Will There be a Starfinder Video Game?

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Hello Everyone,

I recently got into TTRPGs, being a fresh face to this scene I ended up getting an ad for the Starfinder beginner box roughly two years back and ever since I have been in love with the setting. I have been buying a lot of Starfinder products when I can, mostly any book that's in my price range. Like I said I'm in love with the setting and I love reading about it, however the biggest issue I've had is I don't have anyone to play the game with as most TTRPG crowds in my area focus on D&D 5e above other games. I have limited experience as a player but I have the tools to GM if need be, but I'd prefer to get more experience as a player before doing anything of the sort (and I can't get experience because I have no one to play Starfinder with.) Seeing as I'm in this conundrum I have started looking around for a Starfinder video game in order to satiate my appetite and desire to be immersed in the environment (among also having the ability to play as my half-orc/half-lashunta character or recreate them in a playable setting.) Now like I said I could try my hand and GM to fill the void, but my problem is that I'd prefer to run one of the adventure paths, but I'd rather play the adventure path before I GM it, just to ensure my first play through is spoiler free.

Now to the main topic; my question is, will there be a Starfinder video game? Are there even plans for one? I know that there are Pathfinder games on Steam so there's a possibility that a Starfinder game may exist one day. I can't find any mention of talks of one being in the works or being thought about, which is understandable since the game is relatively new, but I just have a desire to play something in the Starfinder setting specifically. I've start going into games looking specifically for qualities similar to Starfinder and I haven't found much. Every game that comes close tends to be based off a different TTRPG but they lack the specific feeling I'm looking for that Starfinder captures so perfectly. If anyone knows I'd be happy to get some answers to this. I do hope I haven't made this post too long, anyways thank you all for your time and I hope to get some clarity on if there's even talks of a Starfinder video game getting developed.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Pathfinder game on steam is produced by another company entirely. Paizo licensed their content to Owlcat, who happened to have a passion for Pathfinder.

The likelihood that another game company decides they want to make a Starfinder game is remote, particularly given Starfinder's relatively low popularity.

You can look into the Starfinder Alexa voice game, that might help you out.

But I would seriously recommend finding an online game and just playing remote, especially given COVID.

Not in the near future.
But some time ago Owlcat was apparently looking for someone with Sci3nce Fiction experience. But that was not a bit announcement but just a twitter post by one of the developers and it was in russian. So no idea how valid that is.

Still, if that is true Owlcat might do Starfinder after they are done with Wrath of the Righteous.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ixal wrote:
But some time ago Owlcat was apparently looking for someone with Sci3nce Fiction experience.


WatersLethe wrote:
Ixal wrote:
But some time ago Owlcat was apparently looking for someone with Sci3nce Fiction experience.

No guarantees though, this is based on machine translation and some wishful thinking on what the result means.

Here the tweet.

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I would be 100% down and would pre-order if it looked even passable, let alone good!

After playing 99% through Pathfinder: Kingmaker, I think that Starfinder would have actually been a better choice for them than doing a second PF campaign in Wrath of the Righteous. Starfinder is infinitely more balanced and less swingy than the PF1 that they use, and their absurd take on sneak attacks wouldn't be as jarring (since there are none).

I guess what I'm saying is, bring on the Starfinder CRPG. We deserve it. Less popular you say? Well, Planescape was a fringe D&D setting, and Black Isle created one of the best RPGs ever made with Planescape: Torment.

Now that I think about it, Owlcat will probably want to wait for Horizons in the Vast to be complete so they can do "Kingmaker, but in space."

Technically there's the SF alexa though... Technically lol


While I would LOVE to see a Starfinder PC game I hope it will not be a simple Pathfinder:Kingmaker reskin, but instead his own game (game tpye, mechanic etc.).
So instead of making it a top-down party rpg like PF:Kingmaker make it a third person game where you control one character direct and only give orders to your companions (like in Mass Effect or Kotor).
Also Space Combat has to be a important (aka polished) part of it.

And of course it has to be done by a studio in Frankfurt Main, Germany, so I can apply as a Junior 3D Artist. :)

Peg'giz wrote:

While I would LOVE to see a Starfinder PC game I hope it will not be a simple Pathfinder:Kingmaker reskin, but instead his own game (game tpye, mechanic etc.).

So instead of making it a top-down party rpg like PF:Kingmaker make it a third person game where you control one character direct and only give orders to your companions (like in Mass Effect or Kotor).
Also Space Combat has to be a important (aka polished) part of it.

And of course it has to be done by a studio in Frankfurt Main, Germany, so I can apply as a Junior 3D Artist. :)

Please not. Adapting a larger PnP game to a 3D environment is very costly and I rather have Owlcat spend money on making the game good than on superficial graphics or even *shudder* action gameplay.


I hate to disappoint you, but Kingmaker also uses 3D environments (like most games these days) - they just put the camera on a fixed isometric position. ;)

And there is no real cost difference between building 3D assets for use in a isometric view then from a third-person view. ;)
It's just a matter of workflows and tell the artist what you need.

And I don't talk about a CoD action shooter, but more a classic RPG, but from another perspective (like KOTOR or DA:O)

I'd certainly be very interested in it. I think as a setting I probably prefer Starfinder to Golarion, personally.

Starfinder might not have great brand recognition but there's certainly a market for SciFi RPGs.

I will say this; personally, I absolutely hate faithful adaptations of PnP tabletop game rules to video games. I found Kingmaker utterly unplayable & had to mod the living hell out of it to get through it, and it was still like pulling teeth at some points.

In my ideal version, it would play like something like a Mass Effect or an Outer Worlds.

To me the rules & mechanics should always be viewed as abstractions for the sake of facilitating gameplay. Spell slots & action economy work for the table top, they're like pulling teeth in a video game. My two cents.

Having said all that, I also recognize that Owlcat is a fairly small studio & would be working with a limited budget so even something on the scale of the Outer Worlds would likely be outside their reach, so I'd be willing to bite the bullet & wait to play the game(not necessarily wait to buy it, but wait to play it) until it has a healthy modding community to get it to something I'd consider playable.

Peg'giz wrote:

I hate to disappoint you, but Kingmaker also uses 3D environments (like most games these days) - they just put the camera on a fixed isometric position. ;)

And there is no real cost difference between building 3D assets for use in a isometric view then from a third-person view. ;)
It's just a matter of workflows and tell the artist what you need.

And I don't talk about a CoD action shooter, but more a classic RPG, but from another perspective (like KOTOR or DA:O)

It is because for a 3D game with first or third person camera there are much higher requirements for the graphics quality and animations.

Kingmaker shows that you can still do a good looking isometric game with limited resources.
Had Owlcat spend the same kind of money on a 3rd person game it would look like Neverwinter Nights or DSA Drakensang which did not age quite as well.

Also, 3rd person cameras also alter how the game is played, making coordination and party control harder, thus change the gameplay to be more about a single character + sidekicks which fight autonomously, something I do not want from a SF (and PF) game.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
FormerFiend wrote:

I will say this; personally, I absolutely hate faithful adaptations of PnP tabletop game rules to video games. I found Kingmaker utterly unplayable & had to mod the living hell out of it to get through it, and it was still like pulling teeth at some points.

In my ideal version, it would play like something like a Mass Effect or an Outer Worlds.

To me the rules & mechanics should always be viewed as abstractions for the sake of facilitating gameplay. Spell slots & action economy work for the table top, they're like pulling teeth in a video game. My two cents.

Having said all that, I also recognize that Owlcat is a fairly small studio & would be working with a limited budget so even something on the scale of the Outer Worlds would likely be outside their reach, so I'd be willing to bite the bullet & wait to play the game(not necessarily wait to buy it, but wait to play it) until it has a healthy modding community to get it to something I'd consider playable.

Your opinions and tastes are 100% valid. I'm just completely the opposite! I had to to wait until the Turn Based Mod was out before I could bring myself to play PF Kingmaker.


Ixal you are not wrong but also not 100% correct with your workload assumption.
I'm a 3D Artist who created several assets for games over the last years, I also studied digital art and work in the computer games industry. So I think I have a good understanding of the workload and flows.

Sure creating a TPS game is different from a isometric game, but the workflows are basically the same these days. Both use 3D characters, rigg them, animate them etc. The workload depends more on the art style you decided to aim for. If you want to use ultra-realistic graphics you will have more work to do then if you are aiming for a stylized look. (extreme examples would be Wolcen (isometric) vs. Deep Rock Galactic (T/FPS), the effort in regards of graphic quality and animation in Wolcen is far greater then in DRG).
It's all a matter of what do you want to achiev and how good your project management is.

And yes the 3rd persond camera changes the ways the game is played and everybody has his preference, mine is a more action oriented cinematic game, where I don't have to controll every movement of every companion (something which I also don't do on the table^^), yours more the party-management style, nothing wrong with it. That's why there are different games on the market. ;)

I only stated which I would prefer for Starfinder.

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I did not even think about a Mass Effect like game. 100% down! But to be honest I would be happy with any starfinder game. Even an old school Doom clone.

FormerFiend wrote:

I will say this; personally, I absolutely hate faithful adaptations of PnP tabletop game rules to video games. I found Kingmaker utterly unplayable & had to mod the living hell out of it to get through it, and it was still like pulling teeth at some points.

No idea what your issues were, but some things need to be changed of course to account for the lack of GM and also to adapt the game to a real time environment.

For example I wish for the next Pathfinder game that they would nerf the Dazzling Display + Thug combo as in a real time environment its the ultimate I win button even though in Kingmaker it is implemented according to the rules as written.

My issue is that while running it in real time it doesn't feel like I'm playing a game so much as just running a simulation & trying to keep up with it while having no idea what nonsense is going on, and running it turn-based(which along with the mods is what I ended up doing) the whole thing just slows to a crawl. It doesn't matter if there's a win button or not, the process of actually playing this type of gameplay in single player is not something I find enjoyable.

The mechanics of a tabletop game are always my least favorite aspect of it; they're a thing that exists to facilitate it while the real enjoyment comes from socializing with friends & roleplaying. Even if rolls go poorly, which can be frustrating, even rage inducing, the social aspect of it makes up for it.

When you don't have that, a straight adaptation of the rules is just not fun for me. I can get passed that using tools to ease the pain of playing if the story is worth it; as it happens I found Owlcat's take on Kingmaker to be more enjoyable story-wise than the actual AP.

But when it comes to the game play, I'd rather be playing something more in line with a dragon age or even an elder scrolls(or for starfinder, mass effect/fallout/outer worlds) game as those are just more fun to play. They aren't true to Pathfinder, certainly, but again, I view the mechanics as abstractions to facilitate gameplay, not accurate representations of the physics of the world, so that doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is setting & story, and the mechanics should be what's most useful for exploring that in a given medium.

I'm just stating a preference. I fully expect that should Owlcat make a Starfinder game it will be a direct facsimile of the rules in as much as Kingmaker was, and I'm just going to have to suck it up. Which I'm willing to do, because of my love of the setting.

If I were to have an out & out deal breaker it would be player races being limited to the seven core races, though even then, modders can solve that problem. Gotta get my half-orcs in.


I think with some clever gameplay shenanigans, you could make a more "fluent" game (similar to ME or DAO) while staying true to the (Spirit of the) Starfinder rules.
Sure it would take additional work, but I think it would be worth it. As FormerFiend said, tabletop rules don't really fit a pc game (other medium, other rules).

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