Dodge and Mobility being combined?

If not, I can work around it just fine. It'll just give me some more feats to play with.

Phew! And the first draft is done, meet out resident ubernerd (and very short person), Robin Langwyn!

I think I might've gone a bit overboard with the backstory. Realized about halfway through I was writing way too much, so I trimmed the fat a lil bit :P. The TL:DR is that she's a prodigy mage trying to find a solution to the Mana shortages.

I also have to decide on equipments and set up the offense section, but I'll do that side of crunching later. Let me know if anything needs to be adjusted!

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@kinghottrash I'll consider it, some feat are certainly taxes as weapon finesse and power attack, if people is interested in maneuvers I can do something... For one combat expertise is garbage.

@GM Dolly - the ones that I'm most interested here in the Moogle In The Room feat changes are those with Dodge, Agile Maneuvers, and Deft Maneuvers. It'll make doing what I want with the ninja much easier since I don't get a lot of bonus feats to play around with like monks tend to. If you're alright with any of them, let me know and I'll get the crunch and fluff sorted tonight.

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I'll tentatively say yes to anything related to maneuvers for now but I'm and will be a little busy today so I'll get back at it once I got some time to read and consider it properly.

GM Dolly wrote:
I'll tentatively say yes to anything related to maneuvers for now but I'm and will be a little busy today so I'll get back at it once I got some time to read and consider it properly.

Totally fair. I'm in no particular rush myself. Take the time you need.

Would the point blank shot/precise shot mechanic of that system also be available?

Similar to the power attack, would piranha strike and/or deadly aim work that way as well?

On the Maverick, does the dire wolf mount keep the stats on the page, or does it grow according to a regular mount progression?

As ability scores vary between a 5 HD dire wolf and large size regular wolf companion.

Dark Archive

I finally got the backstory down. For as much as I might be a bit long, I needed to set a stage, and anything less would've been a disservice to the narrative.

I have many itty bitty questions about things'n'stuff, but nothing that can't wait until Acceptance.

I see the character as an out-of-combat face, and in combat as something that has a lot of options. With all the options, the Necro can either support, or just strike.

Ummmm, I have often espoused various different opinions on the traditional view of alignment. This seems a good time to hash it out.


Alignment for character: Neutral.

Now, this isn't an "I don't care" neutrality, or an "There must be balance. Ommmmmmm." kinda thing. The character's heart is actually Good. Leaning Lawful, but certainly wedded to the Great Good aspect.

It's just that he doesn't care as much how it gets done.

"Society" says that raising the dead is super good, but animating it is super bad. He sees these two positions as contradictions. Animating might be less powerful, surely, and the ReBirthed needs help with direction, but isn't that better than decaying in the ground?

He thinks that Necros have simply been the victim of bad press, bad reputations, a few really bad apples spoiling the keg, and a few misconceptions.

"Oh, but don't Necromances do evil things???"

And no person wielding a sword, or magic, ever has done bad? Even a White Mage can provide support for a bandit king. Is the tyrant that rides at the head of a marauding army any more kind because his army is blood-thirsty cutthroats rather than undead?

So too, for some reason to animate the body is considered to interfere with the "natural order of nature". But to Raise the body is not? Does not Raising a fallen comrade also interfere with the natural order of death in just as gross a manner?

"But you could use the skeletons for t3h evulZ!"

The same could be said of a sword. Or fire. Even the usage of magic brought the world to a great ruin, yet never did we say that magic itself is a bad thing.

"But they do not have free will! You could tell them to do bad things!"

So no person, Hume or Moogle or any other, has ever had a heart turned because of someone's words? No man was convinced to hurt someone "just this once" and then found themselves on a path of evil? No woman was ever convinced to do something immoral "just to get by" only to find herself on a slippery slope?

Hence, Thomas knows what society thinks. And they are wrong. He is out to prove the morality of Necromancy, but if he must needs tread some dark paths, if it all works out and they are able to re-establish the the tread of civilization upon the world? Will it not all have been worth it?

Hrmmmm. I seem to have wandered off of the discussion on Alignment that I had planned and more into 'who decides what is evil?' "It's a strange thing going out your front door...."

I'm all for the argument of ethical use of Necromancy, but I can't imagine Gans will be easy to convince, seeing as he's Headstrong about traditionally Good things.

I think this whole necromancy thing could be a solid conversation starter. If there's a bar in the Celeste or people ever find themselves chilling around a campfite, drop that bomb on em and see where it takes everybody.

Dark Archive

The Vagrant wrote:
I think this whole necromancy thing could be a solid conversation starter. If there's a bar in the Celeste or people ever find themselves chilling around a campfite, drop that bomb on em and see where it takes everybody.

You do make a fine point.

Hey GM Dolly, the paper that everyone signs saying it's okay that if their original form fails them, it is okay for their body to continue to work toward for the safety and future of all good people of the world still alive, is this thing already signed or do I gotta work for it?

For the NPC's that might be some diplomatic rolls and role-playing.

For the PC's now.... =3

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