Impossible Lands Lost Omens

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Sovereign Court

During the Gen Con 2021 Telling Tales: Paizo Adventure Paths Panel , Patrick mentions the Impossible Lands Lost Omens Book coming out around the same time as the Alkenstar AP. Has this been mentioned or announced any where else?

Timestamped part of video

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It has not, and it was hushed by Paizo folks when mentioned on the event Discord… but it seems a safe guess, given that 9 volumes of Adventure Path set in the region are coming in 2022, between Outlaws of Alkenstar and Blood Lords. The most interesting bit of such a book to me would be finally getting a deep dive into Jalmeray, which has been chronically under-loved in official sources and has a lot of potential for unique stories (especially with Psychic on the way).

I’m kind of beside myself seeing Garund get so much love in 2e. Here’s hoping we get the rest of the continent not too long after; the Golden Road needs some revisions, and Southern Garund seems to be a wonderful mix of animal-folk, planar strangeness, dinosaurs, and colonies of the great powers of Casmaron, all of which I want to see.

Scarab Sages

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I think a Lost Omens book about the Impossible Lands makes sense, since there are two upcoming APs and Paizo loves it when adventures and setting books align themselves like that.

I doubt we'll see Droon or Nurvatcha before Arcadia, or any other region of the planet outside the Inner Sea.

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It's a good region to make a book about, since there hasn't been really that much focus on them before in PF's publication. And I love it that Paizo actually tries to actually explore new places, rather than the same familiar places all over again (unlike WotC's approach with Forgotten Realms).

Droon or Nurvatcha, or other Southern Garundi lands could also potentially show up in an article in the Alkenstar AP.

I hope Geb turns out to be an interesting and nuanced place. I like the concept of an undead-ruled land that isn't overly aggressive world-wide threat like Tar-Baphon & co. Also, the possibility to play intelligent undead such as ghouls or ghasts would be really neat.

Also, noticed on the meta region map of the Impossible Lands it includes a large swathe of land south of Geb (basically where the Field of Maidens is). I wonder if there will be some new petty kingdoms or cultures of interest down there?

I’m curious if this book can hook me on Nex at all. I really don’t go for wizards or most arcane magic, so I’m kind of at a loss for the nation thus far.


I do wonder how big in scope the book is going to be compared to other Lost Omens gazetteer books like the Absalom and Mwangi Expanse ones (I sure hope it's big because the region is cool and deserves all the love it can get) - particularly in the context of introducing new elements like ancestries and gods, though I imagine that we could see some Vudrani stuff being smuggled in by way of Jalmeray, such as the vishkanyas and vanaras.

There's also the fact that we're already getting information on Geb and Alkenstar/Dongun Hold in Book of the Dead and Guns & Gears respectively, though we might get more holistic overviews of them as opposed to ones primary concerned with their thematic gimmicks (undead and firearms).

Liberty's Edge

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keftiu wrote:
I’m curious if this book can hook me on Nex at all. I really don’t go for wizards or most arcane magic, so I’m kind of at a loss for the nation thus far.

High-magic nation that IMO, and as opposed to what might be expected, does not have the higher moral ground even when compared with its rival nation of Evil undead.

Sounds rife with opportunities for Shadowrun/Cyberpunk-like hooks, just with magic and arclords instead of technology and corporations.

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G&G talks a lot about the Kulenett dwarves in the section on Dongun Hold, and I expect we’ll see them get the treatment that the Mbe’ke and Taralu got in the Mwangi book. They seem to be nomads using an “underground highway” to travel decently far (they brought Vudran black powder to the Dongun Hold dwarves!), and LOCG mentions that they have “oases” of positive energy hidden beneath Geb.

They also have cool little goggles for when they visit the surface.

What ancestries would this book likely cover?

The region has Garundi and Vudrani humans in it, all groups I'd love to see in greater depth - the Garundi in particular I feel like we have a very fuzzy image of, so clarifying that would be killer. There's Kulenett and Dongun dwarves, but no elves, as far as I know. Gnomes flock to Nex and feel slightly underdetailed to the other core Ancestries so far, so a deep dive here could be a lot of fun. Jalmeray has those awesome tiger amurrun who coat their fangs in metal. Fleshwarps are born to the Mana Wastes and created in Nex constantly. By the time we get such a book, we'll already have Book of the Dead's playable undead.

But what's on the table for new Ancestries?

The Vudra backmatter mentioned in passing two, one known for being cursed and another who were rhinofolk; perhaps they could have enclaves in Jalmeray? There's a chance of an ooze-related Ancestry tied to that horrible ooze lake in Nex, like some people have been asking for. I'd be curious to see a curveball or two like the shisk, goloma, and conrasu from the Mwangi Expanse book, perhaps native Ancestries displaced by Nex and Geb pushing down the coast.

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I believe Vishkanyas are noted to be present in Jalmeray, and they were pretty underdeveloped in 1e.

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For Nexian ancestries we still don't have much on the Ghorans in 2e.

Paradozen wrote:
For Nexian ancestries we still don't have much on the Ghorans in 2e.

I genuinely thought I included ghorans! I’d be surprised if we didn’t see them here.

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Was digging around for info on Wyvarans and found out that they primarily live in the mountains of the Shattered Range, which make up the western border between the Impossible Lands and the Mwangi Expanse. I wonder if we might see them - and if so, if they’ll be a standalone Ancestry, or a Medium-sized flying Heritage for Kobolds?

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With the new Lost Omens book revealed today, I am wondering - does this still have a “slot” for this year? I’ll admit I don’t know the LO release schedule.

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Paizo says there are supposed to be 4 LO books per year - one every quarter. We only know two of them (KoL and TG) so there is definitely still room for this book.

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keftiu wrote:

Was digging around for info on Wyvarans and found out that they primarily live in the mountains of the Shattered Range, which make up the western border between the Impossible Lands and the Mwangi Expanse. I wonder if we might see them - and if so, if they’ll be a standalone Ancestry, or a Medium-sized flying Heritage for Kobolds?

Oooooooooooooo! I just got a lot more excited for the book. It's a cool area but the wyvarens would be worth the price of admission. Fingers crossed.

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