New Avatar Art / Images

Website Feedback

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Just wondering if/when we could expect a drop of new avatar images?

There's been a tonne of Starfinder, PF2 and legacy PF1 art that's not appeared and by my reckoning its been a couple of years since the last big drop of art.

Appreciate other stuff takes priority, but for the pbp community they are like mana from the gods.

Even an ETA on when we some new images could be bestowed would go a long way :)

Thanks ahead of time


Marketing & Media Manager

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Black Dow wrote:

Just wondering if/when we could expect a drop of new avatar images?

There's been a tonne of Starfinder, PF2 and legacy PF1 art that's not appeared and by my reckoning its been a couple of years since the last big drop of art.

Appreciate other stuff takes priority, but for the pbp community they are like mana from the gods.

Even an ETA on when we some new images could be bestowed would go a long way :)

Thanks ahead of time


It is a busy time. Things slow down for us at the end of the calendar year.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Fair enough - look forward to seeing that towards the end of year, beginning of next.

Be even more avatar choices by then ;)

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Were PF 2E avatars ever added? I didn't see them at the "end" of the selections.

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I hope new ones get added soon! A lot of the newer ancestries have little or no representation, which is a shame for PBP.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Other related feedback for the avatars: When I go to sort the images by how many people have used them, the sorting appears to only take that as a mild suggestion, and I have no idea what it's doing, lol.

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I'd certainly welcome some of the Mwangi Expanse art as avatars.

Wayfinders Contributor

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I would like to see art from the Lost Omens Character and Ancestry Guides since those featured tons of characters of color. It is hard to find black or asian dwarves, etc.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

The Mwangi Expanse, as well, because there's some cool pictures in there, too.

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
Black Dow wrote:

Just wondering if/when we could expect a drop of new avatar images?

There's been a tonne of Starfinder, PF2 and legacy PF1 art that's not appeared and by my reckoning its been a couple of years since the last big drop of art.

Appreciate other stuff takes priority, but for the pbp community they are like mana from the gods.

Even an ETA on when we some new images could be bestowed would go a long way :)

Thanks ahead of time


It is a busy time. Things slow down for us at the end of the calendar year.

Happy New Year All, just wondering if the release of new avatars is any closer?

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Black Dow wrote:
Happy New Year All, just wondering if the release of new avatars is any closer?

↑↑↑ This! :)

Wayfinders Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

My guess is no, since now we are starting to swing into convention season again. It would still be lovely to have new art, especially any featuring characters of color.


Verdant Wheel

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More Orcs!

...wait, is this an "avatar request" thread or no?...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's a "can we please have more avatars released from the large amount of published content" thread :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I just got my Deck of Endless NPCs.....

Here's hoping that whatever back-end glitches that are holding up the new subscription blog posts get solved soon and include releasing all the new avatars.


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So we're almost a year on from the original request and nothing new. Am guessing as Hmm noted above convention season is upon us, so it'll be the back end of the year (again) before this is considered?

Gotta say I'm pretty disappointed given all the choice avatar art that's been generated o'er the years since the last update.

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Hopeful Bump

Well, mebbe if there are any new Paizo messageboard avatar pictures put up soon, there could be a Paizo blog-post that is made to go and announce them? ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I totally understand there being a delay, with everything going on with reshuffling and running conventions (great work, by the way!) and support for the forums being chronically underfunded, and I am excited for whenever it happens! No rush! :)

Wayfinders Contributor

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
It is a busy time. Things slow down for us at the end of the calendar year.

Hey look, we're at the end of a calendar year again. It would be lovely to have avatars with the inclusive art of recent books. Thanks!


4+ months on from HMM's last request... Any chance of even a few new avatars being released before convention season kills off 2023 chances of fresh faces for us all to wear?

Aaron Shanks. Paizo Director of Marketing wrote:
We are focused on improving our e-commerce, user experience, and community guidelines, among other projects, over avatar creation at this time.


That quote is pulled from a thread about AI art but I took his it to include any avatar updates.

I would love to be wrong.

Hopefully so, but I fear it will encompass avatar creation for PBP :(

Thanks for the cross-citation regardless DH - had missed that.

It's not the site team's fault, of course. They're working with a skeleton crew these days.

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