Melkiador |

Melkiador wrote:Dwarf paladins are thematically very compatible, but taking a charisma penalty and no attack stat bonus is certainly suboptimal. Of course, there is an archetype for dwarves, but it changes the paladin so much as to not even be recognizable as a paladin.I rather like my stonelord PC, who very definitely retains a paladin's mindset. And Torag's holy symbol blazoned on his shield. ;)
But yes, he does have to explain "I'm not that kind of paladin" fairly often...
Exactly. It's a good archetype, but you're better off not even calling yourself a paladin, because it's basically false advertising. It's closer to being an alternate class than a traditional archetype.

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(Bald Exiled) Dwarf Rogue - I once played a dwarf born and raised at the slums of some big dwarven/human trade city. He had to do what needs to be done to survive, so he became some "evilish" character/anti-hero. But at his core he was disgusted of what he had to become to survive. So he tried to help other not to become what he became, by doing the "evil" deeds for them (e.g. a orphanage matron abused the children under hercare, so he went in slaughtered the matron and sneaked aways, so none of the children were forced to take this step).

Melkiador |

A dwarf rogue isn't the most optimal combination in the world, but it does help boost those fortitude and will saves, which is one of the bigger weaknesses with the rogue. While being a little weaker offensively than other races, it might be better at other aspects of the class like trap disarming, since it can more easily tank the results of failing a disarm. And having darkvision is pretty great for a class that does a lot of its work in the dark.

VoodistMonk |

A dwarf rogue isn't the most optimal combination in the world, but it does help boost those fortitude and will saves, which is one of the bigger weaknesses with the rogue. While being a little weaker offensively than other races, it might be better at other aspects of the class like trap disarming, since it can more easily tank the results of failing a disarm. And having darkvision is pretty great for a class that does a lot of its work in the dark.
Any race with racial weapon proficiency that doesn't rely on being proficient in Martial Weapons can make a decent Strength-based cRogue.
Be a nice, strong Dwarf... use a Battleaxe, Heavy Pick or Warhammer. Take the trait to wear Mithral Breastplate without penalty... it's not THAT unoptimized. My Tengu, Izzek, a Strength-based, cRogue using a Greatsword did God's work, son.
Have a battle-buddy to flank with. Invest in Dirty Tricks, there's a Rogue Talent for that... and the Dirty Fighting feat gives you a +4 when flanking to pull it off. Use the Scout archetype for Sneak Attack on a charge for when you go before your battle-buddy in initiative order...
People act like this $#!+ is hard. Lol. The only way to make a bad Rogue is to focus on damage. Lol. Dex-to-DMG UnRogue Knifemasters are SO freaking worthless, in juxtapose to a strong Tengu cRogue focused on being useful... can your average Knifemaster find your way out of a maze or help the party survive at sea/in the desert?
Sneak Attack literally sucks unless YOU focus on being a member to a melee a team. It is not THEIR responsibility to set up your dumb BS (Sneak Attack)... less armor means more Dex, means a generally higher Initiative. Use going first to set up your own positioning... take the Rogue Talents to deny AoO, so your battle-budddy can move into position.
Every time I see someone/anyone type that Rogues can't rely on flanking for Sneak Attack... I want to slap a b!tch... if you aren't flanking as a Rogue, you are A BAD R0GUE!!! The full BAB Fighter doesn't depend on flanking to be useful, the Rogue does. It is on the Rogue to put themselves in a position they are useful... not the Fighter, the Fighter can hit and do decent damage regardless... fix your $#!+ little Rogue, it's on you...
But Rogues have options, lots of them... if you still think it's your race holding back your Rogue, you're wrong... YOU failed, not the race, or class, or party... you.

VoodistMonk |

Trying to slap Rogue (core or UnChained) on to any Strength-based build, just to call it less than opimal, probably needs to stop... just because it doesn't fit someone else's generic vision of that class, doesn't mean it automatically qualifies as "unoptimised [sic]".
I hate Rogues... 90% of the Rogues I have seen built, I wouldn't p!ss on to put out a fire... hate them.
But it is not a free pass to be "unoptimsed [sic]"...
Izzek's skills were absolutely important to the party, he played as an intelligent front line fighter... quintessential to damage output, reliant on posiioning with the party. Often output more damage than the Fighter, once we were in flanking position.
Martials work together to eliminate threats, and once we tag-teamed an enemy, it was over... for them... and that's the point of martials to begin with. Teamwork makes it happen...

giant floob |
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Merfolk alchemist construct rider + white hairs witch. She sits around in a porcelain bathtub with mechanical legs all day mixing potions in her tub with her hair. I like her to be a merfolk princess on safari. Not by any means the most powerful combo, but it’s pretty fun chucking bath bombs at people.