Freelance Character Builder Request.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I would like to hire someone to help in making a a hundred characters stretching across various classes and races. A character for each class, Paizo's, Akashic Mysteries, Psionic, Path of War, and a few others. I'm looking for help with character builds.
Is there someone who can help in this endeavor?

Unless you are under a time constraint, I think it would be easier to make 1 request at a time for a certain class/race combination with a level and possibly a combat style request. People frequently do that and get a lot of responses.

Also be up front on what you plan to do with the characters and that you need complete write ups. The more info you include in the request the closer characters presented will be to your expectations.

Like you could say "Hey, I'm trying to build a quick NPC party and I want an Elven Fighter that switches between his Composite Longbow and an Elven Curve Blade. I'd like a level range between 8th and 16th level if possible. Thanks!"

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A character of each class is not nearly specific enough to even start with.

For example, do you want a Grenadier Alchemist or a Beastmorph/Vivisectionist Alchemist?

Maybe provide an alphabetical list of all the classes you want builds for, with a note of what sort of build you want for each class...

Alchemist -- Bombs
Bard -- Buffs
Cleric -- Summons
Druid -- Wildshaping
Etc, etc...

If you put in a little bit of time and effort to provide a more detailed outline for your project, other people may be more willing to dedicate their time and effort to help.

As much as we all love building characters, you haven't given us much to go off of.

Thank you, I will be more specific in future posts. This will require some concentration! I was looking for someone who is a building machine. I still need to give more details, of course.
For example, I would like to see a Golden Lupin (Creature Chronicles) Armiger of 5th level. A survivalist that's good with weapons. Using Dungeonetics to get random ability scores set on the 20 to 27 range.

Have you checked the guide to builds on Zenith games? I bet some of what you want is already done there.

Happy to help. One more thing that you'll need to supply - how much detail? Every item bought and every skill point assigned, or just class features and feats, or something between.

avr wrote:
Happy to help. One more thing that you'll need to supply - how much detail? Every item bought and every skill point assigned, or just class features and feats, or something between.


Equipment is important to know if we have to provide or not.

On a lot of my more in-depth builds, I try to stray away from the usual Big Six, because I find reliance on them to be boring.

However, if I am making 100 "iconic" characters... they will probably all be given the standard issue Big Six, because they work and are, dare I say, iconic.

Same with skill points.

On my detailed builds, I will go through and figure out skills level by level.

However, on a more generic build, I just figure out how many skills per level they get from their class, add their Intelligence modifier, and max out that many skills based on their class level.


A level 5 Fighter with a 13 Intelligence gets 2+1 skills per level... I would put 5 ranks in three skills and call it good.

Usually I choose HP for FCB if I am not pursuing something specific like 1/6 extra "X", or whatever.

So knowing how detailed each build is expected to be is very important.

If you wish to converse with me, define your terms. (-Voltaire)

Medium, 30' speed
Low-Light Vision
Expert Rider (2 RP): Lupins receive a +2 racial bonus on Ride checks.
Hatred (1 RP): Lupins receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoids with the gnoll or shapechanger subtype.
Keen Senses (2 RP): Lupins receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
Scent (4 RP): Lupins gain the scent ability
Languages (0 RP): Lupins begin play speaking Common and Lupin. Lupins with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Elven, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, and Sylvan.

Numerous breeds, or subraces, of lupins exist. The statistics above are for the most common breed: wild lupins, also known as wolvenfolk, which resemble humanoid wolves. Other lupin subraces have different racial traits, as follows.

Hunter lupins are clever trackers; they have the following ability score modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Strength. They include the following breeds.

Golden Lupin (Golden Retriever): This lupin breed is proficient with longbows, shortbows, throwing daggers, and slings; this replaces the expert rider trait.

And the Armiger is a Heavy Armor wearing brute heading to be a Hell Knight... so my question is if you want your Golden Retriever to be an archer?

Mithral Hell Knight Plate has a maximum Dex bonus of +3... plus Armor Training, and Hell Knight Armor... should be around +7 towards the end of your career.

Am I on the right track here?

Hell Knight doesn't appear to grant any bonus feats, and Armiger gives up its first level bonus feat... archery is rather feat intensive, so we need to get on it as soon as possible if that is the plan.

On the other hand, I picture a Hell Knight using a Greatsword more than a bow. But something about a duck hunting dog just says ranged weapon to me. And it gets the Dexterity bonus/Strength penalty.

Oh, I just remembered that you are using something to generate massive stats, so the racial bonuses and penalties are rather moot.

Anyways, you can see that more than a race and class/archetype are needed for any reasonable effort to be put into a build...

Actually, The Armiger is a class from Spheres of Might. It lets you customize Three weapons with different talents. Although I think I understand where you're coming from. Can't just say fighter and not what type.
Nice Duck Hunt pun as well! Looks like we have a concept for the Marksman class.

Five levels of Fighter Armiger...

With a Greatsword:
1. Combat Reflexes
2. Power Attack
3. Shield Focus
4. Unhindering Shield
5. Cut From the Air

Or, with a Compund Bow:
1. Point Blank Shot
2. Precise Shot
3. Weapon Focus
4. Weapon Specialization
5. Point Blank Master or Rapid Shot

Or, switch-hitter with both:
1. Combat Reflexes
2. Power Attack
3. Point Blank Shot
4. Rapid Shot
5. Cut From the Air

Several very separate paths can be had from just "I would like to see a Golden Lupin (Creature Chronicles) Armiger of 5th level. A survivalist that's good with weapons. Using Dungeonetics to get random ability scores set on the 20 to 27 range."

Edit: ninja'ed... didn't see the Spheres of Might thing.

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Thinking about it the armiger's abilities are largely wasted on a pure greatsworder or pure longbowman, and only OK on a character who switches between the two. Also there's an archetype for the armiger which focuses on some odd weapons called the bounty hunter, and dogs + presumably dog furries love chasing things down. Lets work along those lines.

Three weapon sets with simple weapons & bounty hunter's tools as options. Lets get a harpoon, a net and the bare-fisted training prowess so he can fight unarmed. Deadly prowess (power attack) can be the other prowess option.

2 combat talents each weapon set; unarmed can have open hand and counterbalance, the net can get athletics (leap) and athletics (run), the harpoon sniper and pinning shot. They also have a couple of combat talents which apply all the time, the scout sphere and target weakness seem appropriate and useful.

Open hand includes improved unarmed strike (and monk unarmed damage), and they have quick draw with their weapon sets via armiger, precise shot on the harpoon from sniper. Other feats this lupin might get could reasonably be point blank shot and far shot to make full use of rather short range thrown weapons, and two-weapon fighting to make punching more effective. Probably only use both TWF and power attack on an enemy tangled in a net, and/or pinned by a harpoon due to the attack penalties.

Oh yeah, harpoon, net, fists; this is clearly an Old Sea Dog. Knit cap, pipe and nautical jargon optional.

Nice, Avr! Your recommendations are spot on. I'm using the country of Redstone on the Isle of Dawn which is basically Ireland. A little inland, but there's a Marsh nearby.

Here is a link to The Isle of Dawn so that people have a idea of where I'm writing about. The base of operations will be the town of Alexandria.
I will post the races as well as the classes and type of builds soon. Avr,I like how you utilized the Spheres of Might talents. Someone used a shovel as a club with the trap talent. Digging pit traps. Pure genius. The net tricks are very nice and not something I would have thought of. Thank you.

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