Pathfinder-Reign of Winter-pbp (Inactive)

Game Master New England Frost Giant

An earthquake rocks Taldor and its border regions. Can to heroes unearth the secrets behind the breached walls and the Reign of Winter?

Current Characters

Goblin Witch
Alex Mack

(1,958 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Liberty's Edge Dread

(915 posts)
New England Frost Giant

(677 posts)
Red Dragon
GM Dragon

played by New England Frost Giant (582 posts)
Great Mastiff

Outsider Synthesist Eidolon (Biped) 5, HP: (19)24/(40)24, AC 23 /t 13 /f 19, F 6, R 6, W 6/8, Init +2, Darkvision 60', Sp 3/5, 2/3

played by Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal (75 posts)
Setrona Sabinus
Grey, the Lady's dog

'Human Boy'
Perception DC 25:
That's not a boy. It's a Halfling man!
Male Halfling Rogue (Unchained) 8/ Trickster Tier 2 [ HP: 57/65 | AC: 25 T: 21 FF: 16 | F: +4 R: +14 W: +4/+6 | Init: +9 Perc: +14/+18 Trapfinding 10' or less | Effects: Sickened] | Mythic Power 1/7

played by Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal (564 posts)
Hedrick of Whitehaven

AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex) hp 11 (1d8+3) Fort +4, Ref +2, Init +2; Perception +7 Sense motive +8 Spell-craft +5

played by Darren Ehlers (291 posts)
Helgrim Ironstar

barb 5 Init +2; HP 73/73 AC 20/22, t 14/16, ff 18/20 Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +2; +1 vs. charm and fear, +2 vs. poison, spells, spell-like, uncanny dodge, trap sense +1 Perception +9 (+11 stonework) SM+8

played by Darren Ehlers (383 posts)
Kilain Gravendak

Male Dwarven 1st Champion ??/??; Perception+?; AC ??; Fort +??; Reflex+??; Will ??

played by Dread (311 posts)
Villamar Koth
Kjell Carlufsen

Two Handed Fighter/4; AC: 21; HP: 47/47; F: +6, R: +4, W: +1; Init: +3; Perc: +1

played by Filios (542 posts)
Aldern Foxglove
Rickard Zain

Male Human

played by RyckyRych (77 posts)
Ulfen Raider
Thorvald the Black Shield

Male Human, Ulfen Init +3 Senses +10, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 23 vs traps 25, hp 91, Fort +8, Ref +5, +7vs traps, Will +5

played by Darren Ehlers (1,192 posts)
Vitali Lebeda

male Human Bard (Archeologist) 1

played by Alex Mack (63 posts)
Zarrick Deshain

Male Human Adept/2

played by New England Frost Giant (228 posts)

Previous NPCs

The Cinderlander

Craft Weapons +7 Heal +9; Climb +1Sense Motive +12;Arcana +7; ; Nature+6; Religion+6; Perception +11;Engineering +10 ;Survival +10; Spellcraft +11 Stealth +3
Map Link Inquisitor (Witchunter)HP 15/15; AC 18/13/15; CMD 15; Init +7; Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7; Lvl1: 3/3 Bolts 11/15 CI
(750 posts)
White Estrid

female Human Ranger 1
(45 posts)