Statboy |

I am in need of 1-2 more people for Ruins of Azlant on roll20, it is voice chat and we have a discord for discussions. I am not posting for recruitment on roll20 anymore due to low quality player rate, and was hoping this forum would have better success.
What I'm looking for: Someone who can make a firm commitment to being there (Mondays from 12 Central US to 3). Not an RP snob, I do enjoy RP, if you don't then tabletop probably isn't for you. But some people enjoy PF almost strictly for the RP, while I try to bring a good mix of RP, Combat, and Story. The players that enjoy me as a GM the most, are the ones that enjoy all aspects of PF, not just RPing. My most important rule is that you dont Meta game or read ahead in the AP, to that end you have to, have not played past book 1, or read past the very beginning of book 1. I do have a small amount of homebrew rules which I will link at the bottom of the page. I am willing to take new players, and players that don't know Roll20.
Name and Discord:
Favorite character you've made in the past:
Have you played or read Ruins of Azlant before?:
Can you commit to mondays from 12 CST- 3?:

Leerod1 |
"What I'm looking for: Someone who can make a firm commitment to being there (Mondays from 12 Central US to 3)." Can do.
"My most important rule is that you dont Meta game or read ahead in the AP, to that end you have to, have not played past book 1, or read past the very beginning of book 1". I own them, but haven't read them.
"I do have a small amount of homebrew rules which I will link at the bottom of the page. I am willing to take new players, and players that don't know Roll20." Your home brew rules don't look like they'd be a problem for anything I'd play.
Name and Discord: My name is Lee and my Discord username is muletrain68.
Favorite character you've made in the past: I've had many over the years, but for role playing, I think my 4th Ed. minotaur wizard Bryton, who was the leader of a adventure company in Living Greyhawk; our motto is We Eat What We Kill, and we even made a cookbook over the course of playing LG. My favorite PFS2 character is a halfling cleric of Sarenrae named Alger. My favorite PFS1 character is an Osiriani wizard named Nefeltarden, an unfortunate name choice I later found.
Have you played or read Ruins of Azlant before?: Own it but haven't read it. I'm not a cheater, so I wouldn't do that to you or the group.
Can you commit to mondays from 12 CST- 3?: Can Do!

Statboy |

After looking at the character creation rules you included, I noticed minotaur was not an option. Any chance that is an available choice?
No, there is no official Minotaur race. I used to allow custom built and third party, but its too much work to get play tested. All the races are official.