Dnasty |
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For those of you who gave mythic tiers to your PCs, how many did you give, when, and how did it go? For those who didn't dip into mythic, how did it go?
I'm starting book 3 and looking at the later books and remembering that mythic eventually comes up. I'm thinking of giving 3 tiers to my PCs, one for when they defeat the High Justice, one for when they arrive at the Dimension of Time and are permitted to go back and right what Alaznist did, and another when they finish correcting the past, before entering Alaznist' domain.

TloniousMonk |
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My players are in the Dimension of Time right now and they are so strong that combats are already hard to balance. I wanted to put some mythic stuff in and so I started at the end of the High Justice fight by giving them mythic "Hard to Kill" to help with their survivability. After completing the paradoxes, I'm thinking about giving their items some legendary powers to become lesser artifacts, but I'm trying to be careful because they are soooooo strong, haha.

Majuba |
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I handed out "Mythic Action Point Cards" with each defeated Runelord. Each one allows them to basically use one mythic point, Tier = Total # of cards received.
They haven't used a single one through mid-book 5 :)
Spend this card to do anything an Action Point Card can do, or to enhance your abilities to a Mythic level. When you first use a Mythic Action Point Card (for any purpose), choose and record a Mythic Path and one of the three base powers ("shticks") that path can grant [e.g. Archmage Arcana (Arcane Surge)]. Your effective Mythic Tier is equal to the number of Mythic Action Point Cards you possess when a card is used. Regardless of the use, you count as a mythic creature for 1 minute after using the card.
Add to a D20 Roll - This operates the same except use D8's instead of D6's, and can be used after failure is known. They do not stack.
Mythic Abilities
You can use a Mythic Action Point Card to gain one of the following standard mythic abilities, so long as you are of sufficient tier. Each ability is a free action to activate, and lasts 1 minute.
Hard to Kill (1st tier) - When dying, you automatically stable at your current hit point total. In addition, you don't die until your total number of negative hit points is equal to or greater than double your Constitution score.
Amazing Initiative (2nd tier) - Add your tier when rolling initiative. Once during the duration you can take a standard action at any time.
Recuperation (3rd tier) - Initiate rest to fully heal after 8 hours rest, or heal half total hp and regain all daily abilities after 1 hour. If rest is interrupted, this ability is wasted.
Mythic saves (5th tier) - Whenever you succeed at a saving throw against a spell or special ability, you suffer no effects as long as that ability didn't come from a mythic source.
Mythic Shtick - you can use a Mythic Action Point Card to activate the shtick you chose from your Mythic Path, as if spending one use of mythic power.
Mythic Path Abilities - you can use a Mythic Action Point Card to select a mythic path ability from the Mythic Path you chose or the Universal list, and use it as if you had also expended one use of mythic power. The ability will last the normal duration in most cases. Constant or permanent effects last 1 minute per tier (e.g. Enduring Armor)
Mythic Feats - you may use a Mythic Action Point Card you gain the benefits of the mythic version of a feat you possess for 1 minute. During this time you can expend one use of mythic power to activate or improve the feat.
Other Options
Mythic Class Ability - Gain the benefits of the mythic version of a class ability (see LG Mythic Heroes Handbook or inquire) you possess for 1 minute. During this time you can expend one use of mythic power to activate or improve the ability.
Boost Defense - Use when fighting defensively, double the benefits for 1 minute.
Emulate Feat - Gain the benefit of a feat for 1 minute, you must meet the prerequisites.
Extra assault - Take an extra move action and one attack at your highest base attack bonus, in either order.
Spell Boost - Increase the effective caster level of one spell by 3+tier.
Spell Duplication – Recall one spell just cast or spell slot just used. You now have it prepared twice, or two spell slots available.
Creativity is encouraged, however any card use completely beyond the power level indicated here may be limited.
For reference, credit to 3.5 Unearthed Arcana:
Spend this card to add to a d20 roll, take a special action, or improve a feat. Max one card per round.
Add to a D20 Roll
1st-7th, 1d6
8th-14th, best of 2d6
15th-20th, best of 3d6
Special Action
Each effect is a free action to activate, lasts 1 rd.
Activate Class Ability - Gain another daily use of a class ability, e.g. smite evil, stunning fist.
Boost Defense - Use when fighting defensively, double the benefits for 1 round. (+4 AC)
Emulate Feat - Gain the benefit of a feat until next turn, you must meet the prerequisites.
Extra attack - Make an extra attack at your highest base attack bonus.
Spell Boost - Increase the effective caster level of one of his spells by 2.
Spell Recall – Recall one spell just cast or spell slot just used.
Stabilize – When dying, become stable at current hit point total.
Improving Feats
Blind-Fight - Negate your miss chance for a single attack.
Combat Expertise - Double the bonus to AC granted, e.g. -2 attack, +4 AC.
Dodge - Increase the dodge bonus to +2. This lasts for an entire encounter.
Improved Critical - Your critical threat range is tripled instead of doubled, e.g. Longsword 15-20.
Improved Initiative - Double the bonus on initiative checks from +4 to +8.
Metamagic Feats - Add the effect of any one metamagic feat you know to a spell, taking no extra time to cast. Heighten Spell automatically raises a spell’s effective level to the highest level of spell you are capable of casting.
Power Attack - Double the bonus on damage rolls.
Spell Focus - Double the increase to your save DCs from +1 to +2.
Spell Penetration - Double the bonus on caster level checks from +2 to +4. This lasts for an entire encounter.

Dragonchess Player |
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Generally speaking, adding 1-3 mythic tiers is usually manageable and doesn't increase the power curve too much. I would avoid adding legendary items/lesser artifacts, unless a mythic PC takes the Legendary Item universal mythic path ability (twice for a lesser artifact); for a campaign with only 1-3 mythic tiers this is a significant investment.
Note, if you are using a character generation method significantly better than 15- or 20-point buy, then you may want to consider toning down the ability score increases every even tier from +2 to +1.

PFRPGrognard |
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If you've never run Mythic Adventures before, I'd recommend staying at Mythic Tier one for as long as possible. Once you add in Second Tier, the action economy becomes more disjointed with the addition of Amazing Initiative. It can take a lot of getting used to if you're unfamiliar with it.
I'd recommend using one mythic tier through level ten and then adding second tier abilities. I'd hold off on adding the third mythic tier until you reach the final adventure and a proper power up feels needed.
The book recommends one mythic tier for every two PC levels, but this adds up very quickly. Third tier and above becomes pretty disruptive and unless you're committed to constantly balancing it out.

Dragonchess Player |

The book recommends one mythic tier for every two PC levels, but this adds up very quickly.
The GM has a lot more flexibility in the use of mythic rules than that.
The book actually recommends that frequency of advancement if mythic elements and opponents are commonly encountered in the campaign (Different Scales of Mythic Campaigns). Mythic can be used in a more limited fashion (PCs can only gain X tiers), as a temporary boost for a specific event/adventure/plot arc, or even as a rare encounter with a mythic monster/NPC (the PCs cannot gain mythic tiers).