Olympian Pantheon

Homebrew and House Rules

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This is something I'm putting together for a homebrew setting. It's not meant to exactly match the Greek myths, but I'm trying to capture their feel to the best of my ability.

Aphrodite (CN)
Edict: pursue romance regardless of personal cost, encourage others to follow their dreams
Anathema: claim to be more beautiful than Aphrodite, choose security over passion
Follower Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Deception
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Domains: indulgence, passion, secrecy, trickery
Cleric Spells: 1st: charm, 2nd: humanoid form, 3rd: enthrall

Apollo (LN)
Edict: heal the sick, teach music and song
Anathema: refuse medical aid, show cowardice
Follower Alignments: CG, LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: heal
Divine Skill: select Medicine or Performance
Favored Weapon: Shortbow
Domains: confidence, healing, knowledge, perfection
Cleric Spells: 1st: soothe, 2nd: false life, 4th: resilient sphere

Ares (CN)
Edict: attain victory in battle through fair means or foul, push your limits
Anathema: prevent conflict through negotiation, continue to fight a losing battle
Follower Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N, NE
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Intimidation
Favored Weapon: Greataxe
Domains: ambition, might, protection, zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: true strike, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: weapon storm

Artemis (N)
Edict: live in the wilderness, own no more than you can carry
Anathema: abandon chastity, kill wantonly
Follower Alignments: CG, CN, LG, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Nature
Favored Weapon: Longbow
Domains: family, nature, travel, zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: true strike, 3rd: wall of thorns, 5th: tree stride

Athena (LN)
Edict: revere a father-figure, live a chaste life
Anathema: claim to be wiser than Athena, betray your father-figure
Follower Alignments: LE, LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Society
Favored Weapon: Spear
Domains: cities, perfection, truth, zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: mage armor, 2nd: humanoid form, 3rd: hypercognition

Demeter (N)
Edict: assist in planting and harvest, take part in the mysteries
Anathema: betray or harm a child, reveal mysteries to outsiders
Follower Alignments: Any
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Nature
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Domains: earth, family, nature, sorrow
Cleric Spells: 1st: temporary tool, 2nd: shape wood, 3rd: wall of thorns

Dionysus (CN)
Edict: eat, drink and make merry, celebrate theatre
Anathema: deny pleasures for yourself or others, show mercy to enemies
Follower Alignments: CE, CG, CN, N, NE
Divine Font: heal or harm
Divine Skill: Select Occultism or Performance
Favored Weapon: Staff
Domains: delirium, freedom, indulgence, nature
Cleric Spells: 1st: fleet step, 3rd: wall of thorns, 5th: hallucination

Hades (LN)
Edict: conduct funerals, console the bereaved
Anathema: create undead, despoil graves
Follower Alignments: LE, LN, N, NE
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Stealth
Favored Weapon: Shortsword
Domains: darkness, death, secrecy, wealth
Cleric Spells: 1st: phantom pain, 2nd: invisibility, 3rd: haste

Helios (N)
Edict: rise with the dawn, fulfill the charges which you have been given
Anathema: neglect your duty, yield to personal desires
Follower Alignments: LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Nature
Favored Weapon: Spear
Domains: duty, fire, sun, time
Cleric Spells: 1st: burning hands, 3rd: fireball, 4th: wall of fire

Hephaestus (LN)
Edict: craft new creations, pay attention to details
Anathema: carelessly destroy others’ creations or research, engage in shoddy work
Follower Alignments: CG, LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Crafting
Favored Weapon: Warhammer
Domains: creation, fire, might, wealth
Cleric Spells: 1st: summon construct, 3rd: meld into stone, 4th: stoneskin

Hera (N)
Edict: avenge any insult to yourself or Hera, give counsel to women
Anathema: commit adultery, fail to treat adultery as an insult
Follower Alignments: LE, LN, N, NE, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: select Diplomacy or Thievery
Favored Weapon: Light mace
Domains: family, secrecy, tyranny, zeal
Cleric Spells: 1st: anticipate peril, 2nd: misdirection, 3rd: nondetection

Hermes (N)
Edict: outwit your opponents instead of overpowering them, play pranks
Anathema: destroy knowledge, be completely honest
Follower Alignments: All
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: select Athletics or Deception
Favored Weapon: Staff
Domains: confidence, knowledge, travel, trickery
Cleric Spells: 1st: penumbral shroud, 3rd: invisibility sphere, 6th: mislead

Hestia (N)
Edict: keep the hearth fire burning, care for children
Anathema: abandon your family, exalt yourself above others
Follower Alignments: LG, LN, N, NG
Divine Font: heal
Divine Skill: Society
Favored Weapon: Mace
Domains: family, fire, protection, vigil
Cleric Spells: 1st: soothe, 2nd: humanoid form, 7th: magnificent mansion

Poseidon (CN)
Edict: sacrifice before any ocean voyage, eat fish and other sea food
Anathema: show excessive pride, aid followers of Athena
Follower Alignments: CE, CN, N, NE
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Survival
Favored Weapon: Trident
Domains: destruction, earth, travel, water
Cleric Spells: 1st: hydraulic push, 3rd: feet to fins, 5th: mariner’s curse

Selene (N)
Edict: cast light in places of darkness, lead the lost
Anathema: intentionally mislead someone, abandon a creature in darkness
Follower Alignments: CG, CN, N, NG
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Arcana
Favored Weapon: Dagger
Domains: dreams, magic, moon, nightmares
Cleric Spells: 1st: message rune, 2nd: humanoid form, 3rd: enthrall, 4th: suggestion, 5th: summon entity, 6th: mislead, 7th: project image, 8th: dream council, 9th: weird

Zeus (N)
Edict: show hospitality to strangers, lead and try to lead wisely
Anathema: seek to escape mortality, kill kindred
Follower Alignments: Any
Divine Font: harm or heal
Divine Skill: Society
Favored Weapon: Longspear
Domains: air, lightning, might, tyranny
Cleric Spells: 1st: true strike, 2nd: animal form, 3rd: lightning bolt

I am working on my own homebrew of several pantheons from Earth. The one thing thats stands out on yours is why are they all neutral on the good/evil axis. Ares and Hades have a definite Evil lean and others such as Artemis, Apollo and Hermes would be on the Good end.

Basically, I'm taking the attitude that none of the theoi or netjer are or care much about evil or good, in contrast to the yazata and the devi. All of them have done things that are evil, all of them have done things that are good.

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Hades most certainly does not have an evil bent to him (though that is very dependent on your thoughts towards his relationship with Persephone).

I think your alignment choices are pretty good. They're all pretty good.

I like them.

On the premise that I didn't check all the 2e deities, isn't Selene too good if compared to the others for what concerns cleric bonus spells?

HumbleGamer wrote:

I like them.

On the premise that I didn't check all the 2e deities, isn't Selene too good if compared to the others for what concerns cleric bonus spells?

It's fairly common for the 'magic' deity of a group to give bonus spells for all nine levels. (See Nethys in the corebook and Isis and Nyarlathotep in Gods and Magic.) This is a version of Selene who's syncretized with Hecate.

That said, Selene should probably have summon fey instead of summon entity.

Grand Lodge

C. Richard Davies wrote:
Basically, I'm taking the attitude that none of the theoi or netjer are or care much about evil or good, in contrast to the yazata and the devi. All of them have done things that are evil, all of them have done things that are good.

That means clerics won't be able to deal good damage (or evil damage). If you're going with that, you may also want to revise how alignment damage--or just those spells--works.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks. I like the all neutral alignments. Which is right for Greek Gods.
I'll be borrowing these ideas in my own campaign. Thanks.

I like these, although I agree with the other poster that Ares always has felt evil more than anything else. The Greeks (or at least the Athenians) themselves had a low opinion of him, although the Romans were fans.

Hades is absolutely neutral though. In the grand scale of things he is the one god who has probably done the least harmful actions towards others. Even the thing with Persephone, depending on your source, can be read more as a star-crossed lovers scenario than a unwilling abduction.

MMCJawa wrote:
I like these, although I agree with the other poster that Ares always has felt evil more than anything else. The Greeks (or at least the Athenians) themselves had a low opinion of him, although the Romans were fans.

And the Greeks themselves gradually came to have an appreciation for Ares, as demonstrated by the Homeric Hymns in his honor. Culture and religion are never static.

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