Humble Bundle Now Limits Charities to 15%, Not 100%

Paizo General Discussion

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Humble Bundle announced a couple days ago that they've changed their policy about how much of your donation can actually go to the charities you're trying to support.


1. Replace sliders with defined amounts and an option to further support charity.

Sliders will be replaced by toggles with defined splits that clearly show what amount of your purchase will support Humble, publishers, and charity. The “Extra to Charity” toggle will triple the split for charity to 15%.

That's it. You can choose 5%, 10% or 15%.

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It's a bad look.


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Looks like Humble just walked this back and the sliders (and the ability to give however much you want to the charity) have returned.

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Good! Pretty awful thing to think you won't get inundated with complaints over.

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