Some FAQ pages are not scroll-able after expanding question.

Website Feedback

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Issue: It seems on the Organized Play FAQ's the Pathfinder Society FAQ and Starfinder Society FAQ pages are having difficulties scrolling. The "Organized Play" and "Legacy" tabs on the same page are fine. What is happening is when you click on a 2nd-level question like on the Pathfinder FAQ page: "Achievement Points and Boons -> What items are available with the Frequent Shopper Boon" then the page will lock your scroll position in some browsers and will not unlock your scroll position even if you collapse the question. I've noticed this in Chrome with no extensions as well as a mobile browser. Firefox with no extensions seems to be OK.

Steps to reproduce: Use chrome and some other browsers and click on 2nd-level questions on the Pathfinder Society FAQ and Starfinder Society FAQ. Try to scroll

Expected Result: The page should scroll after expanding a question, especially after collapsing the question.

Actual Result: In some browsers the page will not scroll after expanding the questions, even if the question is later collapsed.

Additional info: You may be able to look at how the Organized Play and Legacy pages are coded, since those pages currently aren't causing issues when expanding a 2nd-level question.

I have heard other people having issues with this in our organized play discord community but didn't see a post reporting it so wanted to make sure it was on the radar. Thanks!

Unable to reproduce in:
Chrome 96.0.4664.45
Firefox 94.0.1

I'm noticing behavior where it scrolls the expanded section to the top when opening it. My first guess would be that it has to do with DOM events and their handling. Can you elaborate more on how it appears to be scroll locked? Does it not move, does it move and snap back like it's fighting you, etc?

You note that Legacy doesn't have issues. I'm not seeing the automatic scroll/snap behavior on that tab, so I'm fairly sure the issue lies somewhere in the logic for that.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Dubious Scholar wrote:

Unable to reproduce in:

Chrome 96.0.4664.45
Firefox 94.0.1

I'm noticing behavior where it scrolls the expanded section to the top when opening it. My first guess would be that it has to do with DOM events and their handling. Can you elaborate more on how it appears to be scroll locked? Does it not move, does it move and snap back like it's fighting you, etc?

You note that Legacy doesn't have issues. I'm not seeing the automatic scroll/snap behavior on that tab, so I'm fairly sure the issue lies somewhere in the logic for that.

Yeah, when you try to scroll, it just snaps back. If you collapse the question, then IT is frozen and if you try to scroll, it keeps snapping back again. The only way to get it to go away is to refresh the page.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah I'm producing error in
Chrome 96.0.4664.45 (no extensions)

Unable to produce error in
Firefox 94.0.2 (no extensions)

Someone in discord reported they were the reverse of me: had it occur in Firefox but not Chrome. Another user reports issues in Microsoft Edge

When i try to scroll it does move but immediately snaps back and won't let you stay at another position. Like if you click and drag the scroll bar it will continuously snap you back into place and give you quite the show of text jumping back and forth rapidly.

I'm currently having this same issue. I've tested it in vivaldi, firefox, and chrome and they all behave the same.

It's just as redeux described, clicking on the primary partition behaves normally ie general, character creation, or achievement points and boons.
But when clicking on the questions within these tabs forces the question to the top of the tab and doesn't let you scroll either up or down from it. Collapsing the partition doesn't change the behavior but refreshing the page resolves it until you open another question.

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