Expansive Strike and how to shield self and party members


I'd like to try and use Expansive Strike to go into melee combat as a tank, attract enemies around me, and then pop off a great big fireball or something, but there doesn't seem to be a way to protect my allies short of;
- Using Spells which Target their Strongest Saves
- Using Spells which they Resist Damage types of
- Asking them to simply stay out of range
- Not using big AoE spells when they are nearby.

Now, while this seems like a fair amount of options available, I'm not sure if I'm missing anything about if there is a way to otherwise protect them? I also not that particularly fond if the answer is "choose a different spell to cast" - in a class with only 4 spell slots and likely a defined theme around said spells, this only punishes them.

Thinking about it (not played a caster, and not played alongside Blaster Casters yet), are there any other ways of including allies in AoE spells without hurting them even if I can't Spellstrike+Metamagic with it?

I do not believe you are missing anything.

Attracting enemies to surround your 8 h.p./level PC isn't recommended. :)
Might want to use an illusion (or Champion w/ shield up). Funnily enough, Summoners can do this well via Eidelon's Wrath (and prepping to get that Eidelon to safety!).

There don't seem to be any metamagic ways to avoid blasting allies or to shape one's AoEs. Hmm. That surprises me in some ways, yet also seems predictable given PF2's sensibilities. That's why some spells which target only enemies can be quite effective, i.e. Chain Lightning & Horrid Wilting.

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Only have the Backfire Mantle that gives some circumstance bonus to the saves.

I didn't know about this Mantle. Thanks Kyrone, it will greatly help my Alchemist.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Generally the way of handling indiscriminate AoEs and party members is to try to place them properly to avoid your allies. Fireball on a melee spellstrike is not a good choice for that. With a reach weapon, Expansive Spellstrike can help you line up cone or line spells in different ways, though.

What about safeguard spell?

Spellstrike requires you to first cast a spell, and then strike.
So, maybe, the feat would trigger.

This would allow you to self detonate without taking damage.
It's a lvl 8 sorcerer feat so it would be only available by lvl 16, anyway.

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HumbleGamer wrote:

What about safeguard spell?

Spellstrike requires you to first cast a spell, and then strike.
So, maybe, the feat would trigger.

This would allow you to self detonate without taking damage.
It's a lvl 8 sorcerer feat so it would be only available by lvl 16, anyway.

Metamagic: You typically can't use metamagic with Spellstrike because metamagic requires the next action you take to be Cast a Spell, and Spellstrike is a combined activity that doesn't qualify.

From the spellstrike specifics.

Kyrone wrote:
HumbleGamer wrote:

What about safeguard spell?

Spellstrike requires you to first cast a spell, and then strike.
So, maybe, the feat would trigger.

This would allow you to self detonate without taking damage.
It's a lvl 8 sorcerer feat so it would be only available by lvl 16, anyway.

Metamagic: You typically can't use metamagic with Spellstrike because metamagic requires the next action you take to be Cast a Spell, and Spellstrike is a combined activity that doesn't qualify.
From the spellstrike specifics.

Well, how unfortunate ;)

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Use cones and lines as they are easier to avoid hitting friendlies.

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