DM_Delmoth's Planescape re-recruitment


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Greetings bloods and berks alike!

I’m looking for a couple of cutters to join an already existing group who’ve stumbled into a plot far larger and dangerous than it appears. This is a Planescape re-recruitment where I’m adapting some of the old modules into Pathfinder 1e, we are currently running through the Dead Gods adventure collection. I’m looking for 1-2 players to round out the party.

If you're not familiar with the setting that's fine! You can still submit a character from basically any setting. A "brief" overview of the Multiverse, for the clueless. Generally all settings can/do exist, as well as any compatible universes from literature, maybe even the worlds you've dreamed up yourself. I will however favor characters from Sigil or the Planes in general.

Build rules:
7st level
20 point buy
2 traits
Automatic Bonus Progression
Purchase limit: 11,750 gp
Background skills
Any race with RP 15 or less plus Planescape races (see below)
Custom races allowable with approval, 15 RP or less
All Paizo published options are fair game

What your submission should include
Name/Race/Class, if you have a fully crunched out character that's fine.
Faction, if any: See below for details
Short concept: In 100 words or less. If you have a more in depth background, great, but put it in spoiler. Your short concept should briefly explain why they're in Sigil, the City of Doors. This can be as simple as you stumbled through a portal or more detailed. More recently your character has arrived in the town of Crux, a small burg built in the branches of the World Tree, Yggdrasil.
A 1-3x3: 1-3 friends, 1-3 contacts, 1-3 rivals. These are NPCs (or PCs) that your PC knows or used to know. One or two sentence descriptions are fine. Connections to published Planescape NPCs are fine for this.
Fear: at least one thing that your character fears or will avoid if possible
Optional: 2 secrets, one your character keeps from the party, one kept from your character.

Planescape specific races:
Bariaur (see below)
Githzerai (see below)
Fire Genasi (Ifrits)
Earth Genasi (Oreads)
Modron (see below)
Air Genasi (Sylphs)
Water Genasi (Undines)

Size Quality Modified for custom races:
Large (4 RP): Prerequisite: Humanoids taking this quality must have the giant subtype; Benefit: Large races take a –1 size penalty to their AC, a –1 size penalty on attack rolls, a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a –4 size penalty on Stealth checks. A Large creature takes up a space that is 10 feet by 10 feet and has a reach of 5 feet.

Tiny (2 RP): Prerequisites: Aberration, construct, dragon, fey, outsider (native), or plant type; Benefit: Tiny races gain a +2 size bonus to their AC, a +2 size bonus on attack rolls, a –2 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +8 size bonus on Stealth checks. Tiny characters take up a space of 2-1/2 feet by 2-1/2 feet, so up to four of these characters can fit into a single square. Tiny races typically have a natural reach of 0 feet, meaning they can't reach into adjacent squares. They must enter an opponent's square to attack it in melee. This provokes an attack of opportunity from the opponent. Since they have no natural reach, they do not threaten the squares around them. Other creatures can move through those squares without provoking attacks of opportunity. Tiny creatures typically cannot flank an enemy.


Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
The bariaur — herbivorous denizens of the Upper Planes — often remind primes of centaurs, their goat-bodies topped by human torsos and arms. Their faces display somewhat more animal-like features than centaurs, and male bariaur sport a fine pair of curling ram's horns. Bariaur can be exceedingly fussy about their appearances, dyeing and shaving their pelts in intricate patterns. They're well known for their wanderlust, building no towns but roaming over several of the Upper Planes in a seemingly random path. Most claim Ysgard as their birthplace, though some herds are native to Elysium, the Beastlands, or Arborea. In personality, bariaur are usually carefree, social, outgoing, and friendly. Though considered frivolous by some, the sturdy bariaur nevertheless are fierce fighters when their families or friends are threatened. Ysgardian bariaur, in particular, hold a special hatred for giants, no doubt due to the predations of the enormous humanoids upon bariaur herds.

PC members of this race possess infravision to a 60-foot range and a movement rate of 15. While most are chaotic good, PC bariaur may be of any nonevil alignment. They may rise to 13th level in any allowable class. Further benefits depend on the sex of the bariaur, as their society maintains traditional roles for males and females. On initial character generation, male bariaur gain a +1 bonus to Strength and Constitution and suffer a -1 penalty to Wisdom and Dexterity. With their horns, they can always attempt to butt an opponent for 1d8 points of damage (plus Strength bonus), tripling this result by charging at least 30 feet in a straight line. If the hit is successful, the charging bariaur must save versus breath weapon or suffer the same damage as the target. Charged creatures size M or smaller are knocked to the ground 50% of the time. Male bariaur can become fighters, rangers, paladins, or priests. Female bariaur, generally somewhat more intellectually inclined, gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom but suffer a -1 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. They lack horns with which to attack opponents, but add +2 to all surprise rolls and +3 to saving throws versus spell. Females can be fighters, priests, or wizards.

The joy of freedom, the love of laughter, and the exultation of victory are your meat and drink. These are things worth dying for — nothing else is more important. These concepts supersede all others, coming even before duty, honor, or gold. Others claim them (and you) frivolous at times, but you cannot imagine life without these treasures; the very thought of losing them chills you to your very bones. But it's best not to dwell upon that. Enjoy life, laughing in the sun, or whatever passes for a sun in the places that you visit. Though things may turn grim, you know that you'll always have the strength of your convictions and what they represent to sustain you.

Bariaur in Pathfinder:

Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Bariaur are usually native to Ysgard but are frequently found on good and chaotic aligned planes.
Size: Large (4 RP) space 10ft reach 5ft ===> -1 AC and Att, +1 CMB and CMD - Bariaur are only marginally smaller than horses.
Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score: Specialized Physical: +2 Str, +2 Con, -2 Wis (1 RP) - Male Bariaur are traditionally the warrior class for their herds.
Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Bariaur

Quadruped (2 RP) +10 base speed, +4 vs trip combat maneuvers - Bariaur have four cloven legs and as such move faster and are harder to trip.
Gore (1 RP) 1d8 - Male Bariaur grow a pair of curling ram-like horns from their head, which they frequently use to settle disagreements.
Powerful Charge (2 RP) - When charging with their horns a bariaur deals twice the damage with their gore attack adding 1-½ strength to damage.

Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Bariaur are usually native to Ysgard but are frequently found on good and chaotic aligned planes.
Size: Large (4 RP) space 10ft reach 5ft ===> -1 AC and Att, +1 CMB and CMD - Bariaur are only marginally smaller than horses.
Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score: Specialized Mental: +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Dex (1 RP) - Female Bariaur are traditionally the shamans and spellcasters for their tribe.
Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Bariaur

Quadruped (2 RP) +10 base speed, +4 vs trip combat maneuvers - Bariaur have four cloven legs and as such move faster and are harder to trip.
Skill Bonus (2 RP) - +2 to perception checks.
Hardy, Lesser (2 RP) - +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs spells and spell-like abilities.

Total RP 13


Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
The history of the githzerai is one of ancient war and ancient slavery. Once of one race with the githyanki under the enslavement of the mind flayers, the githzerai broke away from their illithid masters and then from their gith brethren, sparking a racial war that has continued into the present. The two gith factions separated and found new homes: the githyanki in the emptiness of the Astral Plane, and the githzerai in the swirling chaos of Limbo.

Githzerai are humanoids, thinner and taller than humans with sharp features, long faces, and eyes of gray or yellow. Severe and serious, the githzerai tend toward somberness in their clothing and personalities. They're usually close-mouthed, keeping their own council and trusting
few outside their own kind.

Only a few things stir the githzerai to passion. Their ancient hatreds for the illithids and githyanki erupt violently in any encounter with those races. Similarly, they are sworn to protect their race on their adopted home of Limbo, since that refuge was only won after millennia of hardship and war; any threat against their haven is met with whatever force is necessary to eliminate that threat.

To the githzerai, there are only three truths: that the githyanki and illithids will never be anything but mortal enemies; that they will allow nothing to hinder the survival of their race; and that no one will ever enslave them again.

Githzerai PCs add +1 to Intelligence and Dexterity and subtract -1 from Strength and Wisdom. They have infravision to 60 feet and may be of any nonlawful alignment. They can be fighters, fighter/wizards, wizards, or thieves; githzerai have no priests, but revere their ancient wizard-king as a god.

Githzerai warriors and thieves possess an always-active magic resistance of 5% per level, to a maximum of 95%. This affects any magical items a githzerai tries to use; if the resistance roll is made, the item is useless to that character forever after. Note that this type of magic resistance is specific to githzerai only, as most other creatures can drop it at will. Mages lose their magic resistance in order to learn spellcasting. Fighter/wizards decide whether or not to keep the magic resistance and its attendant penalties; most purge themselves of it, since it interferes with their ability to use magical armor and items.

Finally, PC githzerai utterly lose their native ability to plane shift, perhaps due to their extended time away from their wizard-king.

Role-Playing A Githzerai
All around you there is stagnation. Rigid thought and restricted personal freedom abound. Everyone you know is a slave — but you won't let the shackles of easy conformity and control wrap their seductive chains around you. You'll remain independent, and strike down any who try to enslave you in word or deed. Your people have known oppression in the past, and you'll not bear it again.

Githzerai in Pathfinder:

Type: Native Outsider (3 RP) ===> Darkvision (60ft) - Githzerai are native to Limbo but can be found anywhere and Sigil has a sizable population.
Size: Medium (0 RP)
Speed: Normal (0 RP)
Ability Score: Standard (0 RP): +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis
Language: Standard (0 RP): Common, Githzerai

Spell Resistance, Lesser (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain spell resistance equal to 6 + their character level.
Ancient Foe (Illithid) (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Choose one monster type or one subtype of the humanoid type. Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of that type and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws vs effects generated by that creature.
Ancient Foe (Githyanki) (3 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Choose one monster type or one subtype of the humanoid type. Members of this race gain a +2 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of that type and a +2 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures of that type.

Total RP: 11

Rogue Modron

Inspiration: This entry from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc.:
Modrons are the clockwork caretakers of the gears of Mechanus, virtually unthinking in their strict hierarchical order. No beings' minds are as focused on law, stability, repetition, and the security of harmonious regulation. But the multiverse isn't perfect — not even in Mechanus — and sometimes things go wrong. Sometimes a modron receives conflicting orders from two or more superiors, or is confronted with incontrovertible proof that all is not orderly. Sometimes a modron's mind just snaps. These circumstances create rogue modrons.

When modrons go rogue, they lose most of their special abilities and even the normal modron form that designates their position within the clockwork hierarchy. They find themselves cast out of Mechanus, the heart of law and the only world they have ever known, and plunged into the cold, lonely, and (worst of all) chaotic multiverse. Rogue modrons have the forbidden and reprehensible glimmerings of self awareness the only thing that allows them to survive in this new sphere.

Most rogue modrons are not crazed lunatics craving chaos and destruction. On the contrary, most folks can't tell a rogue modron from a "normal" one just by listening to it talk about the multiverse. It still is an extremely ordered being, with law at the center of all of its thoughts and ingrained in the way it feels, acts, and reacts. To another modron, the differences are obvious, and the rogue is some sort of chaotic wild-child; but to other folks, the rogue modron still seems the epitome of order.

Rogue modrons stand exactly 6 feet tall, with cubelike bodies similar to those of quadrone modrons. The cubes are 3 feet on each face, adorned with two thin 3-foot-long legs, two 3-foot-long arms, and a pair of small, vestigial (non-operational) wings on their backs. A vaguely anthropomorphic face can be found on the front cube face.

Modrons are formed from the stuff of order and given clockwork limbs and other parts. Both mechanical and fleshly parts comprise a modron, but the parts meld together to form an orderly whole. In fact, modron bodies aren't much different from any other basher's, other than in their odd appearance. (So curative spells, for example, work just fine on them despite their mechanical components.) Otherwise, modrons are genderless, ageless, and very difficult to distinguish from one another. Thankfully, the latter problem is solved by the fact that very, very few rogue modrons wander the Planes.

Rogue modron player characters present a number of problems and special situations. These beings had no childhood, family, social rank, or even any real history. In fact, rogue modrons begin to lose what memories they have of Mechanus as time passes; as beginning player characters, they have even forgotten what rank they once held in the modron order.

Role-playing rogue modrons requires special attention to their personalities and motivations. As beings of near-absolute order, they need organization, rank, authority, regulation, and harmony to be content. Modrons would never join a group that didn't make its organization and hierarchy clear, including an adventuring group. Modrons need to know exactly where they stand in the group - who ranks above them, and who below. While not as interested in being on top as some berks, they don't necessarily follow orders blindly and won't appreciate being taken advantage of by some peeler who thinks he understands how modrons operate.

Once modrons set a course of action, it's difficult to divert them. They don't become side tracked or distracted. Modrons have a focus that no human can match in intensity. Most modrons also have no concept of self, but this is only partially true of rogues. Though still less motivated by concepts such as greed, personal happiness, and even self preservation than a human would be, they do recognize and (vaguely) comprehend these ideas.

Rogue modrons don't believe in, or even understand, the concept of chance. They never use words or embrace ideas like "luck." To modrons, everything is structured, nothing is random. All creatures abide by a set of rules and regulations — whether they realize it or not. In fact, while modrons might not be able to describe exactly what all the "rules of the cosmos" are, they may try to figure the rules out — a lifelong task at best.

Essentially, rogue modrons are refugees from a completely alien society and world, with completely different outlooks — at least at first. As PC modrons explore the multiverse, they continue to learn and adapt to the rest of the planes. Although they may never accept that there isn't an order to everything, they may adjust the way they view order. Rogue modrons try to impose their own brand of order on everything around them, or simply rationalize explanations that place a veneer of order over the chaos of the Multiverse.

Curiosity may be the one downfall of modrons. Emotions, humor, friendship, and many other concepts familiar to humans and other humanoids are new and very strange to modrons (at least until they find or impose order within or upon them).

Rogue modrons have natural advantages due to their status as creatures of ultimate law. They can readjust their vision, giving them effectively a double normal range of sight, as well as an uncanny ability to detect secret doors and other minutiae. They have a 2 in 6 chance of finding secret doors and a 3 in 6 chance of detecting concealed doors. Modrons have a 30% resistance to illusions, energy drains, charm, sleep, fear, domination, and other similar mind-affecting spells. They gain a +1 bonus to saving throws versus fire, cold, and acid. Modrons have a natural Armor Class of 8 (due to the fact that they're partially constructed of metal), and a movement rate of 15.

Modrons also have a few disadvantages. For example, their structured minds don't allow them to react to surprise situations very well. (This doesn't make them easier than normal to surprise, though.) When modrons are surprised, they remain that way for twice the normal length of time. They don't interact well with individuals of chaotic alignment (despite some Xaositects' adoration
of the term "rogue" modron), usually suffering a -1 reaction penalty toward such people. Modrons also find their size and weight to be a hindrance at times. It is impossible for them to carry out such standard actions as riding a horse, wearing normal armor, or wriggling through a narrow opening.

Rogue modrons can choose classes and gain levels like any PC. This idea of self-improvement and self-advancement is alien to modron society, but it's obviously the way of the outside order, so rogue modrons adapt. From their structured minds and solid forms they gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence and Constitution, but their boxlike bodies and unfamiliarity with other cultures impose a -1 penalty to Dexterity and Charisma. Modrons can be fighters or wizards, but they cannot be multiclassed; even rogues are too focused for such personal diversity. Wizard modrons on Mechanus are virtually unheard of, but outside the clockwork universe, rogue modrons can see an order to magic use, as well as the benefits its use can provide. They may become specialist wizards but (obviously) cannot become wild mages.

Naturally, rogue modrons can only be lawful in alignment, although the range of good, evil, or neutral is open to them as new concepts to explore (and ultimately, probably fear).

Tick. Everything is structured. Tock. Everything is ordered. Tick. Tock. You hear the sounds of the machinery of the multiverse. Despite your exile from Mechanus, the clockwork of creation can never be taken from you. Those around you can provide insight into the structure of the new world you are now forced to live in. Whether or not they realize it, by observing them you see how things work, and what your place is within the structure. You ask questions, observing not only the answers, but the way in which they are answered. Every detail is important, for nothing happens without a reason.

Modrons in Pathfinder:

Type: Outsider (native) => unlike most native outsiders rogue modrons don't gain darkvision but instead gain low-light vision instead (2 RP)

Size: Medium rogue modrons are 3 ft cubes with appendages (0 RP)
Normal speed (0 RP)

Ability scores: +2 Con, +2 Int, -2 Cha modron’s bodies are partially metal making them particularly sturdy and their organized mind makes it easy for them to learn, but their minds are also alien to most people making it difficult to relate to them (0 RP)

Languages: Common, Modron, +any from high int

Telescopic Eyes: Rogue modrons are able to focus their eyes beyond human norm and gain a +2 to perception checks and saves vs Illusions (3 RP)

Mechanical Body: Rogue modrons are partially made of metal and other mechanisms, this hardness confers a +1 natural armor bonus. (2 RP)

Alien Mind: Rogue modrons have alien minds and many concepts either don’t exist for them or are known only intellectually, thus they gain a +2 save vs mind affecting effects. They must also be of any lawful alignment. (1 RP)

Source: Modrons don’t have traditional souls and if they die their energy returns to the Source. This both makes them resistant to negative energy and harder to bring back to life. They gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws made to resist death effects, saving throws against negative energy effects, Fortitude saves made to remove negative levels, and Constitution checks made to stabilize if reduced to negative hit points. Modron corpses cannot be used to animate undead of any type and a True Resurrection, Miracle, or Wish is required to bring a rogue modron back to life. (1 RP)

Elemental Resistance: Rogue modron’s bodies are hardy and gain Fire Resistance 5, Cold Resistance 5, and Acid Resistance 5 (3 RP)

Total RP: 12

What follows is a quick look at each faction from The Planewalker’s Handbook by Monte Cook, 1996 TSR Inc. This should give you an idea of what each is like. If you want more detail on any one of them send me a PM and I can get it to you. If you choose a faction you’ll get a faction trait and potentially a drawback. This is largely a role play choice since the character should believe in each faction's credo. You are generally considered a citizen of Sigil only if you are a faction member, Free League and Anarchist notwithstanding.

Athar (Defilers, The Lost):

Philosophy: The gods are frauds; the unknowable truth lies beyond the veil.
Factol: Terrance.
Sigil HQ: Shattered Temple (Lower Ward).
Home Field: Astral.
Eligibility: No divine spellcasters of specific deities.
Allies: Believers of the Source.
Enemies: None.
Restrictions: Can't accept aid (especially healing) from priests of specific deities.
Bitterly Betrayed: I've wasted my life worshiping false gods! Someone must pay.
Street Preacher: Listen to me. The powers are frauds - I can prove it! Listen to me!

Believers of the Source (Godsmen):

Philosophy: All life springs from the same divine source, ascending and descending in form as it is tested.
Factol: Ambar Vergrove.
Sigil HQ: Great Foundry (Lower Ward).
Home Field: Ethereal.
Eligibility: Anyone can join.
Allies: Athar, Doomguard (temporary ally).
Foes: Bleak Cabal, Dustmen.
Restrictions: Can't be raised or resurrected; priests of specific deities suffer -1 to all saving throws.
Achiever: How can I improve myself today?
Egoist: I've passed tests other berks can't imagine; I'm well on my way to godhood.

Bleak Cabal (Bleakers, The Cabal, Madmen):

Philosophy: The multiverse ain't supposed to make sense; there's no grand scheme,
no deep meaning, no elusive order. The only truth worth finding lies within.
Factol: Lhar.
Sigil HQ: The Gatehouse (Hive Ward).
Home Field: Pandemonium (in the Madhouse).
Eligibility: No lawful members.
Allies: Doomguard, Dustmen, Rev. League, Xaositects.
Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium, Mercykillers.
Restrictions: Has a 1 in 20 chance each day of being overcome by melancholia.
Perpetually Depressed: Nothing means anything, so why bother doing anything?
Perpetually Cheerful: Nothing means anything, so why not do anything?
Perpetually Mad: Nothing means anything, so anything means anything!

Doomguard (Sinkers):

Philosophy: Entropy is ecstasy; decay is divine. The multiverse is supposed to fall apart. We're just here to keep leatherheads from interfering.
Factol: Pentar.
Sigil HQ: Armory (The Lady's Ward).
Home Field: The negative quasiplanes (Ash, Dust, Salt, and Vacuum).
Eligibility: No priests with access to the spheres of healing or creation.
Allies: Bleak Cabal, Dustmen.
Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
Restrictions: Must fail a saving throw vs. spell before magical healing will work on them.
Destroyer: Break it to bits; help entropy along!
Watcher: Think long-term; promote entropy by acting in subtle ways.

Dustmen (The Dead):

Philosophy: We're all dead - some more so than others. We explore our state with patience, purge our passion, and ascend toward the purity of True Death.
Factol: Skall.
Sigil HQ: Mortuary (Hive Ward).
Home Field: Negative Energy Plane.
Eligibility: Anyone can join.
Allies: Bleak Cabal, Doomguard.
Enemies: Society of Sensation, Sign of One.
Restrictions: Half normal chance of surviving resurrection.
Wide-Eyed: No emotions, no dreams, no hopes to be shattered - it's bliss!
Serene: Fully satisfied . . . comfortably numb.

Fated (Takers, Heartless, Coldbloods):

Philosophy: The multiverse belongs to those who seize it. No one's to blame for
a poor sod's fate but the sorry sod himself.
Factol: Duke Rowan Darkwood.
Sigil HQ: Hall of Records (Clerk's Ward).
Home Field: Ysgard (in Rowan's Hall).
Eligibility: No lawful good members.
Allies: Free League, Mercykillers (loosely).
Enemies: Harmonium.
Restrictions: Can't accept or perform charity.
Stoneheart: What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine, too.
The Doer: I'll get what I want no matter what stands in the way.

Fraternity of Order (Guvners):

Philosophy: Everything has laws; most are dark. Learn the laws of the multiverse
and you can rule it.
Factol: Hashkar.
Sigil HQ: City Court (The Lady's Ward).
Home Field: Mechanus (in the Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment).
Eligibility: Members must be lawful.
Allies: Harmonium, Mercykillers.
Enemies: Rev. League, Xaositects.
Restrictions: Can't knowingly break a law.
The Sage: If knowledge is power, then knowing everything is the key.
The Manipulator: Master the laws of the multiverse, and you'll get whatever you want.

Free League (Indeps):

Philosophy: This ain't no faction, and nobody tells us what to do. Keep your options open; nobody's got the key to the truth.
Factol: None.
Sigil HQ: Great Bazaar (Market Ward).
Home Field: Outlands; informal meetings in Tradegate.
Eligibility: Anyone can join.
Allies: Fated (sometimes).
Enemies: Harmonium.
Restrictions: No factol, no representatives, no rights.
Stereotypes: Any.

Harmonium (Hardheads):

Philosophy: Peace is our goal. But if it takes a little war to get others to see things the Harmonium way, so be it. That's how we'll reach our golden harmony.
Factol: Sarin.
Sigil HQ: City Barracks (The Lady's Ward).
Home Field: Arcadia (in Melodia).
Eligibility: Members must be lawful.
Allies: Guvners, Mercykillers.
Enemies: Free League, Rev. League, Xaositects.
Restrictions: Disobedience requires atonement. Refusal is punishable by death.
The Basheri: There'll be peace if I have to crush everyone's skull to get it.
The Preacher: Think love, peace, and harmony.

Mercykillers (Red Death):

Philosophy: Justice is everything. When properly applied, punishment leads to perfection.
Factol: Alisohn Nilesia.
Sigil HQ: Prison (The Lady's Ward).
Home Field: Acheron (in Vorkehan).
Eligibility: Members must be lawful; thieves and known criminals may not join.
Allies: Guvners, Harmonium.
Enemies: Rev. League, Sensates, Sign of One.
Fanatic: Guilty. The judgment is death.
Crusader: Innocents must not be punished; the guilty must not be punished unfairly.

Revolutionary League (Anarchists):

Philosophy: The status quo is built on lies and greed. Crush the factions. Break 'em down and rebuild with what's left - that's the only way to find real truth.
Factol: None.
Sigil HQ: Many safe houses throughout the city.
Home Field: Carceri (in the Bastion of Last Hope).
Eligibility: No lawful members.
Allies: Doomguard, Xaositects (weak tie).
Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
Restrictions: Can't hold office or own a business; must give 90% of all wealth to the faction or the oppressed.
Rebel without a clue: Who needs a reason? Riot, loot, and burn it all down!
The Mole: Worm your way into the heart of power and slowly destroy it from within.

Sign of One (Signers):

Philosophy: The planes exist because the mind imagines them. Any Signer could be the one who creates the multiverse through the power of thought.
Factol: Darius.
Sigil HQ: Hall of Speakers (Clerk's Ward).
Home Field: The Beastlands (in Signpost).
Eligibility: Lawful good and lawful neutral members are unlikely at best.
Allies: Sensates.
Enemies: Bleak Cabal (especially), Harmonium.
Restrictions: Suffers -2 penalty to reaction and loyalty adjustments.
Introspective: Weigh it all carefully; improve yourself, and you improve the multiverse.
Egomaniac: Don't cross me, berk, or I'll think you right out of existence!

Society of Sensation (Sensates):

Philosophy: To know the multiverse, experience it fully. The senses form the path to truth, for the multiverse doesn't exist beyond what can be sensed.
Factol: Erin Montgomery.
Sigil HQ: Civic Festhall (Clerk's Ward).
Home Field: Arborea (in the Gilded Hall).
Eligibility: Anyone can join.
Allies: Sign of One; occasionally Indeps, Guvners.
Enemies: Doomguard; often Dustmen, Mercykillers.
Restrictions: Can't refuse offers that lead to new experiences.
Hedonist: Party, party, party! Pleasureabove all!
Connoisseur: The rarest experiences are best; doing the same thing over and over is foolish.

Transcendent Order (Ciphers):

Philosophy: Action without thought is the purest response. Train body and mind to act in harmony, and the spirit becomes one with the multiverse.
Factol: Rhys.
Sigil HQ: Great Gymnasium (Guildhall Ward).
Home Field: Elysium.
Eligibility: Members must be at least partly neutral.
Allies: Most factions.
Enemies: Harmonium (suspicion).
Restrictions: Once an action is stated, Cipher must commit to that action (he can't change his mind).
Hair-Trigger: Action, reaction. Why think about it?
Zen Master: Patience, grasshopper. With balance comes harmony.

Xaositects (Chaosmen):

Philosophy: Chaos is truth, order delusion. Embracing the randomness of the multiverse, one learns its secrets.
Factol: Karan.
Sigil HQ: Hive (Hive Ward).
Home Field: Limbo.
Eligibility: Members must be chaotic.
Allies: Bleak Cabal, Doomguard.
Enemies: Guvners, Harmonium.
Restrictions: Can't participate in activities that require long-term organization or discipline.
Chaosmonger: Do the opposite of what everyone else does; be as loony as possible!
Teaser: Chaos is the expected response; frustrate folks by acting (mostly) normal.

The current party consists of the following:

Conor the Wanderer: Human Vindictive Bastard from Faerûn, faction: the Fated
Jek Tal’dor: Bariaur Cavalier from Ysgard (?), faction: Sign of One
Nikrir Leldro: Aasimar Necromancer from Golarion, faction: Dustmen
Rinika: Schrodinger’s Catgirl (half-shambler) Oracle, current theories for her origin range from Thundera to Elsweyr, faction: Doomguard

Party weaknesses include, but not limited to:
Dedicated healer: (the oracle is philosophically committed to entropy so will not heal you).
Ranged: I think the necromancer is the only one with a decent ranged option.

The campaign is here, if you wanted to lurk on us before committing.

I'm going to play it loose with a recruitment deadline, I will give at least a days notice before I close recruitment.

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Are you open to 3pp classes? A malefactor Chaosmen could be interesting...

Ooh, this sounds fun, and I have a character who needs a home...

Spotty - Kobold Rogue:
Undecided (both IC and OOC)

When he was just a baby, he was 'adopted' by the adventurers who killed his clan. They've mostly been kind to him, but he still has very mixed feelings about them - and about adventurers as a whole. While tagging along on their travels, he learned about Sigil; now that he has struck out on his own, he has come here to learn new perspectives and new philosophies, and perhaps to get a better grasp on who he wants to be.






This is a WIP, but I'll try to finish it within the next 24 hrs.

Hmmmm. . . You're probably far enough along that our other game will never catch up and I can avoid spoilering myself. . . I'll probably write something up as an exercise in character building if nothing else.

(Completely understand if you think I know too much of the Dark of it all to work inside the campaign)

Oh, God. . . I apologize in advance for even thinking this-- but would a Ring Giver be too disruptive?

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Also curious about 3pp when it comes to the Githzerai who are often psionic. Would the Dreamscarred Press psionics (or path of war) be approved?

Grand Lodge

I’ve always been a staunch believer in The Society of Sensation. So as always in Planescape, I’ll apply with a Sensate.

I’ll use the Race Builder and have a proposal on that end asap.

Typically I make an uber-Knowledge Skill, gross Bluff & Diplomacy PC. I love to Bluff the NPCs into some gambit or scheme in order to gain information from them. And I like being able to succeed at Knowledge checks so I don’t miss out on any background material. If that kind of roleplay fits the group and campaign — heavy Bluff, Knowledges, Diplomacy, tricking NPCs into giving us info that will help the group, and regularly asking the DM to attempt Knowledge checks, then I’ll make a good fit in the group.

I understand you need a healer; I’ll try to make a Priest — from New Paths Compendium — that is a good healer and still has the Bluff & Knowledge Skills. If it looks like I can’t make a Priest that also is great at Bluff & Knowledges, I’ll turn to Wizard and supply range: artillery and field-control.

EDIT: Yeah, it looks like I’ll be proposing a Wizard — heavy Bluff & Knowledge Skills, roleplayer — that can provide ranged artillery and battlefield control. Looks like I won’t be able to provide healing.

Auntie Glimmerhoof
CG Female Bauriaur Shaman

(I haven't worked out all the specifics on the build- it's undoubtedly Life Spirit for channel, plus focus on healing hex, fortune, ect.)
Faction: Ring Givers

Glimmerhoof spent most of her life among her fellow Bauriaur on Ysgard. While her brothers and sisters all married, sired or bore children, and generally lived the good life, this passed Glimmerhoof by, though she never quite could say why. Now, she's reached the right old age where one passes from being just a spinster to a crone- though she's taken to it as well as she can. Giving to a fault, the Ring Givers sect philosophy spoke to her, so one day she left behind her dozens of nephews, nieces, and family of her village and joined. It was on an errand for Factor Ingwe Alting that Glimmerhoof first came to Sigil, tasked with giving a ring to Duke Darkwood of the Fated, though Ingwe didn't explain more than that to Glimmerhoof. . .

Three Friends:
Sister Shallow- Glimmerhoof's closest sibling, Shallow is several years older than Glimmerhoof and since the death of her parents, it is in Shallow's home that Glimmer stays when on Ysgard.

Nephew Gon- Shallow's eldest, who departed Ysgard for Sigil and is a leader (as much as one can be a leader) of the Indeps in the City of Doors.

Thee Hinderer- a somewhat barmy berk, Glimmerhoof saved the tiefling Chaosman's life when he was sowing some chaos in Ysgard and got in over his head. Last she'd heard, Thee Hinderer had made his way to either limbo or the abyss, but whenever their paths cross, Glimmerhoof can count on his own brand of sometimes misguided aid.

Three Contacts:
Ingwe Alting- Glimmerhoof's crone status earned the eye of the Ring Giver factol, and she could probably get a face to face meeting with the high up if she ever needed to.

Rule-Of-Three (Faces of Sigil)- no one'd ever be barmy enough to call Rule-Of-Three an ally, but Glimmerhoof's had dealings with him before and knows enough of his pattern that she could count on getting a trade out of him, or at least getting out with her hide still intact.

Tarianda and Gildous- crones tend to travel in Threes, and for whatever reason the two Night Hags needed a third one time when Glimmerhoof was conveniently present. Whether they'd kill her or thank her for the service she did to them that one time is beyond Glimmerhoof's Ken, but she does know the hag pair if she's ever in the Gray Wastes again. . .

Three Rivals:
Marrianne- that smug wench! A rival from Glimmerhoof's youth, who flaunts her strong-horned husband and many children, (while retaining her goatly figure), whenever Glimmerhoof returns home Marianne will find some small way to make her life miserable.

Djhek'Nlarr (Faces of Sigil)- for whatever reason, the Githyanki does not like Gon, which means that she does not like Glimmerhoof, who is more than a bit intimidated to have earned such a fearsome foe in her brief time in Sigil.

Hel- though it's hard to say that a power is really a Rival for a mere planar like Glimmerhoof, Hel is at least strongly ambivalent towards her- the bauriaur healer has snatched so many who would otherwise be joining Hel's realm as petitioners back from the brink of death that when the opportunity presents itself, the goddess might through a little spite her way.D

Fear: While Glimmerhoof is scared and hates spiders, her darkest fear is more personal- that she is barren and will never be able to give the greatest gift of life to any children of her own.

Optional: Secret kept from Glimmerhoof- something's happening with the Ring Givers, and while she tried to Ken the Dark of it before leaving on Ysgard, she wonders whether she played some small part in one of the deeper mysteries of the Planes.

Secret kept from the party:Glimmerhoof will never let the jealousy she feels for mothers and their children show, even as it consumes her and drags her away from the enlightened ideal of the path of giving.

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djpika wrote:
Are you open to 3pp classes? A malefactor Chaosmen could be interesting...

You're not wrong. I'm going to tentatively allow it.

Oxnard Kettlebeak wrote:

Hmmmm. . . You're probably far enough along that our other game will never catch up and I can avoid spoilering myself. . . I'll probably write something up as an exercise in character building if nothing else.

(Completely understand if you think I know too much of the Dark of it all to work inside the campaign)

Oh, God. . . I apologize in advance for even thinking this-- but would a Ring Giver be too disruptive?

I was hoping that you'd apply actually, I was going to send you a PM if you didn't see the recruitment. Re: Ring Givers, we have a Taker in the party, I'll have to run it by him but my initial impression is that he's going to be fine with it. A little friction between PCs can be interesting role play but too much can destroy a game. I don't have anything against the sect.

Taimat wrote:
Also curious about 3pp when it comes to the Githzerai who are often psionic. Would the Dreamscarred Press psionics (or path of war) be approved?

Can you narrow it down to which class you're looking at? I don't want to have to allow the entire package. I'm not familiar with the rules but as someone who has nostalgia for AD&D psionics I can understand wanting 3pp to emulate it.

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DM_Delmoth wrote:
Can you narrow it down to which class you're looking at? I don't want to have to allow the entire package. I'm not familiar with the rules but as someone who has nostalgia for AD&D psionics I can understand wanting 3pp to emulate it.

Okay so the character I'd be looking at making would be a Githzeri "Zerth", sort of a psionic monk gish.

As far as building it, I'd do an Unchained Monk dip, and the other class would either be the Vitalist (which is a psionic healer) or the Path of War Medic. The Medic has expendable "maneuvers" rather than psionic "spells", but it's utility enough w/ boosts and movement (and still represents a degree of mind-over-matter) that I feel like it can still emulate what I'm going for.

Either option would fill the healer role, and have some cool utility stuff to throw in as well.

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Once you said healer, Ring Givers were the first thought, and once I saw that they and bariaurs are both from Ysgard . . . it just kind of went that way inevitably.

I'll work up the crunch in a bit.

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Taimat wrote:
DM_Delmoth wrote:
Can you narrow it down to which class you're looking at? I don't want to have to allow the entire package. I'm not familiar with the rules but as someone who has nostalgia for AD&D psionics I can understand wanting 3pp to emulate it.

Okay so the character I'd be looking at making would be a Githzeri "Zerth", sort of a psionic monk gish.

As far as building it, I'd do an Unchained Monk dip, and the other class would either be the Vitalist (which is a psionic healer) or the Path of War Medic. The Medic has expendable "maneuvers" rather than psionic "spells", but it's utility enough w/ boosts and movement (and still represents a degree of mind-over-matter) that I feel like it can still emulate what I'm going for.

Either option would fill the healer role, and have some cool utility stuff to throw in as well.

Sounds good consider this concept approved.

Given a bit more time to convert it to your rules, I could potentially present you a decent ranged option. It's my already classical Warpriest, one I've been wanting to play since... Well, since long :p

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Okay, here's the very beginning of my uber- Bluff and Knowledge Skill Wizard, using the ARG Race Builder.

It's grossly incomplete, just the start:

Race: Hellbred (15)

Type: Outsider Native
Size: Small
Speed: Normal
Ability Score: Specialized
Language: Standard
Racial Traits:
Advanced Intelligence
Beguiling Liar
Spell Resistance, GR
Spell Like Ability (Major Image)

Archidamus Lynx is the issue of a farsighted plan of Lilith's, deep in The Nine Hells (Or Glasya or Fierna if you prefer).
In order to create a breed of Infernal Native Outsiders in Golarion with an affinity for The First World, and so as to infiltrate and corrupt the Fey, Lilith sent one of her most culpable IMPS to Cheliax where it could make its way to The Linnorm Kings' Lands -- and Nithveil deep in the Grungir Forest. There the blessedly depraved Imp Knew the Fey Witch, Sycorax, and they made many Infernal/Fey spawn. It was one of these that escaped Nithveil and, fleeing into The Linnorm Kings' Lands, met a Viking husband of Trollheim. It is their son, imp-like Archidamus Lynx, that hopes to be accepted into a group of adventurers in Sigil.

Archidamus Lynx is a LE Wizard born in The Linnorm Kings' Lands whose parents fled south to Varisia. He was raised in the prestigious arcane Academae of Korvosa, and spent most of his life throughout Varisia. After briefly traveling to Cheliax and Absalom, Archidamus found himself Plane-Shifted to Galisemni in the Maelstrom -- and from there to Sigil, where he is practically a Clueless Prime.

LE Hellbred Wizard / Society of Sensation:
I want to learn ALL Knowledge; I want to experience ALL of existence.

Obviously, this is just the start...

3 Allies:

Mr. Eex: An Imp in the service of Lilith who specializes in tempting mortals in too-good-to-be-true real estate opportunities, based out of The Clerk's Ward. Mr. Eex supposedly knows of a great many Keys and has contracts on quite a few Material Planes.

3 Contacts:

Rule of Three: Who first sold Archidamus Lynx some information upon his arrival to Sigil from Galisemni -- in exchange for killing three Demons.

Gresil, The Custodian of Records: The infamous lorekeeper of The Abyss, based out of the Abyssal city of Broken Reach.

Carnivean: A Paeliryon Devil sadomasochist who has appeared at random points during my life. I do not know if he is friend or foe or just a spy. I assume he is an attendant of Lilith's but have no evidence one way or other. I suspect Carnivean put me on the path from Absalom to Galisemni, and from Galisemni to Sigil. I do not know if he has further purpose for me or if he is finished.

3 Enemies:

The Toad: A truly Chaotic-Stupid Hezrou who I insulted by calling him dumber than a Nupperibo -- and then like hell away from.

Garnet Grease: A Glabrezu in the service of Abraxas who I bluffed that I also served, in order to get some information about a Key to Broken Reach. By now Garnet Grease will have discovered my ruse and will not be happy.

More is coming for my super-Knowledges/ super-Bluff PC -- including how he has left Sigil for Crux. I'm still developing....

I'm dotting to put in, either a drow ranger, or some type of cleric. I have a drow ranger idea that I love but can't get her into a campaign, and as far as the cleric I mean, come on, who doesn't love clerics?

This is Oxnard 90% complete character-- still looking for two feats and a trait, and I haven't done equipment, but it's a reasonable proximity for what she will look like in play-- I memorized a "standard load" for spells & Wandering Spirit/Hex, but of course I have a lot of flexibility swapping those daily to prepare.

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Alright, one of the things of my character is he has something with the sun. I could do this with an Aasimar, but since you're allowing custom races, let me present you this for approval:


From Helios, sun, and Anthropos, man. Heliotropes are an outsider race cousin of Fire Genasies, but specifically related to the sun. They look mostly like Genasies, though more warm than fiery, appearing as a font of light and heat instead of a furious burner. They tend to be less brash and their abilities are not as war-like, though it's still dangerous to be around when their wrath is unleashed.

Heliotropes traits:

Outsider (Native), Humanoid (Whatever, usually human) 3RP
Heliotropes descend from powerful outsiders related to for and light, though their power is still too tied to the sun, a feature of the Material Plane (this is similar as an Aasimar/Tiefling with Scion of Humanity)

Flexible Array 2RP
+2 Dex, +2 Wis

Fire Resistance 5 1RP
No one can burn the sun!

Lightbringer 2RP
Light bends to a Heliotrope's will, allowing him to cast Light at will if his Int score is 10 or more, giving him immunity to light-based dazzle and blind, and counting as one level higher for light-based spells or effects they use.

Flight 4RP
When reaching 10th character level, Heliotropes are able to unfold fiery, phoenix-like wings at will, giving them a Flight speed of 30ft with clumsy maneuverability. (Added a 10th level requisite because flight can be so strong)

Daylight 1/day 3RP
Heliotropes can turn into a miniature sun, shedding light all around. (Added a small quirk, allowing only oneself as the target)

I would also like to ask for a grant, which is that the character is able to turn the Ray of Frost cantrip into a fire spell. Just because it goes with the flow. So this will be submission, of which I'm right now working on the fluff sand will post it ASAP.

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@Archidamus Lynx mechanically your concept is fine. But with the fluff around it tied intrinsically to Golarion is probably enough to not consider it. If you can adapt it to another world that would go a long way. I already have a character from Golarion and I will only double up like that if absolutely needed.

@Jereru this race is approved, they are simply Genasi who can trace their ancestry to some creature from the Quasi-elemental plane of Radiance. Reskinning ray of frost into a fire spell is fine too.

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That's no problem at all; I just started with Golarion cuz, you know, it's Pathfinder. I'll think through some old Greyhawk stuff, maybe with Warduke -- and I dunno, all the sudden I'm trying to figure out if I could have somehow escaped Ravenloft (Vecna did, afterall.). Anyway, back to the drawing board.

I'm less concerned about the background than I am with making sure my roleplaying style will fit with the current group. I can come up with 101 good backgrounds, relying on all these decades of gaming. I just wanna make sure a heavy Knowledge Skills PC will get to shine and that I'll get the occasional opportunity to Bluff NPCs into some gambit or other where we PCs can get some good information.

But yeah, Greyhawk: Warduke; Rel Astra & Old Medegia; swallowed up by Ravenloft's Mists; somehow escape when Vecna does -- and end up at The Ubiquitous Wayfarer in Sigil. Where close by are The Civic Hall (Sensates) and The Parted Veil bookshop.

I'll try to get some time today before the Super Bowl "party" (if 6 friends qualify as a party during coronavirus restrictions) and get back here. There's a good chance that, considering the backstory is changing, that I'd have to go back and tinker something on the Race. Likely I'll just have too little time today, and thus make the new backstory appropriate to the Race I already designed.

And I'm looking forward to this build and making a proposal I can be proud of!

Here we go!

Helios, Sol Invictus
NG Heliothrope Warpriest (Arsenal Chaplain) 5 / Magus (Eldritch Archer) 2
No faction yet, though about to join the Trascendent Order.


Helios has never fitted. He didn’t fit his puritanical native Solamnia. He didn’t fit his family either, who were expecting too much from him even though he felt he didn’t belong. He didn’t even fit society, and turned to a life of adventures. There, it was easier to fit, but still. In the end, someone as weird as himself hired his group for a job involving a trip to a distant place. He knew of other Planes, and his patron, a nice elderly woman, saw potential in him, so she asked Helios to come to Sigil.
Helios is quite a rookie when it comes to the city, though he’s done a job or two. He’s still without an official faction, something which will probably change soon, especially since he’s heard some groups are looking for new members. It might be that he’s finally found a place to belong.


Jeena Healy - She was the one who first hired Helios for a mission, an excuse to write some of her famous papers. Noticing the potential recruit, she brought him to Sigil and showed him around a bit. Helios has her in high regard, and thinks about her as a kind of grandma.

Ethanessil (Ethan) - A silvanesti elf, companion of Helios when he belonged to the adventuring group back in Krynn. Both looked at each other as a twin soul, both misfits, wanderers and freethinkers. It’s been a while since Helios doesn’t hear about him, but if need would arise, he would do everything in his hand to help the elf.


Tethys - Tethys is nothing but a mere contractor to Helios, but given he’s only had 2 jobs since he’s been in Sigil and both of them came through Tethys, you could say he’s got a connection. He knows she appreciates his abilities, and that’s something to thank. Also, she’s mentioned some groups who might be recruiting, which means she cares for him - even if it’s only as a future asset.

Imel - Helios is a sucker for cheese. Imel’s Happy Tongue is a place by the Market Ward which has a superior selection of different cheeses - including cheese from catoblepas milk! Helios visits the place anytime his modest earnings allow him, and the patron has come to know his face. They talk about cheese, and Helios gathers strength to ask Imel how to enter the Ciphers.


Rubjark - This half-giant was Helios’ group antagonist during the mission that Jeena hired them for. Helios doesn’t know about half-giants, so he thinks Rubjark is a very powerful ogre or related race. The guy was super resourceful, able to constantly put Helios and his friends to shame, something that still stings. Jeena told Helios not to worry, as it’s still possible that they both meet again, and maybe next time our hero will be better prepared.


Helios is not the one to cower before anything. Not having much love to and from his original family removes a sweet spot, but he still has Jeena and Ethan. Helios would die if somehow they would be used against him, putting him in a position that could jeopardize his friends’ wellbeing. Of course, he knows Jeena is more than capable of taking care of herself, but Ethan, on the other hand...


Ethan is bound to die by Rubjark’s hands. The elf will be the conduit in a ritual played by the half-giant, something that might bring doom to many Plane of Fire based races. Helios is destined to play an important part in these events, but no one yet knows if he would be Rubjark’s demise or just a pawn in a bigger game. Only time will tell.

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Okay, here's the (re-)beginnings of my super Knowledge Skills & Bluff Wizard:

Race: Forlorn Hellbred:

15 Points: Forlorn Hellbred is slightly adjusted from before: I couldn’t find any really ‘Ravenloft’ Traits – well, other than ones that required me to be at least half-Undead. But still, Imp father, conceived and born to a peasant girl in Ravenloft – and for a moment hosting Vecna’s Soul instead of one of my own.

Type: Outsider Native
Size: Small
Speed: Normal
Ability Score: Specialized
Language: Standard
Racial Traits:
Advanced Intelligence
Beguiling Liar
Energy Resistance (Fire-5)
Spell Like Ability (Major Image)

Background, emphasis on lineage because new Race:

Mother was a woman insane from grief after her husband died in war, a war of far more desperate misery, one in Ravenloft between two imprisoned Domain Lords: Vecna and Kas. (from Vecna Reborn by Monte Cook)

Outcast into the village asylum for two months, the pregnant woman was taken by agents of Vecna to be the crux of a deep ritual, intended to free their God of Secrets from Ravenloft. Unknown to her, the father of the unborn child was actually an Imp in disguise. (The Imp had fled from Lilith in The Nine Hells to The Free City of Greyhawk, but with Greyhawk’s Infernal champion, Warduke, hot on the Imp’s tail, the little devil fled into a deep Mist that whisked it to The Demi-Plane of Dread.) Mother, a common girl now pregnant with an impish spawn of Hell in Ravenloft, gave birth to baby Archidaemus during the Ritual. But through the vile rites, the babe possessed the Soul of Vecna himself, allowing the God of Secrets to escape Ravenloft. Moments later the infant boy, who for the first moment of birth had only the Vecna’s soul, gasped for his first breath. Mother had died during the ritual; Vecna, with his new birth, escaped Ravenloft, and the infant boy, half-Imp, was quickly discarded as another useless peasant. Archidaemus grew up an orphan in Ravenloft.

What was unknown to Vecna’s cultists during the ritual of his birth, was that the child too, was no longer bound to The Mists. And later in his early teens, as all young boys do, the youth went on a dare into The Mists. But not trapped in Ravenloft, he exited The Mists in Greyhawk, in Old Medegia where his mother’s ancestors had lived before The Mists of Ravenloft took them.

Archidaemus lived the rest of his teen years in Medegia, Rel Astra and the devilish Kingdom of Ahlissa, a prodigy of wizardly talent.

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I don't see where we figure hp from. Did I just miss it?


race nanthal for approval:

11 pnts
small humanoid
sylvan xenophobic language
normal speed

ability scores
Advanced (4)
physical +2 all
+4 intelligence
-2 wisdom

natural armor 1 (2 )
skill bonus +2 perception(2)
Greater spell resistance (3)

I know nothing about planescape and so would be learning from the start on.
I'll have rest up if race is approved


Mr. Eex: An Imp in the Clerks' Ward who specializes in selling real estate deeds throughout various Primes that are, of course, too good to be true.

Lady Trixie Darmen of Rel Astra: Of House Darmen but secretly plotting for Medegian independence, with the help of some Hellish allies.

Kesto Brighteyes: Gnome proprietor of The Parted Veil bookshop. After first arriving in Sigil, this knowledge repository quickly became his favored haunt.


Rule of Three: Who first sold Archidaemus some information upon his arrival to Sigil from Medegia -- in exchange for killing three Demons. It was in fact at The Ubiquitous Wayfarer where Archidaemus first arrived in Sigil, and stayed his first few nights.

Gresil, Custodian of Records: The infamous lorekeeper of The Abyss, based out of the Abyssal city of Broken Reach.

Carnivean: A Paeliryon Devil Sensate at The Civic Festhall, the Society of Sensation's sanctum in Sigil and a lively concert hall, museum, opera house, tavern, brothel and carnival. Carnivean is a performer, director, intelligence operative, playboy, and right-hand of the Sensate leader, Fall-From-Grace. Archidaemus does not trust Carnivean's smile and cheer, but the Paeliryon introduced him to the Society of Sensation and they seem to get along just fine. Still, there's more fear than anything else.


The Toad: A truly Chaotic-Stupid Hezrou who I insulted by calling him dumber than the average Nupperibo -- and then ran like hell away from. The Toad often hangs out at The Ubiquitous Wayfarer looking for dumb-muscle work. At least if he looked like a Slaad he could pretend, but he's a stupid Demon through and through.

Garnet Grease: A Glabrezu in the service of Abraxas who travels regularly from Sigil to Plague Mort to Broken Reach. On my quest to find Gresil for information, I bluffed Garnet Grease that I also served Abraxas, in order to get some information about a Key to Broken Reach. By now the Glabrezu will have discovered my ruse and will not be happy.

Malvolio the True Ghoul: A devout follower of the Xaositects Faction, Malvolio and Archidaemus were on the verge of attacking one another over philosophical differences and would have fought to the death among the razorvine choked alley near The Ubiquitous Wayfarer had not a few Dabus, at that moment and in that spot, attracted a cadre of Githyanki and their Yugoloth leader in some puzzle message -- and Archidaemus and Malvolio hurriedly found opposite directions in which to flee. Probably worships Doresain or Orcus or somesuch idiot Undead Demon.

Archidaemus does not readily tell people about his discovery of Ravenloft -- that his birth was the vehicle through which Vecna escaped The Demi-Plane of Dread. He will admit to being raised in a forlorn village in an Ethereal realm of dread and sadness, but not go into specifics.

Archidaemus does not know anything of his Imp father, other than that Warduke chased the Imp across Greyhawk and into the Mists of Ravenloft. Archidaemus does know, however, that whatever Archdevil sent Warduke after his Imp father, it must have been serious and, more to the point, that same Archdevil may not want Archidaemus to exist. It is his fear that an Archdevil or Duke of Hell will learn of his existence and hunt him down.

Having spent the past year in Sigil, barring a quest to Broken Reach to trade information with Gresil, Archidaemus took advantage of happenstance when he discovered a Key to Yggdrasil. So, in an attempt to gain more Knowledge of the Planes, and experience a Plane unlike any he's visited, Archidaemus took the leap through the Portal, and has found himself in Crux.

Herkymr the Silly wrote:

I don't see where we figure hp from. Did I just miss it?

** spoiler omitted **

I know nothing about planescape and so would be learning from the start on.
I'll have rest up if race is approved

Sorry HP is max at 1st level then take the typical average after that. d6=>4, d8=>5, etc.

The race is fine mechanically so its approved. I'm curious what they're about other than a collection of stats though.

Ok, 100% done now!

Took Brew Potion and Extra Hex (Fetish) (which gives craft wondrous) for feats, and Armor Adept for my trait, and spent the gold (most of it Mithral Agile Breastplate).

Taking Lyrakien Azata for my familiar-- not sure if there's a more Planescape appropriate option that matches Ysgard better in a 3PP or conversion, but otherwise it's close enough.

Tavuru / Goblin/ Alchemist (energist)


Nix a grig bard he met in the fey realms while looking for a rare alchemical ingredient. They became friends while traveling together for companionship.

Tremors – Oread barbarian – helped him in the beastlands and he saved Tavuru from a young dragon’s ire.

Jyx Alethcanel = an imp familiar whom had become separated from his master and “set” free when his master died. This imp set Tuvuru on the path to discover the nature of a energists abilities.


Derivin Longstrider: alchemist energist of negative energy. Opposes everything that Tavuru does on principle but also dislikes Tavuru as a person. Will go to any lengths to thwart a plan of Tavuru if he knows of it.

Firsi Longtooth- Wererat leader of a crime syndicate. Ran afoul of him while searching sewers for alchemical ingredients and was inadvertly the cause of Firsi serving 7 years in prison.

Tyri Flamespeaker = lesser demon lord of the abyss. Once Tavuru caused the failure of a long set plan because he was around to heal a cleric that opposed the demon lord.


Mysta = halfling alchemist in sigil the city of doors. Has never met her but was sent to deliver a formula to her

Lyonal = Information broker in sigil. Runs an inn but always seems to know what is up or how to find out what is going on circumspectly. Friend of Tavuru’s cousin.

Lizzie = a human sorcerer with connections to the temple of _______.

Fears being in water over his head. Cannot swim. Will avoid getting wet if he possibly can.

Secret from party: He attempted to kill his father and mother when he found they were dabbling in necromancy. He thinks that he succeeded.

Secret from him: There is a bounty for him to be brought back to the material plane alive to answer for his attempt at killing his parents. His mother did not die though his father did.

I just need to spend money and then he should be able to fit the healer and a ranged fighter as needed. His energist bomb allows him to heal at range and his infusion discovery allows him to make his formulas useful to the party as well. Most of his ranged stuff will be alchemical.

So question...Can we use our craft alchemy ability to create alchemical gear at the craft price? At level 7 I would guess we have had time to use the skill. But can play it either way.

ANd yes I chose to play a non-custom race easier to figure out the planescape stuff instead of learning a new race at same time.

Alright, I think I have my idea more fleshed out
A dhampier CG Ranger, Tesseria Hackner, or Tessie for short
Gonna have her go with the Indeps.

She has two friends, Randa Slimmer, a fellow Indep half elf who got her involved in the struggle to assure all are free to choice their own path, and Haldfa Sliverstin, a halfing who runs the inn she stayed at until adventuring out.

One rival, a half orc named Hammock who insist Tessie owes on a bar tab she doesn't remember opening.

would be her father and his cabal, a minor vampire lord of the plane if shadows, who she tries to fight against, Lord Cuales. He raised her from birth, and while he seemed a perfect father, he was crafting her to take his place and become a full evil being like him. Due to this she has an occasional craving for blood, due to knowing it's sweet taste and smell. Her father however is starting to run out of patience, and soon will start to influence her to either face him in battle, or submit to his rule.

Her biggest fear is that she hasn't changed from being her father's daughter, and if she starts to enjoy blood to much she will fully turn. Due to this she tends to stay hooded, but is friendly enough to approach.

Secrets from party and herself:
Secret from party: Her mother is still alive, and was a willing partner to her father's plan. But being the daughter of an evil desert elf and a vampire doesn't seem to build trust with others.
Secret from herself: While her father is truly evil, he actually loves her, and only wishes her to take over because that is the natural order of things. She created the rift, not him

Hum, I've got a question:

How does a weapon with Weapon Bond (making it possible to craft enhancements on it at half price) interact with ABP? Does it only affect non-plus enhancements? Does it add effective levels to calculate its ABP?

Herkymr the Silly wrote:
So question...Can we use our craft alchemy ability to create alchemical gear at the craft price? At level 7 I would guess we have had time to use the skill. But can play it either way.

Yes but you're limited to a year's worth of time for crafting.

Jereru wrote:

Hum, I've got a question:

How does a weapon with Weapon Bond (making it possible to craft enhancements on it at half price) interact with ABP? Does it only affect non-plus enhancements? Does it add effective levels to calculate its ABP?

Right its not possible to enchant a weapon with enhancement bonuses. So if you plan on enchanting your bonded weapon you would be able to enchant weapon special abilities only. Once its enchanted you treat it like any other magical weapon for purposes of ABP.

I'm going to close recruitment in about 2 days.

SO... do you want me to role a bunch of crafts in a spoiler or how do you want me to figure total gp of items I could have made? I was reading the craft skill and I'd have to make 52 checks for a year worth of crafting.
How do you want to handle this?

Grand Lodge

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Herkymr, obviously I'm not the DM in this situation, but if the DM doesn't have a go-to answer, one could look to Pathfinder Society for a reasonable adjudication: You can get one Day-Job roll (for $$) per Scenario; three Scenarios per Level. So 6 levels = 18 Checks. (Not sure that I would allow it at all, but,...) Anyway, not trying to overstep my bounds with advice; I'm just some other PC proposal that loves me some Planescape. But if it helps--

Ah, dayum, another thing... Is there a "common" language spoken in Sigil? Or, if there isn't, which languages are the most used?

Edit: Also, if we have item creation feats, can we start with some self-crafted items? I have a spare feat and really don't know what to use it for :P

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Hmmm, how would you feel about a Yaddithian?

The idea is for the character to be a Signer. As in the race's description, it's home planet would have been destroyed ages ago, when my character was still a youngling. He travelled with kin for ages and has called many places home including Akiton (Golarion's neighbouring planet), Abeir, Earth and even Axis. He has been on Sigil for a while now though and it's there he chose to part ways with his kin, who have since moved to some frozen planet.

Herkymr the Silly wrote:

SO... do you want me to role a bunch of crafts in a spoiler or how do you want me to figure total gp of items I could have made? I was reading the craft skill and I'd have to make 52 checks for a year worth of crafting.

How do you want to handle this?

Not worrying about it. I have a different concept that is building easier in my head.

looking at this race if approved.. ganzi

I'm looking at an unchained summoner (archetype master summoner) using Ganzi as the race if approved. I will be a ranged opponent that uses minions to provide interference between him and melee combatants while he shoots to pick them off. I will adjust rest of story which is coming along in my head finally, if the race is approved.

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Herkymr the Silly wrote:

SO... do you want me to role a bunch of crafts in a spoiler or how do you want me to figure total gp of items I could have made? I was reading the craft skill and I'd have to make 52 checks for a year worth of crafting.

How do you want to handle this?

You're taking 10 on these checks. I always take 10 for crafting so I never considered otherwise. Since I don't want full stats yet you can hold off on the this part, unless you really want to.

Jereru wrote:

Ah, dayum, another thing... Is there a "common" language spoken in Sigil? Or, if there isn't, which languages are the most used?

Edit: Also, if we have item creation feats, can we start with some self-crafted items? I have a spare feat and really don't know what to use it for :P

Common turns out is Common in Sigil too, just have to worry about the regional dialect.

Cuàn wrote:
Hmmm, how would you feel about a Yaddithian?

They're approximately 30-40 racial points. I like the flavor though. Change cosmic mind to +2 one knowledge skill or spellcraft and spellmastery as a bonus feat instead of its normal benefit.

Herkymr the Silly wrote:

Not worrying about it. I have a different concept that is building easier in my head.

looking at this race if approved.. ganzi

Ganzi are rarer than other plane touched but I see no problem with them.

DM_Delmoth wrote:

Cuàn wrote:
Hmmm, how would you feel about a Yaddithian?

They're approximately 30-40 racial points. I like the flavor though. Change cosmic mind to +2 one knowledge skill or spellcraft and spellmastery as a bonus feat instead of its normal benefit.

Sounds perfectly fine to me. They're somewhat deceptive on the racial point thing I guess, until you realise that the +2 to all knowledge and spellcraft already is 22 rp.

Still working on class choice. I'm looking at either an Aether Wizard/School Savant Arcanist, you already have a Wizard but they'd likely be very different, or an Aether Kineticist, aka Telekineticist.

GRJI / Ganji/ master summoner (unchained)
No current faction. See secrets

3by 3:
Ajir Flamgrean Capricious nixie that he ran into in the fey wilds. Rarely able to resist using Grji as a target for his practical jokes in good humor.
Ogenham Grindsmitter Dwarf metal smith. Came across him in the elemental plane of earth while searching for a mercenary named Cristophal to lead him to a known gate to Sigil, city of doors.
YfrosA psycopomp that he ran into while traveling the boneyards looking for a fellow ganji summoner. Both were very intrigued by each other.

Firsi Longtooth Wererat leader of a crime syndicate in sigil. Inadvertently the cause of Firsi serving 7 years in prison.
Netros Strigh Human priest of __________. This priest tried to convince Grji to follow his God but when Grji refused he almost got Grji killed in an “up righteous” rebellion.
Tyri Flamespeaker = lesser demon lord of the abyss. Doesn’t even know he crossed him yet Tyri is an enemy and has attempted several times to thwart Grji’s actions

Cristophal Mercenary/guide—willing to show the portals of sigil that he knows and/or guide travelers through/to them in exchange for arcane merchandise. Not always honest in his dealings with others.
Tremors – Oread barbarian [i/] Grji helped him in the beastlands in exchange for information on how to get to the city of doors from there.
[i] Mhasha Zakk
is a taxidermist that will stuff anything. (guildhall and market wards) Has allowed Grji to view his collection as a means of learning what other creatures he can summon. In exchange for information on where and what creatures Grji has seen.

Abhors being in water. Will do almost anything to avoid being submerged in water or even having to wade in water more than a few inches deep. Almost drowned on the elemental plane of water and has never been the same since.
He also fears that he is like many other outsider “half-bloods” ie Tieflings and aasamirs. He wants to be something more than just his “outsider” nature

reason for being Sigil and Crux:
Trying to track down Cristophal the mercenary. Wants to return to the maelstrom to observe the inhabitants so he can better summon those creatures and better understand his own background. Cristophal was rumored to have been near Crux or atleast seen near Crux in that last few weeks. Grji hopes to catch him before he leaves Sigil and bargain for information on what the portal key is and where the portal to the maelstrom is.


party He really isn’t as anti-religious as he appears but is seeking a “group” to which he can belong and feel accepted. He will whisper a prayer to any “god” he thinks will help in the moment.
self His brother is looking for him. He has an “inheritance” of some sort left by his parents.

This toon will cover mostly the ranged aspect of combat. He has multiple summonings that will help control the battlefield and come in handy when it's not all combat situations. He does have some buffs and protections for the party as well.

I like this one better than Tavuru but if a healer is needed I'd be willing to use Tavuru instead. I just have a better background playing in my head for GRJI

I think Helios, Sol Invictus is mostly ready. Maybe I'd buy a wand with the remaining gold, but I think I have time to think about it.

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just headed to hospital for a new kid. will be checking off and on for next 2-3 days

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Hey, congrats!

FYI, "Ray" is a great name ;)

-W E Ray

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Ray, as in Scorching Ray? ;)

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lol if its a boy we are thinking jaespyr dean or logan spencer
If its a girl we are looking at amythest Tatiana. -- ie JD or Amy

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I was gonna keep championing 'Ray' (not everyone has spells named after him), but I gotta acknowledge, you have chosen beautiful names. Charming and elegant.

[/i]"Jaespyr Ray'; "Amy Ray Tatiana"[/i]


Alright I'm closing recruitment. I will have a decision for you fine folks by Friday evening.

Ah yes, missed the mark. Oh well.

Good luck guys.

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baby boy healthy duo.

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I'm happy to announce that Auntie Glimmerhoof and Helios, Sol Invictus have made the cut! Please both dot in on gameplay here. I will begin to work with you on introducing you to the rest of the party soon.

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