Starknife for Rogues


So starknives. They’re agile, they’re finessed, they’re deadly, you can even throw them! They’re also martial weapons. You can get the feat Weapon Proficiency, but as I understand it you can’ t progress beyond Trained. So I’m looking for suggestions on how to make the starknife workable for the rogue.

Scarab Sages

Ask your GM to give rogues scaling proficiency in martial weapons. Persuade them by pointing out that if investigators and inventors get it, then the rogue should have it too.

Fighter Multiclass will let you get Trained at 2nd level and Expert at 12th. Sadly, I think that's the best you can do.

Yeah your best bet is just asking your GM. There's no way to get full proficiency in starknives and as far as I can tell, this is more just a quirk of PF2's weird proficiency system than any balance issue.

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you could unconventional weaponry filcher's fork

Agile, Backstabber, Deadly d6, Finesse, Halfling, Thrown 20 ft., Uncommon

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Hopefully we'll get some more archetypes that give scaling proficiencies with sets of weapons like the Mauler does. A Knife Fighter or Knife Thrower archetype, maybe.

Scarab Sages

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Yeah, a thrown weapon archetype would be great. The thrown feats are all hidden in weird places.

As for scaling proficiency, Rogues not being able to get scaling proficiency with any martial weapons other than the ones listed in the CRB just feels off. Hopefully, maybe, if there are a bunch of new weapons in Guns & Gears, the list of martial weapons for Rogues will get expanded.

On my end, I'd really like a way to get Main-Gache so that I can parry while still having the option to use something like Twin Feint (or, ideally, some way to use Clan Dagger with Dex to-hit and damage, but that seems unlikely). The only simple finesse weapon with parry is the nightstick, which is in an AP and not currently available in PFS. Plus just a weird choice for the character to begin with.

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The deadly 1d6 trait is imo not worth all the effort.
I'd stick with a simple dagger

HumbleGamer wrote:

The deadly 1d6 trait is imo not worth all the effort.

I'd stick with a simple dagger

The 20' range increment is really nice, though.

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Gisher wrote:
Hopefully we'll get some more archetypes that give scaling proficiencies with sets of weapons like the Mauler does. A Knife Fighter or Knife Thrower archetype, maybe.

Would be nice. Though I think ideal would be errating full martial proficiency for rogues. Discrete list of weapons feels like a mistake in hindsight given how restrictive PF2's proficiency mechanics are.

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Gisher wrote:
HumbleGamer wrote:

The deadly 1d6 trait is imo not worth all the effort.

I'd stick with a simple dagger
The 20' range increment is really nice, though.

I definitely missed that.

20' is indeed awesome, totally agree.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Squiggit wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Hopefully we'll get some more archetypes that give scaling proficiencies with sets of weapons like the Mauler does. A Knife Fighter or Knife Thrower archetype, maybe.
Would be nice. Though I think ideal would be errating full martial proficiency for rogues. Discrete list of weapons feels like a mistake in hindsight given how restrictive PF2's proficiency mechanics are.

Could have it as a subset of martial weapons based on tags, even.

"all finesse martial weapons", and so on. Works better for expanding content for sure.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ask you GM to let you treat it as an uncommon weapon. If they do you can take the Human Racial Feat Unconventional Weaponry and your proficiency will scale as you level.

You could say that you're from Tian and that the Starknife isn't a common weapon in Tian (We haven't had anything about that continent yet), it is however a common weapon in Avistan and use that reasoning for the prerequisites of the Unconventional Weapon feat.

I'm pretty sure that's not allowed under the rules directly so no Organised Play games but it could be enough to pursuade your GM to let you use it (You could even be a worshipper of Desna to really lay it on).

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I've always been suspicious of any weapon that when pointed at your enemy, also points towards you.

Helvellyn wrote:

Ask you GM to let you treat it as an uncommon weapon. If they do you can take the Human Racial Feat Unconventional Weaponry and your proficiency will scale as you level.

You could say that you're from Tian and that the Starknife isn't a common weapon in Tian (We haven't had anything about that continent yet), it is however a common weapon in Avistan and use that reasoning for the prerequisites of the Unconventional Weapon feat.

I'm pretty sure that's not allowed under the rules directly so no Organised Play games but it could be enough to pursuade your GM to let you use it (You could even be a worshipper of Desna to really lay it on).

Now I'm surprised we don't have a general/universal ancestry feat to make your proficiency with a deity's weapon scale. I know clerics get it, and I think champs, but still.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Ferious Thune wrote:

Yeah, a thrown weapon archetype would be great. The thrown feats are all hidden in weird places.

As for scaling proficiency, Rogues not being able to get scaling proficiency with any martial weapons other than the ones listed in the CRB just feels off. Hopefully, maybe, if there are a bunch of new weapons in Guns & Gears, the list of martial weapons for Rogues will get expanded.

A new racket might be a good option. Add scaling proficiency with thrown weapons to match normal progression, like the Ruffian racket gets with medium armor; or change out proficiency and Weapon Tricks/Master Tricks with rapier and short sword for hatchet and starknife. Possibly have Dex in place of Str for damage with thrown weapons, like the Thief racket gets with finesse melee weapons, as well.

Call it the "flying blade" racket (homage to the PF1 swashbuckler archetype).

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