Wonderstell |
I've successfully incorporated the Chakras with copious amounts of alcohol, and it's a mess. So much of a mess that I'm going to need to write it down where I can easily reference it so I know what I'm doing when leveling up. The pdf character sheet is getting way too cluttered for that, so here I am.
What are your own experiences with complicated builds? More trouble than they're worth? This is the first time I've had to dump information like this, which I think is a sign I should heavily rein it in for my next character.
Maintain Raging Songs without expending uses per day by drinking alcohol. Can drink alcohol as a move action. Nauseated afterwards if you don't have the Internal Fortitude rage power.
Drunken Brawler (Feat):
Temp HP equal to your level when you drink alcohol, and a +2 bonus to Fort/Will saves as long as the HP lasts. Also a -2 penalty to Reflex saves that lasts for an hour.
Drunken Master's Drunken Ki (Class feature):
Gain a temporary Ki Point by drinking alcohol. Can drink alcohol as a standard action.
Extreme Mood Swings (Feat):
Increases all Morale Bonuses by 1, or 2 if you're drunk, and applies an equal penalty to saves against emotion and fear effects.
Good for What Ails You (Class feature):
Can attempt a new saving throw against a bunch of effects when I drink alcohol.
Spirit Share (Spell, 1st level):
Can touch a willing target to deliver one dose of portable liquid, alcohol included.
Magical Knack Preferably, that's three lost caster levels after all.
I'm gonna take both Eldritch Heritage and Drunken Brawler (which requires Endurance), so either Human, Half-Elf, or Half-Orc for the bonus feats.
Starting Ability Scores, 20 PB
Str 15+2, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 14
After Old Age Penalties
Str 14, Dex 9, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16
With Spring Rage
Str 17, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16
Class Progression and feats:
Skald 1-8
1 Endurance/Skill Focus, Endurance/Skill Focus (Racial),
3 Power Attack
5 Eldritch Heritage (Arcane-Familiar with the Protector archetype)
7 Drunken Brawler
Monk 1-3
9 Extra Rage Power: Internal Fortitude, Chakra Initiate (B), Psychic Sensitivity (B)
11 Chakra Adept
Skald 9-11
13 Extreme Mood Swings
Class Progression and Relevant Class Features
Skald 1-8
1 Raging Song, Inspired Rage: +1 will, +2 Str/Con
2 Drunken Dancer
3 Rage Power: Spring Rage
4 Inspired Rage: +2 will
6 Rage Power: Good for What Ails You
8 Inspired Rage: +3 will, +4 Str/Con
Monk 1-3
9 Chakra Training
10 Chakra Expertise
11 Drunken Ki
Skald 9-11
12 Rage Power: ????
The Familiar is absolutely vital. Normally it's a move action to trigger your Temp HP, Drunken Ki, and all that jazz. But during combat we'd rather be able to full-attack or at least move and attack, so we will cast Spirit Share on the familiar so that it can use its actions to sustain our need for booze. It's a good idea to replace the familiar's feat with Spell Sponge for double the duration. Keep it on your person, preferably hidden, so that it stays within reach and out of danger.
This is when Spring Rage comes and bumps our physical ability scores back up to what we paid for.
Level 7
Now we can start our performance as a move action, our Familiar increases our HP by +50%, and we'll get Temp HP from Drunken Brawler.
Level 9
Internal Fortitude. Any downside to excessive drinking is gone. Also around now that you can safely afford the Flask of Endless Sake.
Level 11
This is the moment when we can start using Chakras. Every drink will now (also) grant us a temporary Ki Point to fuel the awakened Chakras, and even upon failure to maintain we can quickly heal the damage dealt with the Chakras themselves. We can hold them open indefinitely.
Level 14
Thanks to opening the Crown Chakra we roll every d20 twice, which just further helps us maintaining it without risk. Gotta get Bloodsong on my weapon for Keen.
The only thing we risk is HP damage, but with our level in Temp HP each round and the option to heal through the Heart Chakra we'll be fine.
The greatest weakness of the Chakras is that it takes far too long to awaken the good ones before combat is over. But by chugging alcohol we can open them at the start of the day and keep them awakened, starting out with the Crown Chakra in the first round of combat, every combat. The process of awakening new Chakras would fail whenever we roll a natural 1 on the will save, but the Threefold Sight spell can reduce the risk of nat 1s to almost nothing if we're pressed for time.
Our expected Chakra fortitude saving throw at level 11 is +27, vs the target DC of 25.
And at level 14 it's +34, vs the target DC of 38. But we roll twice.
Wonderstell |
Starting to drink at the start of the day, and continuing with 10 drinks per minute for how long? You're going to need to leave the codpiece off your armor to let the drinks out.
Real followers of Cayden Cailean toast to his glory every 6 seconds. That's why there's so few of us.
I was going to flavor the Serpent-Fire as igniting the alcohol I'm drinking, which in turn is why it helps me sustain the Chakras. I'm sure my GM will accept this explanation as they're a sucker for cool descriptions. Before that, I could say that the Drunken Dancer ability boils the alcohol I'm drinking, letting off steam, but that will be a harder sell.
"Manipulation of the serpent-fire involves considerable risk. Every round in which a character has one or more awakened chakras, he must succeed at Fortitude and Will saving throws, adding his Charisma modifier to each save, to resist the inherent dangers of the kundalini flow as it suffuses his body with spiritual fire."
I can think of a hundred social interactions when I wouldn't want to be drinking, and it's most definitely a physical and mental strain to keep the Chakras open. So in play I would probably only activate them (outside of combat) if healing is needed, or I want to be prepared for dangerous situations. But they can be kept open indefinitely which is always a boon.
Also you're going to fail 4+ on d20, roll twice on average 9/400 times; once every 4-5 minutes.
Should be fine. 7d6 dmg once every few minutes is easily manageable since by then I'd get 14 Temp HP each round from Drunken Brawler, in addition to the d8+14 healing from the Heart Chakra.
I realize I brought up the wrong feat earlier, but Chakra Adept is the one that stabilizes the Chakras by allowing you to only make the Fort save instead of both.
I favor spreadsheets for my charaacters.
I have scrap papers for each character where I can write down semi-important stuff, and another where I track HP and write session notes. That's usually enough when I stick to low magic or spontaneous casters. If the game is in person (not a worry now), do you show up with a stack of spreadsheets?
I feel like I either need to be better at memorizing, or at concentrating information in written form.
Wonderstell |
Gonna need this as well.
Enlightened initiates versed in the mysteries of ki can awaken their chakras to unlock fabulous mystical powers, but doing so means channeling an even more dangerous and esoteric life force than ki—the potent and ancient kundalini, also known as the serpent-fire.
Unlike ki, kundalini flows not from the heavens above but from the ground below. Some mystics claim its colorful name derives from the fact that its mastery was first pioneered by the ancient serpentfolk who ruled the world millennia ago, but another explanation is that kundalini energy flows through the seven chakras in a coiling, ophidian manner. The kundalini flow awakens each chakra in turn. As it progresses from the root chakra at the base of the spine to the crown chakra at the top of the head, the serpent-fire opens new vistas of personal power to the initiate, granting her unique supernatural abilities.
Awakening the chakras requires a basic mastery of ki energy techniques, and is possible only for an initiate with the ki pool class feature or some other means of utilizing ki (such as the rogue’s ki pool rogue talent). The initiate must also possess the Psychic Sensitivity feat or have levels in one of the occult classes presented in this book.
Awakening chakras or maintaining awakened chakras is a swift action that costs 1 ki point. On the first round, this opens the root chakra. Each round after the first, it opens the next chakra in the sequence, up to the crown chakra on the seventh round. Once the initiate has begun awakening his chakras, each round he must continue opening chakras or maintain his awakened chakras, or all of his chakras close and he must begin again from the root chakra. If he pauses in the progression, he can resume it at any time, provided he has spent 1 ki point per round in the meanwhile to maintain his open chakras. Each round, when expending the ki for that round, the initiate can select the benefit from one chakra awakened up to that point. For example, if after 4 rounds the initiate has awakened three chakras, he can gain the ability of any of those three. To open a chakra, the initiate’s character level (or total HD) must equal at least double the chakra’s rank. For example, an initiate must be 14th level to open his crown chakra.
Manipulation of the serpent-fire involves considerable risk. Every round in which a character has one or more awakened chakras, he must succeed at Fortitude and Will saving throws, adding his Charisma modifier to each save, to resist the inherent dangers of the kundalini flow as it suffuses his body with spiritual fire. The save DCs are equal to 10 + the sum of the ranks of the awakened chakras. For example, awakening the root, sacral, and navel chakras would result in a DC of 16. Opening all seven chakras at once results in DC 38 saves. The save DC totals are listed after each chakra’s rank and title. If the initiate fails the Fortitude save, he takes 1d6 points of damage per awakened chakra. If the initiate fails the Will save, he is overcome with visions related to the emotions and concepts associated with the awakened chakras, causing him to be dazed for 1 round and causing all of his chakras to close.
1. Root Chakra (DC 11): The root chakra is associated with instinct, security, survival, and potential for greater development. It energizes the desires of the flesh and distributes ki throughout the blood to circulate heat to the body. Kundalini energy is sometimes depicted as a serpent coiled around the root chakra, ready to ascend on a path from the body’s lower, basic urges and instincts to the heights of a disciplined and enlightened mind.
By awakening his root chakra, the initiate opens himself to an inflow of serpent-fire energy. The bloom of occult power strengthens his aura, granting him DR/— equal to the number of chakras opened for 1 round. The initiate must be at least 2nd level before he can open this chakra.
2. Sacral Chakra (DC 13): The sacral chakra is closely associated with the generative power of the reproductive cycle, as well as pleasure, addiction, creativity, emotional needs, and relationships. When the sacral chakra is awakened, the adept recalls moments of sensual or creative ecstasy, when consciousness slips from the physical body into astral realms of weightless bliss. When opened, the sacral chakra gleams with sunlike radiance.
By awakening his sacral chakra, the initiate gains a fly speed equal to his base movement for 1 round with average maneuverability. The movement must begin and end on a solid surface. The initiate must be at least 4th level before he can open this chakra.
3. Navel Chakra (DC 16): The navel chakra is sometimes called the power chakra, for it is associated with fire, combustion, digestion, anger, joy, fear, anxiety, and laughter. Here the serpent-fire swirls and swells with heat and vital energy, the source of the so-called “fire in the belly” of common parlance.
Upon awakening his navel chakra, the initiate can channel the serpent-fire as a breath attack that deals 2d8 points of damage in a 30-foot cone. This radiant gout of orange-red liquid flame somewhat resembles fire, but bypasses all forms of energy resistance, protection, and immunity. The amount of damage increases by 1d8 for each open chakra beyond the 3rd, to a maximum of 6d8 if all of the chakras are awakened. The initiate must be at least 6th level before he can open this chakra.
4. Heart Chakra (DC 20): The heart chakra is the seat of higher feelings and emotions, an inner realm of compassion, tenderness, love, and rejection. When infused with the substance of a creature’s aura, the energies of the heart chakra can take on powerful healing capabilities.
Once the heart chakra has been awakened, the initiate can channel his serpent-fire into a torrent of healing energy. He can use this ability on himself or touch any adjacent living creature with this fire to heal an amount of damage equal to 1d8 + double the number of chakras he has awakened. In addition, he can remove one of the following conditions from the creature healed: confused, nauseated, sickened, staggered, or stunned. This fire has no effect on constructs, undead, or other creatures that are not alive. The initiate must be at least 8th level before he can open this chakra.
5. Throat Chakra (DC 25): Speech and hearing are nothing more than vibrations, and the throat chakra thrums with the occult vibrations that govern existence. Here the urges and emotions of the lower chakras give way to more refined, cerebral vistas, making the throat chakra the bridge between feeling and thinking.
By awakening the throat chakra, the initiate can tap into the primordial mystical language underlying all things—the raw tongue of the multiverse that gives motion to atoms, keeps planets rotating in infinite space, and orders the coruscations of the stars. When using this chakra, the initiate slips into a kind of trance. He can take actions as normal, but he constantly mutters incoherent, often disturbing utterances of a vastly primal nature. Each round, he can select one enemy within 30 feet. That foe must succeed at a Will save to resist becoming staggered for 1 round. The DC of this save is 10 + 1/2 the initiate’s total Hit Dice + his Charisma modifier. This is a sonic mind-affecting effect. The initiate must be at least 10th level before he can open this chakra.
6. Brow Chakra (DC 31): Also called the intuitive chakra, this force center governs occult vision, both literal and metaphorical. Once the brow chakra has been opened, the initiate gains the benefits of true seeing for 1 round. Engaging this force center literally opens a shining third eye of psychic energy upon the initiate’s forehead. The mystical eye is easily perceived by anyone looking at the initiate, and persists so long as he maintains the brow chakra. The initiate must be at least 12th level before he can open this chakra.
7. Crown Chakra (DC 38): Channeling serpent-fire through all seven chakras at the same time aligns the initiate’s life energy to its utmost potential, bathing his aura in glimmering golden hues that illuminate his head like a gleaming halo. For the briefest of moments, he transcends mortality to become a being of temporary divinity. This alignment with the cosmic harmony of the multiverse grants him enormous sway over probability.
Once the crown chakra is opened, the initiate becomes fully in tune with the powers of the multiverse, allowing him to gain the benefit of any two distinct chakras each round. He gains this benefit even if he doesn’t select the crown chakra. If he selects the crown chakra, every time he would roll a d20 during that turn (such as when attempting an attack roll, a saving throw, or a skill check), he can roll twice and take the higher result. The initiate must be at least 14th level before he can open this chakra.
Belafon |
How does your GM handle the general effects of alcohol?
Just like drugs, alcohol can be abused and have significant negative effects. In general, a character can consume a number of alcoholic beverages equal to 1 plus double his Constitution modifier before being sickened for 1 hour equal to the number of drinks above this maximum. Particularly exotic or strong forms of alcohol might be treated as normal drugs. Those who regularly abuse alcohol might eventually develop a moderate addiction.
Some GMs don't use these rules at all, others are sticklers. (Also there might be something in your build to help with this though I didn't see it specifically.)
Wonderstell |
How does your GM handle the general effects of alcohol?
In every case but one, any negative effects have been left for us to roleplay. I guess that might change when I weaponize the alcohol though.
(Also there might be something in your build to help with this though I didn't see it specifically.)
Internal Fortitude rage power! It's even directly recommended by the Bacchanal archetype.
gnoams |
As I've been playing only online these days, so I favor the pathfinder community character sheet in roll20. This lets me set up things, like adding half level to a skill, by just adding the appropriate variables like +floor(@{level}/2) on the sheet and then forget about it and it'll continue calculating every time I level and I don't have to worry about tracking all those little abilities like that. For most things, I set up buffs that I can check on. So I have a rage buff, power attack buff, etc. Again, it does the math for me, so all I have to do is set it up once, then toggle the button on or off as needed.
Back when I was playing tabletop, I'd have a separate sheet of paper where I'd write out all my modifiers.
6bab +5str +1enhancement +1weapon focus +1weapon training -2power attack = +12
Made it easier to track when I had to adjust the math for buffs, penalties, etc.