Fey Influence feat from Pathfinder Society adventure

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

Is there any clarification that can be provided on what level the Fey Influence feat allows the spells to be cast at (given that half of them can be heightened)? My initial assumption was only 1st level, but given that it is an ancestry feat that seems incredibly underpowered.

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If something doesn't specify the level a spell is cast it, the spell is cast at it's lowest level.

If something doesn't tell you how to heighten a spell, you can't heighten it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The only exception to that is cantrips, which are heightened to half your level rounded up unless otherwise stated.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Agree with the others. Though also agree with you that an unheightened first level spell once per day at level 5 is a little underwhelming and only gets worse as the campaign goes on, especially Grim Tendrils and to a lesser extent Summon, both of which rely on their scaling to stay relevant.

Bane is the kind of spell that stays relevant over the long run though, I'd just pick that one.

The feat is almost entirely pointless that way. I agree that you're right per RAW but I wish they would errata it.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Pretty much everybody above has it wrong. Innate spells automatically heighten as you level.


Make that pretty much I was wrong.

Sorry, read the wrong paragraph with improper comprehension.

Thanks Vest

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Reckless wrote:

Pretty much everybody above has it wrong. Innate spells automatically heighten as you level.


Only innate cantrips?

Innate cantrips are cast at will and automatically heightened as normal for cantrips (see Cantrips on page 300) unless otherwise specified.

BastionofthePants wrote:
The feat is almost entirely pointless that way. I agree that you're right per RAW but I wish they would errata it.

The game has a couple instances of giving you Charm stuck at 1st level. Half-Elf and Dhampir can both get it with a 5th level ancestry feat.

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