DM Azure_Zero |

This game is in response to a GM starting a recruitment and failing to even start the game as they are over due for a decision when they said they'd have one.
So I'm stepping up to the plate and running a game in their stead.
You'll be Required to use a PrC or a Monster Class with this game, and as the Requirements for PrCs have been greatly reduced or removed.
These classes have been ignored for a long time, it is time to put them back into the light for a time.
We'll be running "The Feast of Ravenmoor" or "Fangwood Keep"
The Players will decide which (and one must be selected by each player)
-- Character Creation Rules --
Stats: 20-point Buy (NO stats below 10 or above 16 pre-racial)
Traits: 0 (replaced with Bonus feat for PrC requirements, and will be highlighted/marked as such on the Char sheet)
Classes allowed: Core, APG(Alchemist and Witch only), UC (Ninja Only),
NO Summoner, Gunslinger, Magus, Occult, and Cavalier or Samurai.
Monster classes: Allowed, but see below
Archetypes: NONE
Races Allowed: Core, and Monster Classes(Listed Below).
Alignments: Non-Evil
Spells: Core and APG Only.
Starting Level: 4
Starting Cash: 6,000 gp, BUT no Items can exceed 2000gp, and only one can exceed 2000gp but capped at 2500gp.
Starting HP: MaxHD(1st level) +(1/2 die + 1 + Con) per level.
PF PrCs: Core, APG, Paths of Prestage, and Paths of the Righteous (Note the ones from the Hard cover Books are more preferred)
3.5 PrCs; yes only from; Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Complete Arcane, Complete Adventurer, and FrostBurn
(I don't mind bring some old PrCs back, but ask to confirm they can be used as they'll be upgraded some to PF power levels)
Please put your PrC down so I can print out it's new requirements.
Other 3.X Material: FullBlade, Warfan, Jovar, Mecerial Blades (Greatsword, Bastard, Long)
Is 3PP allowed: No, The Only 3PP allowed is Monster Classes.
Individual or small bundle of Monster classes Linked below.
Monster Classes;
Succubus(redeemed or neutral),
Erinyes(Redeemed or neutral),
Hill Giant (it'll be modified a bit),
Minotaur (or you could re-flavor as Half-Minotaur),
There are a Few other; Fey, Outsiders, and Giants that were in the Public Beta of Monster Classes; Huldra, Nymph, Fire and Frost Giants, and Movanic deva Angel.
Please DO NOT ask for any other monster classes then what is available, as the answer will be NO.
Now I will say this, extreme Power gaming combos and Min/Maxed stats will not win you a spot.
Interesting ideas, like a Ogre rogue Shadow Dancer for example, will likely catch my eye a lot more.
Now for the Odd Rules of it,
Characters who don't use Monster levels must use 2 core/base class levels to help in meeting requires if needed for a PrC,
i.e. if one went for the Spellsword PrC they'd likely need a Level in Fighter and a Level in either Wizard or Sorcerer,
But if they went Shadow Dancer, they don't need any specific class levels and could choose any two levels of any core/base class or Monster Class.
Those with a Monster Class may still Need core/base class levels to Meet their chosen PrC's requirements.
i.e. a Satyr arcane Trickster would still need a Level in Rogue and one in either Wizard or Sorcerer.
Those without Monster Classes need to have min 1 levels in a chosen PrC.
Those with Monster Classes don't Need to take a Class or PrC, until they are out of monster class levels should this game continue.
If the game does continue the Next module will be either;
"Gallery of Evil" or "No Response from Deepmar."

Cuàn |

No following demon lords, they can before they got redeemed, but that is it.
Redeemed will require a good deity.
Nocticula herself actually becomes a CN deity, Nocticula the Redeemer Queen, somewhere between the end of Wrath of the Righteous and the start of PF2's timeline. That's where the comment about where in the timeline this is.

DM Azure_Zero |

DM Azure_Zero wrote:Nocticula herself actually becomes a CN deity, Nocticula the Redeemer Queen, somewhere between the end of Wrath of the Righteous and the start of PF2's timeline. That's where the comment about where in the timeline this is.No following demon lords, they can before they got redeemed, but that is it.
Redeemed will require a good deity.
I'll say No for Now, as I'll be putting it in PF1 time line

DM Azure_Zero |

what would the reduced requirements for the Shadowdancer be?
Also interested in a Mammoth Rider, actually. But I don't know, if the class is very feasible in an urban environment, which I believe your modules mostly are.
Shadow Dancer is now
Feats: Dodge, MobilitySkills: 1 Stealth, 1 Dance (Could be taken as First Level in PrC)
Mammoth Rider would not be a good fit as there are a lot of areas where the big companion wont' be able to go.

DM Azure_Zero |

OK, I think I will go for a Cleric of Desna into Stargazer
Stargazers require worship of Pulura

Ellioti |

I don't think you really want people to play in your game.
yeah, seems so.
He did a prestige class and monster thing before. Skimming through the posts it looks like he's not one to compromise with the players.I do like prestige classes, too, though! But the player interest has been small so far.
And about the stargazer. I actually thought it's a desna PC. And I don't know, why it couldn't be, honestly...

DM Azure_Zero |

With too little interest, I'll just pull the Plug on this.
I follow my OP to the letter, if you want something outside of allowed sources, tinkers/breaks with a rule/require,
ask first or I'll see it as trying to sneak something past me.
Now I will grant that I also thought that stargazer was a Desna PrC like Ellioti, until I double checked it.
Now if I was asked "Could I use Desna for Stargazer even though it requires worship of Pulura?
As Stargazer seems like a Desna PrC."
Then I would of said "Yes, but one domain has to be either Good or Chaos.
As these are the only two Domains they have in common."