Horror movie villains: Pathfinder style

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Since it's almost Halloween I was wondering what various horror movie villains would be in Pathfinder

* Jason Voorhees: Juju zombie barbarian
* Freddy Kreuger: human ghost/ variant nightmare creature, as for what class I'm not sure
* Chucky: NE soulbound doll but make him CE instead and give him some rogue levels
* Michael Myers: fiendish human with some rogue or slayer levels
* Leatherface: Human Barbarian with really low int and a bunch of weapon feats for chainsaws

Also Not technically villains but still horror movie characters:

* Ash Williams: human brawler/gunslinger
* Elvira: Human witch with the death patron (she wouldn't really be evil though.)

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Freddy Kreuger is an Implacable Stalker Nightmare Lord Bogeyman.

He is a CR 15 monster if you push him to 25HD... which will allow his fear shenanigans to work on any <20HD characters.

I think this is correct... stacking templates and adding HD is wierd... and I apparently gave him some maxed out gear, pretty sure he has some open feats, too. Not quite done yet, but close:

Bogeyman CR15 (higher with gear due to DC's)
NE Medium Fey

Low-Light Vision,
Darkvision 120’,
Sense Fear 120',
Perception +34

Deepest Fear Su. (30’, DC36),
Fear Aura Su. (60’, DC36),
Frightful Presence Su. (30’, DC36, 5D6/rnds)

AC 43, Touch 37, Flat-Footed 30 (+14 Deflection, +12 DEX, +6 Natural, +1 Dodge) (+2AC vs. Good not included)

HP: 312 (25D6+200+25),
Terrifying Inevitability Su.,
Regeneration Ex. 5 (good/silver negates),
Feign Death Ex. (DC36),
Illusion resistance Ex.,
Nightmare Resurrection Su.

Saves (+2 vs. Good not included):
Fort +8, Reflex +14, Will +14
15/cold iron & 5/- (or 10/-)
SR: 26 (or 31)
Resist 10: acid, cold, shock, fire, and sonic

Speed 20’, Fly 10’ (perfect)
Melee: 2 claws +24 (1D8+3/19-20)

Special Attacks:
Sneak Attack +6D6,
Striking Fear Su. (DC36),
Night Terrors Su. (DC36)/Dream Slave Su.,
Gory Display Ex.,
Right Behind You Sp. 480', 1/1D6rnds

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16, concentration +30):
Saving Throw DC Modifiers (included):
Nightmare Magic Su. +4 phantasm/shadow school

*Constant: detect thoughts, tongues, protection from good
*At Will: darkness, gaseous form, ghost sound (DC24), invisibility, suggestion (DC27)
*4/day: nightmare (DC33), shadow walk
*3/day: crushing despair (DC28), hold person (DC27), quickened phantasmal killer (DC32), deep slumber (DC27), plane shift (dimension of dreams)
*1/day: feeblemind (DC29), modify memory (DC28), shadow conjuration (DC32), shadow evocation (DC33)

Stats (w/ belt & headband):
STR 22, DEX 34, CON 26,
INT 25, WIS 22, CHA 38
BAB +12,
CMB +11,
CMD 40

Diehard*, Dodge, Endurance*, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (claws), Improved Initiative, Intimidating Prowess*, Mobility, Quicken Spell-Like Ability, Skill Focus (stealth), Spring Attack, Toughness*, Weapon Finesse

Acrobatics* +40, 25+3+12
Bluff* +27, 10+3+14
Climb* +6
Diplomacy* +27, 10+3+14
Disable Device +27, 15+12
Disguise* +27, 10+3+14
Escape Artist* +25, 10+3+12
Fly* +25, 10+3+12
Intimidate +47, 25+14+8
Know (Geo)* +20, 10+3+7
Know (Local)* +20, 10+3+7
Know (Nature)* +20, 10+3+7
Perception* +34, 25+3+6
Perform* +22, 5+3+14
Sense Motive* +34, 25+3+6
Sleight of Hand* +25, 10+3+12
Spellcraft +22, 15+7
Stealth* +52, 25+3+12+6+6

Racial Modifiers (included):
+8 Intimidate, +6 Stealth & Survival (to track)

Languages: Aklo, Common, tongues

Sense Fear (Su)
An implacable stalker is able to sense the fear of nearby living creatures. This functions similarly to blindsight, with a range of 120 feet, except it only allows the implacable stalker to detect creatures that are currently experiencing any level of fear ranging from spooked to horrified. Additionally, this ability allows the implacable stalker to detect such creatures even through solid barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.

Deepest Fear (Su)
A bogeyman is cloaked in a 30-foot aura of fear. This aura manifests as a shifting haze of images that reflect the viewer’s deepest fears. The first time it ends its turn within the aura, a creature must make a DC 36 Will save or become shaken for as long as it stays within the aura. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it cannot be affected again by the aura for another 24 hours. This is a fear effect. The DC is Charisma-based.

Striking Fear (Su)
If a bogeyman confirms a critical hit or a sneak attack with one of its claws on a target currently suffering a fear effect, that effect automatically becomes one step more severe (shaken creatures become frightened, frightened creatures become panicked, and panicked creatures cower in fear). A DC 36 Will save negates this increase. In addition, a critical hit from the bogeyman’s claw forces any target that has successfully saved against the creature’s fear aura to make another Will save against its effects, even if 24 hours have not yet passed. This is a fear effect. The DC is Charisma-based.

Terrifying Inevitability (Su)
An implacable stalker is even more difficult to kill when in the presence of fear. As long as the implacable stalker is able to see or hear a creature currently experiencing any level of fear ranging from spooked to horrified, it gains fast healing equal to its Hit Dice, its damage reduction increases to 10/—, and it gains spell resistance equal to 16 + its CR.

Feign Death (Ex)
Whenever a nightmare creature is unconscious, it appears dead. A conscious nightmare creature can also make itself appear dead as an immediate action. Any creature that physically interacts with a nightmare creature feigning death must succeed at a Heal check or Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 the nightmare creature’s Hit Dice + the nightmare creature’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher) to recognize it is actually alive.

Illusion Resistance (Ex)
A nightmare creature automatically disbelieves illusions (no saving throw required) and has a +4 bonus on saving throws to resist illusion effects.

Regeneration 5 (Ex)
Good-aligned weapons, silver weapons, and spells with the good descriptor cause a nightmare creature’s regeneration to stop functioning for 1 round.

Speed: Same as the base creature. If the base creature does not have a fly speed, the nightmare creature gains a fly speed of 10 (perfect maneuverability) as a supernatural ability. An implacable stalker’s base land speed is reduced by 10 feet if its base speed is 20 feet or higher.

Fear Aura (Su)
All creatures within a 60-foot radius that see or hear a nightmare creature must succeed at a Will save or be shaken for as long as they are within the aura. Creatures that have at least 5 fewer Hit Dice than the implacable stalker must succeed at a Will save or become frightened for 1 minute if they come within 60 feet of it. Even if they succeed at their saves, they gain the shaken condition for as long as they remain within 60 feet of the implacable stalker, and for 1 round thereafter. All other creatures within this radius must succeed at a Will save or become shaken for as long as they remain within 60 feet of the implacable stalker, and for 1 round thereafter. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same implacable stalker’s aura until the creature has left the aura and reentered it. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

Frightful Presence (Su)
This ability activates when the nightmare creature charges, attacks during a surprise round, or succeeds at a DC 15 Intimidate or Perform check. Its frightful presence has a range of 30 feet.

Night Terrors (Su)
Once a nightmare creature enters a target’s mind with its dream or nightmare spell-like ability, it can attempt to control the target’s dream. If the target fails a Will saving throw, it remains asleep and trapped in the dream world with the nightmare creature. Thereafter, the nightmare creature controls all aspects of the dream. Each hour that passes, the target can attempt another saving throw to try to awaken (it automatically awakens after 8 hours or if the nightmare creature releases it). The target takes 1d4 points of Charisma damage each hour it is trapped in the dream; if it takes any Charisma damage, it is fatigued and unable to regain arcane spells for the next 24 hours. The target dies if this Charisma damage equals or exceeds its actual Charisma score.

Dream Slave (Su)
Instead of killing a target with its night terror ability, a nightmare lord may instead enslave it with a permanent dominate monster effect. The enslaved creature is healed of all Charisma damage taken from night terrors.

Gory Display (Ex)
Whenever an implacable stalker kills a sentient living creature, as a swift action, it can revel in the kill, shredding its victim’s corpse in a gruesome display of power. If it does, it chooses one of the following benefits: gain a +4 morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity for 1 minute, regain a single use of a spell-like ability that it can normally use three or more times per day, or immediately heal a number of hit points equal to its Hit Dice.

Alternatively, instead of any of these benefits, the implacable stalker can cause a single creature within 60 feet to become more vulnerable to fear. Creatures affected in this way lose any immunity to fear they may have. If the creature did not possess immunity to fear, it takes a –4 penalty on saving throws to resist fear effects, and all Intimidate checks attempted against it receive a +4 circumstance bonus. These effects last for 10 minutes. Finally, if the creature is currently immune to the implacable stalker’s fear aura because it succeeded at a previous saving throw, it loses that immunity.

Nightmare Resurrection (Su)
When an implacable stalker dies, it creates a psychic imprint on the mind of each intelligent creature within 60 feet that witnessed its death. Each week, such creatures are subject to a nightmare effect (DC = 10 + 1/2 the implacable stalker’s Hit Dice + the implacable stalker’s Charisma modifier; the normal modifiers for nightmare based on knowledge and connection do not apply). In this nightmare, the creature is hunted and slain by the implacable stalker (for GMs using the nightmare dreamscape rules, these nightmares always have the “being chased” nightmare feature). A creature that succeeds at three consecutive saving throws to resist the effect is freed from it. If any creature fails at three consecutive saving throws to resist the nightmare, the implacable stalker returns to life, as per true resurrection. If its corpse has been completely destroyed, it returns to life in a random location within 5 miles of the creature that failed to resist the nightmare effects. Once the implacable stalker is returned to life, the psychic imprint fades from all creatures still affected by it.

Right Behind You (Sp)
As a swift action, an implacable stalker can teleport to an unoccupied space, which must be adjacent to a creature the stalker is aware of that has the shaken, frightened, or panicked condition. The implacable stalker can travel a maximum distance of 480 feet with each use of this ability, and must wait 1d6 rounds between each use. Additionally, if the implacable stalker travels at least 40 feet, any shaken, frightened, or panicked creature it arrives adjacent to is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against the implacable stalker’s attacks until the beginning of the implacable stalker’s next turn.

Shadow Lodge

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Horror adventures has some great stuff in it. My favorites are

The alternate race trait for halfling called creepy doll that makes you look like a creepy porcelain doll and essentially gives you the freeze monster ability, letting you hide in plain sight as a doll.

And the bloody jake slayer archetype for the classic evil hillbilly.

Hey, what about the Exorcist version of Pazuzu? I assume he's a lot less powerful than the Pathfinder version if two non-mythic priests were able to defeat him. Maybe just make him a unique shadow demon?

You might want to take a look at this :)

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