GM Recruitment - Ironfang Invasion, Finale of Book 1 (minor spoilers)



We are four exiles of Phaendar looking to repel the Ironfang Invasion and restore our homes! We have nearly reached the conclusion of Book 1, Trail of the Hunted, having established a home for now and faced with the remaining task of dealing with the enemy hobgoblin camp that lies in the nearby forests. The heroes of this story are:

Govrina Fireblood - self-appointed leader and fierce, temperamental defender of the people of Phaendar. Tiefling Telekienticist.
Harg - bookish accountant and dabbler of magics who unlocks great power through a mysterious, intelligent sword. Half-Orc Bladebound Magus.
Vraxis Coldfire - grumpy, matter-of-fact survivalist and outdoorsman, along with his loyal wolf companion, Fang. Halfling Divine Commander Warpriest.
Braden Swanson - reserved acolyte falling short of his father's legacy, until Erastil bestowed his blessings through the relics of the Riverwood Shrine. Human Reliquarian Occultist. (That's me!)

We've been making steady progress for the last couple of years, with Govrina and Vraxis in the starting group, and me and Harg jumping in a few months later. We love our former GM, but between a new job, a newborn, and a bun in the oven, he made the understandable decision to drop all of his games. We would really love to soldier on, and are hoping someone out there can help us do so!

If you're interested, feel free to post here or send me a message!

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As is my habit of late, seeing a campaign in danger tugs at my heart-strings!!

Let me read the game play and look over the AP and I'll let you know :)


Thanks, GM Spazmodeus! Would definitely mean a lot to us if you are so inclined. And if you want to make some changes to fit your style, I am confident we'll be able to accommodate.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I am one of the players (Harg), Thank you GM Spazmodeus for thinking about it.

From what I can say, we are a pretty active, yet understanding group. We also seem to have a solid dynamic with each other.

Fingers crossed the AP sounds like something you would be interested in. Thanks again.

Hey guys,

The AP looks like a lot of fun....and so do you guys :)
Though GM Fez's boots will be hard to replace, I'll do my best :)

I'll request ownership of the thread and gather up resources etc...

I'll keep you posted on when we'll resume.

From my reading of the gameplay, looks like you guys have scouted out the Iron legion camp and are trying to sow some chaos by taking out the new rope bridge at Phaendar, allowing Vraxis and Fang some more time to scout out the main camp.... Thanks for the nice simple situation to take over :)


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yay! Thank you so much. Very happy to have you taking it over.

Will await you jumping in. Cheers

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