Anthropomorphic animal races

Homebrew and House Rules

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Want to run another game in my Great Wood setting, inspired by Redwall. But I would like to keep it as rules-lite as possible, so I'm trying to pare down the races.
Below is a first draft. What would you do to balance them?

Mouse- small, spd 20, scent, +1 saves, bonus feat, +2 Acrobatics or Diplomacy or Sleight of Hand

Hare- medium, spd 40, scent, +2 Athletics, Acrobatics and Perception, spring-step (change direction on charge/run)

Squirrel- medium, spd 30, climb 30ft, scent, +2 Reflex, +2 Athletics and Acrobatics

Hedgehog- small, spd 20, scent, +2 natural armor, +2 Fort, spines (armor spikes)

Toad- medium, spd 20, +1 natural armor, +2 Fort, +2 Will, tongue (can pick up objects/perform maneuvers at 10)

Frog- medium, spd 30, swim 30, +2 Reflex, +2 Acrobatics, +4 Athletics, tongue (can pick up objects/perform maneuvers at 10)

Badger- medium, spd 30, scent, +1 natural armor, +2 Fort, +2 Will, ferocity, tunneler (may excavate earth without tools)

Sparrow- medium, spd 10, fly 50, +1 Reflex, +2 Acrobatics and Athletics

Finch- small, spd 10, fly 50, +2 Acrobatics, +2 Bluff or Diplomacy or Performance

Turtle- medium, 20, swim 20, +2 natural armor, shell (standard action to gain cover)

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Redwall series
where species determines nature (alignment)

I'd fix a central alignment on each species and distribute them out so I'd have 4 species per alignment box {3 ground/1 flier} (4*9=32).
I'd choose an herbivore, insectivore, and omni/carnivore for each alignment box, then an avian.
Once you have the sorting done, get the modes of movement correct and any special defenses or attacks. That will also imply any skill bonuses.
Then I'd look at ability changes, if any.
It doesn't have to be all positive. Each one should have two disadvantages. #1 would be a fear of another specific species, it's not something logical but based on predation. I'd follow nature's example.

What you don't want to do (IMO) is put reptiles in evil while rodents are in good alignments....

It also depends on HOW human... PF already has several anthropomorphic races. Those might be good examples for 75%+ human attributes.

Thank you for the reply.

I borrow from the general theme and whimsical nature of Redwall with my setting, but that's about it. Alignment will be a non-issue.

I also won't be doing any racial ability score modifiers; just going to hand out more points to generate characters. It's what I've been doing for a long while, now. In my experience, players who pick X will tend to build stats that *feel* right, but won't be pigeonholed into X race + Y class because of bonuses.

And again, looking to be as rules-lite as possible. So instead of "+2 on saves versus Poison, Charms and Fear effects", I'll just go "+1 Fort, +1 Will", etc.

What I'm looking for most is feedback on the content I posted...

okay - looking at just what you posted

in summary it is a bit uneven. You have 3 that are well above the average. That made it hard to determine where your average is, that's why the first post.

Humans are the classic with a simple +2 one ability score(everybody seems to get something equivalent), +1 bonus feat(considered their Awesome racial ability), +1 skill point/lvl(scales with level/HD), and second primary class.

I didn't see any twiddling with ability scores. It's generally a +2 to one ability score. Are you trading this for a feat? It's a BIG question. I see you're purposefully deleting this, which is fine.
I'd try to stay in the range of 2 bonus trait(at best +1 to a save) which is the same as 1 feat, then add 3 class(racial) skills with +2 to one. The class skills open up bonuses from skill point expenditures so it's a later payoff.
Then I'd think about +2 to Stealth(hiders) or Survival(hunters) in a terrain, OR bonus movements.
I'd rather give +10-15 ft to effective speed for jump than a flat big bonus.
Size and speed along with combat bonuses/penalties go with size, so that's pre-balanced.
I personally believe some racial items need to scale with level(HD). You see that with the humans extra skill point.

> Mouse: +1 saves, bonus feat. Awesome, in fact too good. +2 one skill. ref: Ratfolk.
> Hare: overall it's fine. ref:
> Squirrel: okay, needs the "or" in the list of skill bumps otherwise it's 3*+2. ref: Vanara
> Hedgehog: scent, +2 natural armor, +2 Fort, spines (armor spikes). hmm, tricky. I'd say the spines do no damage BUT it opens up adding manufactured weapons to the spikes. ref: Kobold
> Toad: +1 natural armor, +2 Fort, +2 Will, tongue (can pick up objects/perform maneuvers at 10). Awesome! too many saves bonuses and CM at range is awesome especially with grab monstrous ability, so I assume it'll provoke AoO as that wasn't listed. Check out tiefling tail traits.
> Frog: swim 30, +2 Reflex, +2 Acrobatics, +4 Athletics, tongue (can pick up objects/perform maneuvers at 10). Again, needs the "or" in the skills and tongue should provoke. Maybe just give +10ft to jumps, same with toad. They seem quite different for highly similar species.
ref: Grippli & Undine
> Badger: scent, +1 natural armor, +2 Fort, +2 Will, ferocity, tunneler (may excavate earth without tools). Awesome! ref: Rougarou & half-orc
> Sparrow: fly & spd changes, +1 Reflex, +2 Acrobatics and Athletics. okay. ref: Strix & Tengu
> Finch: fly & spd changes, +2 Acrobatics, +2 Bluff or Diplomacy or Performance. okay.
> Turtle: +2 natural armor, shell (standard action to gain cover). okay. What kind of cover? I think I'd actually go DR:1 or 2/B, then +1 per 5 levels.

a helpful tool might be Creating new races as the more you add the more there is to balance.

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using the race point system, in order;

Mouse: RcPt=17; +0, -1, +4, about 3*(+2), +4, 2+1+1.

Hare: RcPt=12; 0, +1, +4, +2*3, +1.

Squirrel: RcPt=13; 0, 0, 2+1, +4, +2, 2*+2.

Hedgehog: RcPt=12; 0, -1, +4, +4, +2, about +3.

Toad: RcPt=7; 0, -1, +2, +2, +2, +2.

Frog: RcPt=12; 0, 0, +3, +2, +2, +3, +2.

Badger: RcPt=17; 0, 0, +4, +2, +2, +2, +4, +3.

Sparrow: RcPt=10; 0, -2, +4+2, +2, +2+2.

Finch: RcPt=10; 0, -2, +4+2, +2, +2+1+1.

Turtle: RcPt=7; 0, -1, +2, +4, about +2.

so Avg=11.7, s=3.47, var=12.01

On the above; flight is really good, and with it making the small size penalty to land speed irrelevant I'd rate the finch about the best there (no, I've never agreed with the ARG race builder). It might want a small debuff - even if it's as little as dropping the fly speed to 40. OTOH the turtle needs a serious buff.

I'm pretty sure others have done anthro's before in homebrew if you want another take.

Sorry, some of these comments are a little hard to read.

Thanks for the racial point break down; I've never used the race builder and don't really like a lot of what it does, but it's a good place to start.

As far as the fly speed, this is something I've considered quite a bit. I was wondering if the presence of multiple flying options would sort of dilute the potency of the ability, or if the fact that 25-50% of the terrain will limit mobility for fliers would help keep it in check?

Some updates:

Mouse- is it really 17? The skill bonus is just supposed to be a Choose One type of deal.

Toad- ...add two +2 to skilld? Intimidate and Stealth, or maybe a list of them, or...?

Badger- 17 again? Maybe lower their save bonuses, or drop the Tunneler ability?

Sparrow- maybe just flight and a bonus to two skills?

Finch- flight and a bonus to one skill?

Turtle- I was thinking the Turtle gains Cover, not Partial Cover or Full Cover.
Also, we can add in Hold Breath (1min/Con) and...skill bonuses? A feat?

You could limit the Flight somehow. One option I've seen floated is that the characters has to land at the end of the movement or turn. Another option is start them with Glide and let it upgrade to true Flight later.

Of course, you may want true Flight from the get-go, in which case you can ignore my suggestions.

I wouldn't worry about balancing flight from a racial bonus, tbh. It only affects the first 1-4 levels anyway. Every character has access to flight starting at level 5, whether it be from class abilities/spells or items, so Flying is available throughout a massive portion of the game.

WBL for level 5 is 10,500gp

Brooms of Flying are 8,500gp
Flying Carpets are 10,000gp
Winged Boots are 8,000gp
Witches/Shaman have Flight Hex
Wizards have Fly
Tengu have Tengu Wings feat.
Sorcs and Arcs get Fly at lvl 6
Clerics/Oracles get Air Walk at lvl 7.


I get it. I was a bit chatty and going on what I saw comparing it to traits and feats, then went to the Race Points as a neutral reference. It's not perfect and I think it overvalues skill points, but it also depends on the kind of game you are running.

What it did show was that things were uneven.

If you are approaching an average, say 12 pts, then Mouse and Badger needed to come down and Toad and Turtle need to go up.
If +2 to one ability is worth about 2 RcPts, IMO 3. Then your average target goes up to 15 pts.
I don't think people will quibble over 1 pt one way or the other.

Fly is worth more at low level as fly and overland flight spells aren't available. It makes trip, pit traps, canyons, and a whole host of simple challenges go away.

Burrow is through earth and such, not stone or rock. IMO it should be limited to an aggregate hardness of 2 or less as that gives it a better in game definition.

the creating new races page has A LOT of ideas that have some points attached so you can gauge the ability. It's why I provided a link. I also left in your commas so you can trace the assigned points.

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Turtle needs something solid like a bonus general feat (at least) to be at the same level as the others. Dunno if your players are old enough to remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but if any are and they feel inspired it'd be a shame for turtles to be a trap option. Taking cover as a standard action is bad enough to be zero-rated for a PC, a bonus to holding breath is near-zero, and a few +2 skill bonuses aren't enough to make up the difference.

As far as being inspired by the This is Redwall/Wind in the Willows/etc. They understand full well what they're getting into.

I was thinking the turtle could take cover and...move through enemy fire lines/dangerous areas, and has +2 AC and a swim speed...? Oh, and Slow and Steady, of course. So no encumbrance worries. So:

Turtle- medium, 20, swim 20, +2 natural armor, bonus feat, hold breath, shell, slow and steady

How's that?

A bonus feat and slow and steady makes them better for some builds (but certainly not all) than your mouse; so yeah, that works.

What about the mouse? Small, spd 20, scent, +1 saves, bonus feat, +2 to one skill
--what would you change to keep them in line with the others? Get rid of the feat or bonus to saves?

And the badger? medium, spd 30, scent, +1 natural armor, +2 Fort, +2 Will, ferocity, tunneler
--same thing. Reduce the saves to +1 each? Also, how good would it be to allow them to actually burrow, but at a semi-reasobable rate like 5ft/round?

Unlimited burrowing has potential problems for the GM ("It may take six times as long, but if we burrow there we can avoid any and all encounters along the way", and it's another means of bypassing many obstacles.) I'd find it annoying as a GM but YMMV.

I'd probably leave your badger as is and cut the mouse back to a reflex save bonus. If you were to give the badger burrow 5' then halving the saves seems fairish.

I'd probably just talk to any potential burrow-ers and use common sense. If it became a problem, I'd try to adjust encounters and put more pressure on them time-wise.
If I specify that it's soil, clay and loose earth only...that should help? And there's also the fact that lots of these animals live underground, so burrowing will be a good way to bumble into a rat nest or a weasel den or something. I suppose I'll use that if needed.
At any rate, is that 17pts assuming he's got a Burrow speed? So without it, he's around 12 or...?

And for the mouse:

small, spd 20, scent, +1 Ref, bonus feat, +2 Acrobatics or Diplomacy or Sleight of Hand --?

No idea on the RP costs, I'm the person who thought they were a terrible idea due to the thoroughly messed up values in that system and the lack of awareness of the concept of synergy. Ask Azothath for those.

The mouse looks good to me, and if you're comfortable with burrow 5 (ordinary soil only) you're done I think.

Awesome. Thank you all for your input.

Armor spikes are a sore spot. As far as I'm concerned, The quills always counter attack. It's their attack, not the one wearing them.

When startled, the quills flip out straight, so when aroused or charmed, they stay down, when near the one they are charmed by.

While humans are any alignment, they are also variety eaters, so you are justified in making carnivores tend to evil. A lot depends on how they are raised. If one of your players insist on playing a cat or fox, they had better have a darn good back story.

I'm not sure I understand. You're suggesting I change the quills special rule to only occur when they're aware and feel threatened? I mean, it's more scientifically accurate, sure. But I'm not too worried about that. Definitely going for the spirit of the animal versus the actual animal itself.

Foxe, cats and the like are more akin to dragons and other such monsters by comparison to the playable animals. The one cat I ran in my first game with this setting was Baal, who was sort of like a cross between the Cheshire Cat and Smaug.

They react instinctively, during the surprise round, regardless of whether they make any spot checks. Their quills have a sort of danger sense.

Turtles need Toughness as a bonus feat. And probably something similar to the thing Changelings can get that grants them an additional 5% miss chance any time they benefit from concealment. As well as something like the Halfling thing where they can use Stealth without a source of cover or concealment as long as they are behind someone one or more size catagories larger than themselves... but for the Turtle I would make it same size catagory or larger. I would have all aging effects affect them at half the normal rate, including magical aging effects (like Cherry Blossom Spell metamagics). But I would make them vulnerable to sonic damage, or spells that target objects like Disintegrate, or subject to the Sunder maneuver (remove their natural armor bonus when "broken")... something to really play up their shell.

Like a kappa without the water thing.

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