Why does Paizo do these things...

Paizo General Discussion

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I just order a copy of Starfinder Starship Operation Guide and I put it on my bookshelf now I get to look at this....


It's not a real issue but its distracting. I hope other people get a LAWL out of this as well. My eyes still twitch when look at my bookshelf.

LoL. Kind of like the one beastiary that is not lined up right, #4 I think.

Goblins did it. Or possibly Gremlins.

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OCD appears to not be one of the attributes Paizo is respectful of.


Now that it's mentioned, I imagine this sort of silliness will cease. I should've mentioned it a decade ago, when Rise of the Runelords ended and AP 7 was released, with a black spine instead of white.

I've been known to give away various books and import foreign printings to get matching artwork styles. I grudgingly accept when change happens, but I can't stand "the UK printing still has the old style and the North American printing has a newer cover style that matches bloody nothing."

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Anguish wrote:

OCD appears to not be one of the attributes Paizo is respectful of.


Now that it's mentioned, I imagine this sort of silliness will cease. I should've mentioned it a decade ago, when Rise of the Runelords ended and AP 7 was released, with a black spine instead of white.

I've been known to give away various books and import foreign printings to get matching artwork styles. I grudgingly accept when change happens, but I can't stand "the UK printing still has the old style and the North American printing has a newer cover style that matches bloody nothing."

I doubt they'll do anything. Do you remember the novel line? They started out in mass market paperback, but switched to trade paperback about two-thirds of the way through. Making my bookshelf look awful.

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