Guardianlord |

I am theory building some various characters as backups for an ongoing campaign. One idea I had was a staff sling wielding lucky warslinger Halfling.
Slipslinger is critical to the build so that I can use the staff sling like a sling.
The trouble is I want to get to slipslinger grenadier feat before it becomes irrelevant, but I would need lingering performance to take advantage of archaeologists luck more than a few rounds a day. Coupled with the usual required feats, I am not sure what the best progression is. Focus would be on few, powerful shots, thus rapid shot is a secondary concern for this particular character (but nice later on). Assuming 20pt buy, anything 1st party my idea is thus.
17 (-2), 12 (+2), 10, 10, 8, 15 (+2).
Halfling: Warslinger, Adaptable Luck.
Traits: Fates Favoured, Helpful.
1: Mutation Fighter: Weapon Focus (Sling) [Mandatory tax for slipslinger], Point blank shot.
2: Mutation fighter 2: Slipslinger (Now slingstaff counts as a sling for feats and traits).
3: Archaeologist Bard: Precise shot, finally get spells and luck pool.
4: Mutation Fighter 3: Ability score +STR, mutagen unlocked (use STR mostly).
5+: Archaeologist Bard 2: Deadly aim, rapid shot, arc slinger, throw anything, and slipslinger grenadier, lingering performance, all need to fit somewhere. Rogue talent: combat trick will help with 1 of these.
I will seek out belt of mighty hurling, and a CHA headband so I can focus almost solely on STR and CHA for stats. Later buy boulder bullets for fighting bosses.
Is there a cleaner way to get slipslinger grenadier earlier? Better class/archetype to pair with archaeologist slinger? Better stat array? Advice is much appreciated.

VoodistMonk |

Can't take Slipslinger without Weapon Training, unless I am missing something...
My Warslinger builds start with 3 levels of Weapon Master Fighter for this very reason...
-2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
... Warslinger replaces Sure-Footed
15pt buy (w/ racials):
20pt buy (w/ racials):
25pt buy (w/ racials):
1(class): Weapon Focus Sling
1(level): Point Blank Shot
2. Weapon Guard
2(class): Arc Slinger
3. Weapon Training 1
3(level): Slipslinger Style
To attack:
+3 BAB +1 Size +1 WF +1 PBS +1 WT +3 Dex
To damage:
+1 PBS +1 WT + Str
BAB +3
Base saves:
Saves (with stats & racials):
15pt: +6/+5/+4 (+2 vs fear)
20pt: +6/+5/+4 (+2 vs fear)
25pt: +6/+6/+4 (+2 vs fear)
Stats for continuing into Alchemist:
15pt buy (w/ racials):
20pt buy (w/ racials):
25pt buy (w/ racials):

avr |

Slipslinger grenadier is nice but it does much the same thing as the grenadier alchemist's level 2 ability. If you drop the 3rd level of fighter then alchemist 1 can cover the mutagen, alchemist 2 gets the equivalent of slipslinger grenadier at 6th level perhaps.
The advantage of a halfling staff sling is ~ +1 damage and a better range increment which is not a big deal. If you start with a normal sling at least it looks like it'd work more easily. Alchemist 2 / bard 2 / fighter 1 could have PBS & precise shot, the equivalent of slipslinger grenadier, lingering performance and one of deadly aim and rapid shot.
Alternately if the staff sling is a big thing for image go for weapon master fighter instead; you can get weapon training (thrown) at 3rd level, forget a mutagen and go for slipslinger style/grenadier/bombardment that way.

Guardianlord |

Can't take Slipslinger without Weapon Training, unless I am missing something...
My Warslinger builds start with 3 levels of Weapon Master Fighter for this very reason...
-2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Cha
... Warslinger replaces Sure-Footed15pt buy (w/ racials):
20pt buy (w/ racials):
25pt buy (w/ racials):
12,19,14,11,14,91(class): Weapon Focus Sling
1(level): Point Blank Shot2. Weapon Guard
2(class): Arc Slinger3. Weapon Training 1
3(level): Slipslinger StyleTo attack:
+3 BAB +1 Size +1 WF +1 PBS +1 WT +3 DexTo damage:
+1 PBS +1 WT + StrBAB +3
Base saves:
+3/+1/+1Saves (with stats & racials):
15pt: +6/+5/+4 (+2 vs fear)
20pt: +6/+5/+4 (+2 vs fear)
25pt: +6/+6/+4 (+2 vs fear)Stats for continuing into Alchemist:
15pt buy (w/ racials):
20pt buy (w/ racials):
25pt buy (w/ racials):
From what I can gather Slipslinger requires:
a) weapon focus sling (which then applies to all sling like items). ORb) weapon training as a class feature (basically fighter).
c) weapon training class, and weapon training unlocked at level.
The OR in the prerequisite list has me slightly confused, I am not sure if I need weapon training at level or not, but weapon focus should bypass that.
I might save weapon focus, drop mutagenic fighter for weapon master. But guides seem to really hate weapon master as an archetype.

Guardianlord |

Slipslinger grenadier is nice but it does much the same thing as the grenadier alchemist's level 2 ability. If you drop the 3rd level of fighter then alchemist 1 can cover the mutagen, alchemist 2 gets the equivalent of slipslinger grenadier at 6th level perhaps.
The advantage of a halfling staff sling is ~ +1 damage and a better range increment which is not a big deal. If you start with a normal sling at least it looks like it'd work more easily. Alchemist 2 / bard 2 / fighter 1 could have PBS & precise shot, the equivalent of slipslinger grenadier, lingering performance and one of deadly aim and rapid shot.
Alternately if the staff sling is a big thing for image go for weapon master fighter instead; you can get weapon training (thrown) at 3rd level, forget a mutagen and go for slipslinger style/grenadier/bombardment that way.
I love the flavour of the slingstaff, the club for melee and +1 is just gravy. I was hoping to avoid having to depend on multiple stats so while alchemist would be nice for mutagen, the extracts and bombs would feel like a wasted opportunity. I think weapon master might be the better way to go for this build.

Guardianlord |

Sohei Monk could Flurry with said slingstaff around level 7. Lol.
Actually, I just realized, far strike monk could flurry at level 1, slings of all types are in the thrown weapon group =p
Plus a few handy bonus feats I would have taken anyways, and since it would only be a dip I can basically ignore WIS.
Derklord |

Actually, I just realized, far strike monk could flurry at level 1, slings of all types are in the thrown weapon group =p
You could ask your GM, but by default, no. Unless something includes the word "group" weapon groups are not relevant. The CRB clearly distinguishes between between thrown weapons and projectile ranged weapons, listing slings under the latter category (CRB pg. 141).

Guardianlord |

Guardianlord wrote:Actually, I just realized, far strike monk could flurry at level 1, slings of all types are in the thrown weapon group =pYou could ask your GM, but by default, no. Unless something includes the word "group" weapon groups are not relevant. The CRB clearly distinguishes between between thrown weapons and projectile ranged weapons, listing slings under the latter category (CRB pg. 141).
Dam, and here I thought I had a great build.
I guess weapon master 3 is probably the most efficient way to get this build up.I am assuming I can avoid weapon focus if I unlock weapon training, if I am reading the feat correctly? Then at level 3 I can have all the base feats and slipslinging.

VoodistMonk |

Sure, you only need one or the other, you can drop Weapon Focus if you have Weapon Training... BUT why would you turn down the opportunity to be slinging at least a +10 attack at level 3?
Biting the bullet and taking 3 levels of Weapon Master Fighter gets all the BS out of the way up front... Weapon Focus is always awesome, Point Blank Shot is fantastic for almost every encounter ever, Arc Slinger just makes both of those better, and then Weapon Training/Slipslinger Style speak for themselves.
It's 3 levels... a trait swallows 2 of them if you are worried about caster levels... for most things.
You are little and relatively squishy, might as well enjoy the first few levels with some BAB's and Fort saves to set you up straight for things to come... spend those fast, boring levels as a Fighter, never missing with your sling...