Meta-rule for handling unclear cases

Rules Discussion

So, (most of) Pathfinder 2 is remarkably well-balanced, with a coherent core to it, but at the same time, there are a number of little edge cases that appear unclear for one reason or another. I've noted that different RPGs have different official stances on unclear rules and unclear rules interactions. For example, 4th ed tried to be very particular about everything, such that you really could determine what the rules were every time from a sufficiently precise reading, while 5th ed has wide areas that it almost deliberately leaves ill-defined and states outright that they're supposed to be DM's call. Does Pathfinder 2 have any sort of official meta-doctrine like that?

Sanityfaerie wrote:
Does Pathfinder 2 have any sort of official meta-doctrine like that?

Ask your DM: in some cases that is the actual rules in the book.

On page 444 of the core rulebook, or this handy website, there's a sidebar of game conventions that lay out how the designers expect people to approach the rules in the books.

thenobledrake wrote:
On page 444 of the core rulebook, or this handy website, there's a sidebar of game conventions that lay out how the designers expect people to approach the rules in the books.

Ah. Thank you. Yes, that was *exactly* the sort of thing I was hoping for.


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The subsection on "Ambiguous Rules" is a particular favorite of mine ^_^

I would just like to add that for my groups the most important thing when it has come to situations like this is consistency. once you have decided how to handle it always handle it the same way going forward.

Design Manager

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See also this from the CRB and This from GMG.

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I appreciate that by RAW, RAW has been dethroned by reasonable adjudication. :)

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