Bloodrager Build Advice


I am interested in building a Bloodrager that is focused on touch debuff spells. I will be building her/she at level 7 and there are really no restrictions other than race. Most races under 10 or so race points are available.

I was thinking the Enlightened Bloodrager archetype but I was hoping for some help with a solid bloodline that either adds specific touch spells, or more spells overall.

The idea being the first round of combat would be spent getting close and debuffing, and then subsequent rounds would be spent pounding the victim.

Any thoughts?

Krell44 wrote:
I was thinking the Enlightened Bloodrager archetype but I was hoping for some help with a solid bloodline that either adds specific touch spells, or more spells overall.

Your choice of bloodline would not affect your spells known since the Enlightened archetype replaces all bloodline bonus spells.

Enlightened Bloodrager wrote:
This ability alters the bloodrager’s spellcasting, and replaces the bloodline power the bloodrager normally gains at 1st level and all bonus spells gained as part of a bloodline.


The Blood Conduit archetype was made for this concept, and would help out your action economy a lot. It does technically stack with the Enlightened archetype but unless you have a plan to make use of the 0-level spells I don't recommend Enlightened since it completely messes up your bloodline.
An Urban/Blood Conduit combo would take extra spells known from the Magus/Bard list in addition to the bloodline spells, so that's generally a better choice.

How many traits do you start out with, and is it possible to grab another with drawbacks?

Does that provoke A/O's???

We will get two traits, and can take an extra by taking a drawback. However, one of the traits must be related to the campaign. So, either a Race trait or a Region trait.

Lemartes wrote:
Does that provoke A/O's???

Don't think so, no.

Blood Conduit: Spell Conduit wrote:
When he succeeds at a combat maneuver check to bull rush, grapple, pin, reposition, or trip an opponent, or makes an unarmed strike against an enemy, he can as a swift action cast a touch spell on the creature that he affected with the combat maneuver, requiring no further touch attack roll.
Casting Time wrote:
A spell with a casting time of 1 swift action doesn’t count against your normal limit of one spell per round. However, you may cast such a spell only once per round. Casting a spell with a casting time of 1 swift action doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

I'm also quite sure the casting time will always be a swift action even with metamagics applied.


Krell44 wrote:
We will get two traits, and can take an extra by taking a drawback. However, one of the traits must be related to the campaign. So, either a Race trait or a Region trait.

Well alright. Normally the trait related to the campaign is a Campaign Trait, but whatever your GM says, goes.

For a Blood Conduit/Enlightened combo I'd look into stacking Magical Lineage and Wayang Spellhunter on a 0-level spell so you can cast something all day long. Wayang Spellhunter does require you to have grown up in a specific region though, which probably means it's out of your reach.

If you go with Blood Conduit I'd pick up Ascetic Style to swift-action cast spells through a manufactured weapon when you simply want to deal damage instead of relying on combat maneuvers.

Cool. That's what I thought I just wasn't 100% sure. It would be sort of lame if it did. Thanks. :)

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