Three Player party.

Abomination Vaults

How easy would AV be to modify for three players and would free archetypes be sufficient?

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I think you should give them an extra level. Free archetype won't change their level of power much. And considering how deadly are the AV, you will certainly kill them quite quickly.

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Extra level for sure.

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I'll be running it for three and my plan was to give out the free archetype (multiclass dedication only) and run them one level higher.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I've been running a party of three who have just entered the 4th floor of the dungeon (at Level 4). No free archetype, no extra level. All I've done balancing wise is reduce the incoming Damage and HP of each enemy by 25%, and I typically only give non-boss enemies two actions instead of three. This has kept combat fluid, the party is dealing and taking damage on par with my five person Age of Ashes group, and it feels pretty consistent.

Something to consider, if you don't want to give out a free level or a free archetype.

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ShhIAmBatman wrote:
All I've done balancing wise is reduce the incoming Damage and HP of each enemy by 25%, and I typically only give non-boss enemies two actions instead of three.

That's a smart way to do it and prevents the players getting overwhelmed by enemy actions (without cutting out monsters entirely). Maybe just give all bosses the Weak Adjustment to help with the math (which is very easy to do if you play via a good VTT such as Foundry, and not hard live either), along with 2 actions for mooks.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

All good suggestions so far.

My party has been 3 players and they have had a rotating cast of NPCs join them to fill that 4th slot. There's some good and easy to use options in the GMG, and you can easily tweak those to fit a certain NPC's style or whatever. I just follow the tables in the GMG for adjusting their stats as the party advances in levels.

Extra work but it helps the roleplaying opportunities. For example, I had Carman Rajani (slightly weakened from his book 2 stats) join them for a short time. It made the decision at the end of book 2 even more difficult for the players as they had come to like the abrasive scoundrel.

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