The Lvl 1 Wizard, Lvl 1 Cleric, Sorcerer for balance of levels

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Slower development, Brutal Damage

25pt build, Race: human, Traits: Magical Knack, Indomitable Faith. Feats: Skill Focus (Planes) & Expanded Arcana. favored Bonus +1 spell
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 11, Chr 17
Level 1: Sorcerer Arch types: Wild blooded & Cross Blooded. Bloodlines: Primal (Fire) & Draconic (Brass; Fire). Bloodline Power: Elemental Fire Ray,
0 lvl spells Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Light. 1st lvl spell: Burning hands (1d4+2) & Magic Missile. Skills Acrobatics Perception & Spellcraft

Level 2 Cleric God Abadar (L/N) Domains: Travel, Defense, Variant Channel: Luck
Spells: 0 Lvl Guidance, Read Magic (all other spells are situational)
Skills Acrobatics, Know Religion Sense Motive. Note: Burning Hands now does 2d4+4

Level 3 Wizard Universalist, Object Arcane Bond. Feat: Eldridge Heritage (Efreeti) Covert Energy Spells to Fire, Fire Ray. Spell book: Utility Spells that do not scale with level or have long durations. Skills Liguistics , Acrobatics, Diplomacy. Note 3 ranks in acrobatics yields a +6 to AC when full defense.
Note 2 Burning Hands now does 3d4+6 & Mu Missile does 2d+6, 12x Elemental/ Fire rays 1d6+3 (Magical Knack).

Level 4 Sorcerer, Chr +1 (18) Burning Hands 4D4+8, ....

By 10th Level his fireballs do 10d6+20, Mu missile(converted to Fire) 5D4+15

Sovereign Court

Well, first off, Wildblooded and Crossblooded archetypes don't stack. There is actually an official FAQ on that.

Second, Crossblooded only has 1 1st level spell known at 1st level. The bloodline spell for 1st level spells comes online at 3rd level. It also only has 3 known cantrips at 1st. The favored class bonus is +1 spell known of 1 level lower than your highest. So I suppose you get 4 cantrips. "Drawbacks: A crossblooded sorcerer has one fewer spell known at each level (including cantrips) than is presented on the sorcerer spells known table."

The 'typical' crossblooded for damage is usually Draconic plus Orc, FYI.

Eldritch Heritage does not give you the Bloodline Arcana, it gives you the 1st level power. For Efreeti that only Fire Ray.

Cleric and wizard are adding very little here. Just stick with sorcerer and you don't need magical knack, get more and higher level spell slots sooner, and eventually you know enough extra spells to make up for a few extra 1st level spells.

Sovereign Court

Oh, Fireball is also your only 3rd level spell known outside of your bloodline spell... and you would know 0 4th level spells. Crossblooded is strong... but has a serious drawback that you are making worse dipping out for 2 levels.

avr wrote:
Cleric and wizard are adding very little here. Just stick with sorcerer and you don't need magical knack, get more and higher level spell slots sooner, and eventually you know enough extra spells to make up for a few extra 1st level spells.

Your point about Eldridge Heritage and wild & cross blooded is right sad face) Thanks for errata link.

However I think the spell quantity is correct...Cantrip from "Favored bonus, 1st lvl spell from Expanded arcana feat

A question abou spell-like abilities in general and drow noble in particular.

Does the ability spell only effect the character or can it include others.
Ex. A NPC slips off a ledge, can the drow use his "Feather fall" to save him?

Kevin Crowe 613 wrote:

A question abou spell-like abilities in general and drow noble in particular.

Does the ability spell only effect the character or can it include others.
Ex. A NPC slips off a ledge, can the drow use his "Feather fall" to save him?

unless it's specifically call out that it can't it is just like any other spell. so a drow with feather fall sla can. a witch with the flight hex (that give at will feather fall at level 1) can't , as it call out to only effect the witch.

also that drow would also get fairy fire. no sense to target himself with a debuff.

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