PACG2 - Product Roadmap

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey can we get an updated Product Road-map for upcoming Card Game releases?

Yes please...make it a bit easier to budget.

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You are not alone in asking for what is coming next for PACG!

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
eddiephlash wrote:

You are not alone in asking for what is coming next for PACG!

I was hoping if I spoke in Marketing we might get a good answer.

As someone that has been champing at the bit this whole year wanting new PACG content, I've just kind of accepted that there is a real possibility that outside of society play PACG is quite possibly dead. Not only were there no announcements during the two biggest Paizo events (PaizoCon and GenCon), there weren't even hints or implications of something coming down the pipe. We haven't gotten a single add-on deck since Core and Curse shipped.

I'm currently trying to find out if there is a "good" way to play the society content without using the society rules (because we just want more content to play) but it sounds like the scenarios are balanced on the "one card upgrade per scenario" and upgrades coming from constrained card pools per character. Might give it a shot anyway.

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From the bits and pieces I've seen since joining the community, I've come to understand that there is going to be a long break after Core+CotCT before any major content is made. Also, I don't expect to see a lot of add-on decks as the gaming stores were complaining about PACG products being released too often. I imagine the production schedule is on hold right now and when it resumes, it will have far less releases.

I came into this recently and wondered if it was a dead game, but I'm not seeing that as the case yet. The devs are still active and Society content is being released on schedule.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
GravenImageRD wrote:

As someone that has been champing at the bit this whole year wanting new PACG content, I've just kind of accepted that there is a real possibility that outside of society play PACG is quite possibly dead. Not only were there no announcements during the two biggest Paizo events (PaizoCon and GenCon), there weren't even hints or implications of something coming down the pipe. We haven't gotten a single add-on deck since Core and Curse shipped.

I'm currently trying to find out if there is a "good" way to play the society content without using the society rules (because we just want more content to play) but it sounds like the scenarios are balanced on the "one card upgrade per scenario" and upgrades coming from constrained card pools per character. Might give it a shot anyway.

I wouldn’t call them unbalanced for home games, and the Society scenarios are even designed to be played using home game rules too (although they probably receive less play testing in that form). Rewards will call out if anything is PACS-specific; just ignore those particular rewards. Otherwise you can play it exactly as you would the included storybooks including building your decks out of what you acquire during play.

There are a few PACS scenarios that really aren’t designed for home games though, but they’re the exception rather than the rule. If the product description lists it as an interactive special (e.g. 6-99 Tyrant of the Harrow) then unless you can muster multiple tables together (including RPG tables for the older pre-Core specials) then you’ll be on your own for figuring out when to trigger conditions and how to progress through the scenarios.

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skizzerz wrote:
I wouldn’t call them unbalanced for home games, and the Society scenarios are even designed to be played using home game rules too (although they probably receive less play testing in that form). Rewards will call out if anything is PACS-specific; just ignore those particular rewards. Otherwise you can play it exactly as you would the included storybooks including building your decks out of what you acquire during play.

Awesome, that's good to know. I've grabbed 6-1, now I'm excited to play it!

GravenImageRD wrote:

Awesome, that's good to know. I've grabbed 6-1, now I'm excited to play it!

I hope you enjoy it! There's some pretty great scenarios in there. It does some real interesting things with the supporter mechanic, but that is much later down the road.

Nickademus42 wrote:
Also, I don't expect to see a lot of add-on decks as the gaming stores were complaining about PACG products being released too often.

I saw this mentioned earlier by someone else, and I'm trying to figure out what game store is complaining about this? FFG releases new product every month for multiple games. Wizkids releases new product every couple months. UDE releases new product roughly every month. The only way any game store would be complaining about Paizo products would be if they weren't selling, which doesn't mean to slow down the product but the game store needs to order less of it.

Still, given that they haven't even announced a new upcoming product yet, we're looking at a minimum of 2 years between products here. I don't think they need to slow things down that much.

Dark Archive

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I've had a slow uptake to get into the PACG, but most of my family really likes it, and having gotten a lot of the content at really good prices I look forward to more APs. In fact why don't we try to guess the next AP!
I think Strange Aeons would make a ton of sense (and I would buy it immediately). The horror theme is relatively novel for the card game. The Mythos tie-ins might well bring in new players, the AP was very popular.

Grand Lodge

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How about Kingmaker to go with the rerelease?

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