
The Vagrant's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts (18 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 2 aliases.


Good to see some interest already! I'll keep this thread up for a while to gauge if we'll be having enough players for a table.

That said, I understand that learning a new system, especially one with entirely new dice, might turn some off from it. So, I've been looking for a breakdown of the Genesys dice system, and I think I've found a solid explanation of it all. It explains what each dice face does and how it affects the roll.

On top of that, here's a list of each dice that the system uses along with their faces. Skip the Skill and Ring dices, and for reference when reading the PDF:

  • The blue and black symbols are Boost and Setback dice, respectively.
  • The green and purple symbols are Ability and Difficulty dice
  • The yellow and red symbols are Proficiency and Challenge dice.

Lastly, we have the option of using a dice roller website like this to make our lives easier. Not as easy as just typing out dice here in the forums, but hey, it's an option right?

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First of all, hello to everybody who dares read this thread!

I'm quite new to this forum and Pathfinder in general, but I've been playing RPGs for the better half of a decade by now and I've fallen in love with the hobby. Over the years, I've played and GMed in a multitude of campaigns (most of them 5e), be it PbP, voice, or IRL, and I think that I can enjoy pretty much any kind of game, behind the screen or otherwise.

That said, I feel like the overall scene is a bit overcrowded with the usual high fantasy, medieval epic stories of monster slaying and world saving. And, while I enjoy these things enough to run a DnD 4e game of my own of these exact genres, you'll have to agree with me that, as the saying goes, variety is the spice of life. So! I come here today to present you a campaign I'm willing to run for you. Free of charge, so don't be shy!

Avatar: The Second Age

The rulebook can be found here. If you're interested, the Tumblr dev page for the system, and general ATLA discussion can be found here.

I've always been a big fan of both ATLA and LoK, despite how much of a different opinion people seem to have on them. I've enjoyed them for what they are: adventures into a world of spirits, mysticism, and elemental magic, and that's what I wish to run for you today. Though I haven't decided on details just yet, the campaign will most definitively have a group of people doing their best to fight perhaps the most terrifying force that the world could ever see: a fully realized Avatar, wanting to bring an end to the land they're supposed to protect.

Though details can be talked and discussed, my initial draft for it would involve a 4-8 player table, with at least one bender of each element (duh) in an age of the world that the arts were rare, either due to the Avatar killing most benders and erasing writing and scrolls of the arts or some other catastrophe. The rest I'm still not too sure about, but man am I excited to brainstorm it all!

You can expect a lot of combat, given you'd all be rebels fighting against an evil Avatar. And I hope to see a lot of creativity in your characters, both in bending and whatever else you feel might make for an interesting person to go against the equivalent of a demigod.

The only real and somewhat annoying issue here, is that Second Age is a Genesys hack, which means it uses different sorts of dice than just the usual numbered Platonic solids we use for everything. Instead, it uses the dreaded, feared, oh-so-loved and oh-so-hated narrative dice, which honestly I am not yet familiar enough to explain off the top of my head. I can tell you, however, that it's not the end of the world, and with some elbow grease we can make things work. I think.

I hope :P


So yeah, this is what I have for you today! If you're interested, dot in to let me know and check out the PDF for the system up top. If you're extra interested, let us know if you're eyeing a particular class or bending style. Can't blame you for being excited about the elements bidding to your will, awesomeness, and martial arts skill!

Especially if you're an earthbender, which is, objectively, the best bending style.

Good luck! Time to see who did the Celeste hire after all!

1) Character name: Varia
2) PFS#-Character#: 2405625-2002
3) Character Class & Level: Swashbuckler 1
4) Faction: Horizon Hunters
5) Day Job (with roll): Not sure what this is.
6) Any other downtime activities: Drinking, gambling, and singing.
7) Describe your familiarity, if any, with Pathfinder 2nd edition: I have some familiarity with 1e, but almost none with 3e. Looking to remedy that!
8) Describe your familiarity, if any, with PbP: Been roleplaying with this format for about five or six years now, on and off, with different kinds of forums and mediums. Currently running a Dnd 4e game for a few friends, almost entirely off of text.
9) Anything unusual or fun about your PC that you think the GM or other players may like to know: Don't ask her how she lost her eye. Or, at least, ask her when there aren't any swords nearby.

I've pretty much just now figured out how to make a PFS character, so this is a big WIP, but I already have the build outlined.

Count me in as interested! I haven't dipped my toes in neither PFS nor PF2e yet, so an intro to both really doesn't get any better than this xD
I'll be working on a Swashbuckler soon. Reading about the Panache mechanic makes me way too excited about mid-combat shenanigans to not try it.

Here's my alley gecko. Making a name for yourself in the streets of Maze is probably not an easy feat, but nothing a savant alchemist can't handle!

...That said, he's got plenty of dirt in his hands to get where he did. But, what's progress without some living sacrifices, right?

Oooh, definitively interested in this one! I love me some strange campaigns with strange kinda folk, especially from a DM that appreciates gobbies!

Now here's the great question, I wanna get a Maze dweller going, but: should I build a shield champion brawler that got hit in the head so hard he believes he's an action hero here to bring justice to the Hive, or should I go with a master chymist making homemade drugs out of silver water that... "overdosed", and now has to deal with a split persona with enhanced strength?

Options, options...

I call dibs on the "pulling a thick tome out of nowhere and reading it in broad daylight despite the fact it's really uncomfortable and impractical" pose.

I think this whole necromancy thing could be a solid conversation starter. If there's a bar in the Celeste or people ever find themselves chilling around a campfite, drop that bomb on em and see where it takes everybody.

Phew! And the first draft is done, meet out resident ubernerd (and very short person), Robin Langwyn!

I think I might've gone a bit overboard with the backstory. Realized about halfway through I was writing way too much, so I trimmed the fat a lil bit :P. The TL:DR is that she's a prodigy mage trying to find a solution to the Mana shortages.

I also have to decide on equipments and set up the offense section, but I'll do that side of crunching later. Let me know if anything needs to be adjusted!

That makes sense, time to switch from Tesla to Dyson then.

GM Dolly wrote:
Scholar has some powerful stuffs In Ffd20, like the archmage archetype...

I wasn't aware of this, and was about to switch from Black Mage to a Scholar Archmage xD. Are they too broken to use? I can switch back if necessary.

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I might take you up on that offer later, the options presented by FFD20 look way too interesting not to brainstorm around a bit.

I mean, look at this thing I found. I like crunching numbers, but this seems a little excessive xD

Aside from that though, I have a question: is it fair to say that Tesla would have arcane academies or something of that sort to train new bright young minds?

Well, that's two certain submissions then. Going for either a Scholar or a Black Mage, not sure just yet.

Damn, this looks way too cool not to try and build something for. And to finally stop lurking the forums as well!

Is there space in the party for a Black Mage? Reading the lore gave me the idea for a scholarly kind of character interested in the expedition both to solve the Crystal crisis and to study it closely.