please make pathfinder kingmaker mmo

Owlcat Pathfinder CRPGs

not every mmorpg must be a clone of world of warcraft.

imagine possibilities. starting with creating unique character. the balance of imbalanced game with pathfinder vast mechanics.

5min once per day for meditation/prayer/studying spellbook, to regain spells. other abilities restore daily. such thing.

i mean, the game similar to kingmaker would differ than most of mmo's. most mmo's are just weaker world of warcraft's.


combat - when occurs - could be in turns. it would solve characters with many spells or actions to choose.

map travel like in old fallouts. much faster with a horse when you can afford one.

i am aware of existing "pathfinder: online". i didnt play it long. but it seems just another wow-chasing game. chasing means that it will always be behind.

Personally, I'm not really for it.

Usually designing an MMO has concerns for balance between parties and changes design of the game vs a single player game.

And unlike traditional MMOs it would be hard to get everyone together to progress through the story at the same pace, unless you had enemies that respawned endlessly so that players could always go back to things they had missed if someone else had cleared it.

Honestly, the feel of the game would change considerably, and not for the better IMO.

I could maybe see a local co-op type option, but not an online one.

Regardless, I'm not personally for this.

But if they took the base game, which currently includes turn based combat, and kept everything exactly except you only created and controlled one character and formed a party and then proceeded through the game with characters being specific to that adventure and unable to be played elsewhere...I could be okay with that. I still probably wouldn't use it, but as long as it's not altering the normal single player experience I'll be okay with it.

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Claxon wrote:

Personally, I'm not really for it.



I tried Pathfinder Online, and some other MMO's, I'm not really into that.

But a Group-Co-Op (online or local/LAN) would be nice. Basically the existing game but you don't controll the whole group, but just your character, while the other 5 can be other players or companions (NPC's).

I'd even try it in Real-time game mode then, to get the hectic of combat simulated for once.
"No, buddy, I don't know if you'd rather cast Magic Missile or Icicle now. I need to get my Barb into cleave-position. And now your character auto-casted acid arrow. That was great. ..."

Franz Lunzer wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Personally, I'm not really for it.



I tried Pathfinder Online, and some other MMO's, I'm not really into that.

But a Group-Co-Op (online or local/LAN) would be nice. Basically the existing game but you don't controll the whole group, but just your character, while the other 5 can be other players or companions (NPC's).

I'd even try it in Real-time game mode then, to get the hectic of combat simulated for once.
"No, buddy, I don't know if you'd rather cast Magic Missile or Icicle now. I need to get my Barb into cleave-position. And now your character auto-casted acid arrow. That was great. ..."

Totally agree, if they took the current Pathfinder Kingmaker game and added local co-op (possibly even over the internet with games being pretty much invite only, so I guess LAN/WAN) and you only control 1 character instead of the whole party but don't change any of the current game mechanics I would be down with that.

And I agree that could make real time game mode fun, as opposed to me always using the previous Turn Based Mod that has now be integrated as a default part of the game.

Real time doesn't work when you want to control a whole party, especially when it comes to spells. But it could be a lot of fun when everyone only controls one character, and every group would still have the option for turn based.

Claxon wrote:
Franz Lunzer wrote:
Claxon wrote:

Personally, I'm not really for it.



I tried Pathfinder Online, and some other MMO's, I'm not really into that.

But a Group-Co-Op (online or local/LAN) would be nice. Basically the existing game but you don't controll the whole group, but just your character, while the other 5 can be other players or companions (NPC's).

I'd even try it in Real-time game mode then, to get the hectic of combat simulated for once.
"No, buddy, I don't know if you'd rather cast Magic Missile or Icicle now. I need to get my Barb into cleave-position. And now your character auto-casted acid arrow. That was great. ..."

Totally agree, if they took the current Pathfinder Kingmaker game and added local co-op (possibly even over the internet with games being pretty much invite only, so I guess LAN/WAN) and you only control 1 character instead of the whole party but don't change any of the current game mechanics I would be down with that.

And I agree that could make real time game mode fun, as opposed to me always using the previous Turn Based Mod that has now be integrated as a default part of the game.

Real time doesn't work when you want to control a whole party, especially when it comes to spells. But it could be a lot of fun when everyone only controls one character, and every group would still have the option for turn based.

Though real time with pause would still be annoying since everyone would be able to pause it and real time without pause would be almost impossible to keep up with.

The non combat time aspects of the game would also be weird in co-op.

Well, kind of, I guess.

RTwP: yeah, that would not work. but Real time combat with everyone only controlling their own character? Should be doable, if hectic. That'd be the fun of it though, I suppose. (Better turn difficulty way down though. And maybe make combat run in slow-motion, in the easiest setting?)

Non-combat on 'combat-maps': Finally your whole party doesn't follow your every footstep, they can walk around on their own, explore the map in 'groups', set up attacks from multiple angles and stuff.
And in Dialogue, it would be nice, if different characters can ask different questions, maybe interfere with someone elses dialogue, if they are close by.

Exploration on the Kingdom-Map: one member of the group still will be the leader/Baron/King, just like in the Tabletop version. So that one controls here, but the others can point out, where they would want to go. Could get weird, but not much weirder than at the table.

But technically/software coding wise, this probably leads to all sorts of difficulties.

RTwP could be annoying, it would probably have to be real time without pause or you just choose to do turn based combat. RTwP really only existed (IMO) because they didn't initially implement turn based combat.

It would be up to each group to decide what settings the game would be played in.

In combat maps everyone could walk around and explore simultaneously, although you potentially get yourself into combat with no friends nearby. I still see that as a fun aspect though, everyone can explore and if you do so alone you do it with the risk that comes.

For the major map for going between destination (where your characters aren't individually controlled) you could just have a vote system where the baron gets to break ties or something. The idea would be playing with your friends (invite only system) so you can figure out how you want to do it between you.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

A kingdom-building game with dozens or hundreds of players? No thanks.

Pathfinder Online was always explicitly about NOT being WoW clone, above all because "themepark" development model is much more expensive. They explicitly were based on EVE Online model where emergent multiplayer dynamics was the focus of gameplay, PFO was basically intended as EVE in Swords & Sorcery drag. Anyways, Owlcat doesn't seem setup to develop MMO, and if they were, this wouldn't be place to petition them to do so.

Kingmaker MMO would work better as a Clash of Clans kind of game. Not saying it should have the same monetization.

It could have a Dungeon Crawler mode and a City Building mode to better emulate the experience.


YawarFiesta wrote:

Kingmaker MMO would work better as a Clash of Clans kind of game. Not saying it should have the same monetization.

It could have a Dungeon Crawler mode and a City Building mode to better emulate the experience.


As someone who has a passionate dislike of those kind of games, that would be a great way to ruin to ruin it to me.

Claxon wrote:
As someone who has a passionate dislike of those kind of games, that would be a great way to ruin to ruin it to me.

Sadly, it is the only MMO format that allows multiple cities/ states/ nation simultaneously, like competing barons trying to settle their barony in the same geographical area.

Alternatively, they could do use a multiverse approach.
Kingmaker Spoilers:
Imagine that when the apology was shattered every fallen kingdom begun anew as a pocket dimension in the First World.
This way you can have several baronies disconnected from each other and still retain working hub world. When inside your barony you could synchronize with other players team up for quest, etc.


I think instead the way to do it would be to have players not directly run kingdoms, but instead you have organizations that would be composed of players and those organizations would send representatives to a council or something like that.

But now you're really just talking about making this a WoW like MMO.

Multiple kingdoms doesn't really work in any capacity while retaining the feel of the Kingmaker AP of Pathfinder (IMO) but forcing the paradigm I'm suggesting pretty much means you control a single character and not a kingdom (directly). Which honestly just ruins it to me.

Honestly, the only thing I think works is private games in which multiple people control a single character and work together as an adventuring group that also manages the kingdom.

Not really that up for it. memes and jokes aside, people would no doubt be grinding The Stag Lord and Vordekai for the best drops :)

Marketing & Media Manager

Product decisions at this level are made by Owlcat Games, but it is always good to get player input and feedback. Thank you.

as ppl say some game aspects should differ - these that are better in single player. sure thing.

i think resting 5min every hour would be better than my previous idea of a day.

about co-op. i have kingmaker on my steam. if a patch or dlc with classic multiplayer would come to life. wow. that would be incredible! but this still seems quite impossible. anyway, i would buy it. totaly.

about mmo. "the balance of imbalance", of making weak or strong characters, possibilietes of ruining them or making stronger against some situations... i mean like: no 1tank 1healer 3dps circle, way of game... this could be way through.

thx for responding.

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